/** * '$RCSfile$' * Purpose: A class represent a DBConnection pool. Another user can use the * object to initial a connection pool, get db connection or return it. * Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Authors: Jing Tao * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * '$Revision$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database; import java.util.Vector; import java.sql.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.properties.PropertyService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException; /** * A class represent a DBConnection pool. Another user can use the * object to initial a connection pool, get db connection or return it. * This a singleton class, this means only one instance of this class could * be in the program at one time. */ public class DBConnectionPool implements Runnable { //static attributes private static DBConnectionPool instance; private static Vector connectionPool; private static Thread runner; private static int _countOfReachMaximum = 0; private static Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(DBConnectionPool.class); private static int _maxConnNum; private static int _initConnNum; private static int _incrConnNum; private static long _maxAge; private static long _maxConnTime; private static int _maxUsageNum; private static int _connCountWarnLimit; private static String _dbConnRecyclThrd; private static long _cyclTimeDbConn; final static int MAXIMUMCONNECTIONNUMBER; final static int INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER; final static int INCREASECONNECTIONNUMBER; final static long MAXIMUMAGE; final static long MAXIMUMCONNECTIONTIME; final static int MAXIMUMUSAGENUMBER; final static String DBCONNECTIONRECYCLETHREAD ; final static long CYCLETIMEOFDBCONNECTION; static { // int maxConnNum = 0; // int initConnNum = 0; // int incrConnNum = 0; // long maxAge = 0; // long maxConnTime = 0; // int maxUsageNum = 0; // int connCountWarnLevel = 0; // String dbConnRecyclThrd = null; // long cyclTimeDbConn = 0; try { // maximum connection number in the connection pool _maxConnNum = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.maximumConnections")); _initConnNum = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.initialConnections")); _incrConnNum = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.incrementConnections")); _maxAge = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.maximumConnectionAge")); _maxConnTime = Long.parseLong(PropertyService .getProperty("database.maximumConnectionTime")); _maxUsageNum = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.maximumUsageNumber")); _connCountWarnLimit = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.connectionCountWarnLimit")); _dbConnRecyclThrd = PropertyService .getProperty("database.runDBConnectionRecycleThread"); _cyclTimeDbConn = Long.parseLong(PropertyService .getProperty("database.cycleTimeOfDBConnection")); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { System.err.println("Could not get property in static block: " + pnfe.getMessage()); } MAXIMUMCONNECTIONNUMBER = _maxConnNum; INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER = _initConnNum; INCREASECONNECTIONNUMBER = _incrConnNum; MAXIMUMAGE = _maxAge; MAXIMUMCONNECTIONTIME = _maxConnTime; MAXIMUMUSAGENUMBER = _maxUsageNum; DBCONNECTIONRECYCLETHREAD = _dbConnRecyclThrd; CYCLETIMEOFDBCONNECTION = _cyclTimeDbConn; } // the number for trying to check out a connection in the pool in // getDBConnection method final static int LIMIT = 2; final static int FREE = 0; //status of a connection final static int BUSY = 1; //status of a connection /** * Returns the single instance, creating one if it's the * first time this method is called. */ public static synchronized DBConnectionPool getInstance() throws SQLException { if (instance == null) { instance = new DBConnectionPool(); Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DBConnectionPool.class); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - MaximumConnectionNumber: " + MAXIMUMCONNECTIONNUMBER); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - Intial connection number: " + INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - Increated connection Number: " + INCREASECONNECTIONNUMBER); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - Maximum connection age: " + MAXIMUMAGE); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - Maximum connection time: " + MAXIMUMCONNECTIONTIME); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - Maximum usage count: " + MAXIMUMUSAGENUMBER); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - Running recycle thread or not: " + DBCONNECTIONRECYCLETHREAD); log.debug("DBConnectionPool.getInstance - Cycle time of recycle: " + CYCLETIMEOFDBCONNECTION); } return instance; } /** * This is a private constructor since it is singleton */ private DBConnectionPool() throws SQLException { connectionPool = new Vector(); initialDBConnectionPool(); //running the thread to recycle DBConnection if (DBCONNECTIONRECYCLETHREAD.equals("on")) { runner = new Thread(this); runner.start(); } }//DBConnection /** * Method to get the size of DBConnectionPool */ public int getSizeOfDBConnectionPool() { return connectionPool.size(); } /** * Method to initial a pool of DBConnection objects */ private void initialDBConnectionPool() throws SQLException { DBConnection dbConn = null; for ( int i = 0; i < INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER; i++ ) { //create a new object of DBConnection //this DBConnection object has a new connection in it //it automatically generate the createtime and tag dbConn = new DBConnection(); //put DBConnection into vetor connectionPool.add(dbConn); } }//initialDBConnectionPool /** * Method to get Connection object (Not DBConnection) */ /*public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { DBConnection dbConn = null; //get a DBConnection dbConn = getDBConnection(); //get connection object in DBConnection object //The following getConnections method is in DBConnection class return dbConn.getConnections(); }*/ /** * Method to get a DBConnection in connection pool * 1) try to get a DBConnection from DBConnection pool * 2) if 1) failed, then check the size of pool. If the size reach the * maximum number of connection, throw a exception: couldn't get one * 3) If the size is less than the maximum number of connectio, create some * new connections and recursive get one * @param methodName, the name of method which will check connection out */ public static synchronized DBConnection getDBConnection(String methodName) throws SQLException { if (instance == null) { instance = DBConnectionPool.getInstance(); } DBConnection db = null; int random = 0; //random number int index = 0; //index int size = 0; //size of connection pool // logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection - Trying to check out connection..."); size = connectionPool.size(); // logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection - size of connection pool: " + size); //try every DBConnection in the pool //every DBConnection will be try LIMITE times for (int j=0 ; j= 10) { _countOfReachMaximum =0; logMetacat.fatal("finally could not get dbconnection"); return null; } else { //if couldn't get a connection, sleep 20 seconds and try again. try { logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection - sleep 5000ms, could not get dbconnection"); Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection - General exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } }//else //recursive to get new connection return getDBConnection(methodName); }//getDBConnection /** * Method to check if a db connection works fine or not * Check points include: * 1. check the usageCount if it is too many * 2. check the dbconne age if it is too old * 3. check the connection time if it is too long * 4. run simple sql query * * @param dbConn, the DBConnection object need to check */ private static boolean validateDBConnection (DBConnection dbConn) { //Check if the DBConnection usageCount if it is too many if (dbConn.getUsageCount() >= MAXIMUMUSAGENUMBER ) { logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.validateDBConnection - Connection usageCount is too high: "+ dbConn.getUsageCount()); return false; } //Check if the DBConnection has too much connection time if (dbConn.getConnectionTime() >= MAXIMUMCONNECTIONTIME) { logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.validateDBConnection - Connection has too much connection time: " + dbConn.getConnectionTime()); return false; } //Check if the DBConnection is too old if (dbConn.getAge() >=MAXIMUMAGE) { logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.validateDBConnection - Connection is too old: " + dbConn.getAge()); return false; } //Try to run a simple query try { long startTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); DatabaseMetaData metaData = dbConn.getMetaData(); long stopTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); //increase one usagecount dbConn.increaseUsageCount(1); //increase connection time dbConn.setConnectionTime(stopTime-startTime); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("DBConnectionPool.validateDBConnection - General error:" + e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; }//validateDBConnection() /** * Method to return a connection to DBConnection pool. * @param conn, the Connection object need to check in */ public static synchronized void returnDBConnection(DBConnection conn, int serialNumber) { int index = -1; DBConnection dbConn = null; index = getIndexOfPoolForConnection(conn); if ( index ==-1 ) { // logMetacat.info("DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection - Couldn't find a DBConnection in the pool" + // " which have same tag to the returned DBConnetion object"); return; }//if else { //check the parameter - serialNumber which will be keep in calling method //if it is as same as the object's checkout serial number. //if it is same return it. If it is not same, maybe the connection already // was returned earlier. // logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection - serial number in Connection: " + // conn.getCheckOutSerialNumber()); // logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection - serial number in local: " + serialNumber); if (conn.getCheckOutSerialNumber() == serialNumber) { dbConn = (DBConnection) connectionPool.elementAt(index); //set status to free dbConn.setStatus(FREE); //count connection time dbConn.setConnectionTime (System.currentTimeMillis()-dbConn.getCheckOutTime()); //set check out time to 0 dbConn.setCheckOutTime(0); // logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection - Connection: " + // dbConn.getTag() + " checked in."); // logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection - Connection: " + // dbConn.getTag() + "'s status: " + dbConn.getStatus()); }//if else { // logMetacat.info("DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection - This DBConnection couldn't return" + // dbConn.getTag()); }//else }//else }//returnConnection /** * Given a returned DBConnection, try to find the index of DBConnection object * in dbConnection pool by comparing DBConnection' tag and conn.toString. * If couldn't find , -1 will be returned. * @param conn, the connection need to be found */ private static synchronized int getIndexOfPoolForConnection(DBConnection conn) { int index = -1; String info = null; //if conn is null return -1 too if (conn==null) { return -1; } //get tag of this returned DBConnection info = conn.getTag(); //if the tag is null or empty, -1 will be returned if (info==null || info.equals("")) { return index; } //compare this info to the tag of every DBConnection in the pool for ( int i=0; i< connectionPool.size(); i++) { DBConnection dbConn = (DBConnection) connectionPool.elementAt(i); if (info.equals(dbConn.getTag())) { index = i; break; }//if }//for return index; }//getIndexOfPoolForConnection /** * Method to shut down all connections */ public static void release() { //shut down the background recycle thread if (DBCONNECTIONRECYCLETHREAD.equals("on")) { runner.interrupt(); } //close every dbconnection in the pool synchronized(connectionPool) { for (int i=0;i=30000) { logMetacat.fatal("DBConnectionPool.run - This DBConnection is checked out for: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-dbConn.getCheckOutTime())/1000 + " secs"); logMetacat.fatal("DBConnectionPool.run - " + dbConn.getTag()); logMetacat.error("DBConnectionPool.run - method: " + dbConn.getCheckOutMethodName()); } //check the validation of free connection in the pool if (dbConn.getStatus() == FREE) { try { //try to print out the warning message for every connection if (dbConn.getWarningMessage()!=null) { logMetacat.warn("DBConnectionPool.run - Warning for connection " + dbConn.getTag() + " : " + dbConn.getWarningMessage()); } logMetacat.info("Checking if the db connection " + dbConn.toString() + " is valid according to metacat.properties parameters."); System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Checking if the db connection " + dbConn.toString() + " is valid according to metacat.properties parameters."); //check if it is valiate, if not create new one and replace old one if (!validateDBConnection(dbConn)) { System.out.println("DB connection is not valid! Releasing it."); logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.run - Recyle: " + dbConn.getTag()); //close this DBConnection dbConn.close(); //remove it form connection pool connectionPool.remove(i); //insert a new DBConnection to same palace dbConn = new DBConnection(); connectionPool.insertElementAt(dbConn, i); System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@db connection released: " + dbConn.toString()); }//if }//try catch (SQLException e) { logMetacat.error("DBConnectionPool.run - SQL error: " + e.getMessage()); }//catch System.out.println("number of connections in pool: " + connectionPool.size()); System.out.println("connection pool capacity: " + connectionPool.capacity()); }//if }//for }//synchronize //Thread sleep try { Thread.sleep(CYCLETIMEOFDBCONNECTION); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("DBConnectionPool.run - General error: " + e.getMessage()); } }//while }//run /** * Method to get the number of free DBConnection in DBConnection pool */ private static synchronized int getFreeDBConnectionNumber() { int numberOfFreeDBConnetion = 0; //return number DBConnection db = null; //single DBconnection int poolSize = 0; //size of connection pool //get the size of DBConnection pool poolSize = connectionPool.size(); //Check every DBConnection in the pool for ( int i=0; i _connCountWarnLimit; String warnMessage = ""; // Check every DBConnection in the pool for (DBConnection dbConnection : connectionPool) { // check the status of db. If it is busy, add it to the message if (dbConnection.getStatus() == BUSY) { if (showCountWarning) { warnMessage += "\n --- Method: " + dbConnection.getCheckOutMethodName() + " is using: " + dbConnection.getTag() + " for " + dbConnection.getAge() + " ms "; } if (dbConnection.getConnectionTime() > _maxConnTime) { logMetacat.warn("DBConnectionPool.printBusyDBConnections - Excessive connection time, method: " + dbConnection.getCheckOutMethodName() + " is using: " + dbConnection.getTag() + " for " + dbConnection.getConnectionTime() + " ms "); } }// if }// for if (showCountWarning) { logMetacat.warn("DBConnectionPool.printBusyDBConnections - " + usedConnectionCount + " DB connections currently busy because: " + warnMessage); } } /** * Method to decrease dbconnection pool size when all dbconnections are idle * If all connections are free and connection pool size greater than initial * value, shrink connection pool size to initial value */ public static synchronized boolean shrinkConnectionPoolSize() { int connectionPoolSize = 0; //store the number of dbconnection pool size int freeConnectionSize = 0; //store the number of free dbconnection in pool int difference = 0; // store the difference number between connection size // and free connection boolean hasException = false; //to check if has a exception happened boolean result = false; //result DBConnection conn = null; // the dbconnection connectionPoolSize = connectionPool.size(); freeConnectionSize = getFreeDBConnectionNumber(); difference = connectionPoolSize - freeConnectionSize; if(freeConnectionSize < connectionPoolSize){ logMetacat.info("DBConnectionPool.shrinkConnectionPoolSize - " + difference + " connection(s) " + "being used and connection pool size is " + connectionPoolSize); } else { logMetacat.info("DBConnectionPool.shrinkConnectionPoolSize - Connection pool size: " + connectionPoolSize); logMetacat.info("DBConnectionPool.shrinkConnectionPoolSize - Free Connection number: " + freeConnectionSize); } //If all connections are free and connection pool size greater than //initial value, shrink connection pool size to intital value if (difference == 0 && connectionPoolSize > INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER) { //db connection having index from to connectionpoolsize -1 //intialConnectionnumber should be close and remove from pool for ( int i=connectionPoolSize-1; i >= INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER ; i--) { //get the dbconnection from pool conn = (DBConnection) connectionPool.elementAt(i); try { //close conn conn.close(); }//try catch (SQLException e) { // set hadException true hasException = true; logMetacat.error("DBConnectionPool.shrinkConnectionPoolSize - SQL Exception: " + e.getMessage()); }//catch //remove it from pool connectionPool.remove(i); // because enter the loop, set result true result = true; }//for }//if //if hasException is true ( there at least once exception happend) // the result should be false if (hasException) { result =false; }//if // return result return result; }//shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize /** * Method to decrease dbconnection pool size when all dbconnections are idle * If all connections are free and connection pool size greater than * initial value, shrink connection pool size to intital value */ public static synchronized void shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize() { int connectionPoolSize = 0; //store the number of dbconnection pool size int freeConnectionSize = 0; //store the number of free dbconnection in pool int usedConnectionCount = 0; // store the difference number between connection size // and free connection DBConnection conn = null; // the dbconnection connectionPoolSize = connectionPool.size(); freeConnectionSize = getFreeDBConnectionNumber(); usedConnectionCount = connectionPoolSize - freeConnectionSize; printBusyDBConnections(usedConnectionCount); if(freeConnectionSize < connectionPoolSize){ logMetacat.info("DBConnectionPool.shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize - " + usedConnectionCount + " connection(s) " + "being used and connection pool size is " + connectionPoolSize); } else { logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize - " + "Connection pool size: " + connectionPoolSize); logMetacat.debug("DBConnectionPool.shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize - " + "Free Connection number: " + freeConnectionSize); } //If all connections are free and connection pool size greater than //initial value, shrink connection pool size to intital value if (usedConnectionCount == 0 && connectionPoolSize > INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER) { //db connection having index from to connectionpoolsize -1 //intialConnectionnumber should be close and remove from pool for ( int i=connectionPoolSize-1; i >= INITIALCONNECTIONNUMBER ; i--) { //get the dbconnection from pool conn = (DBConnection) connectionPool.elementAt(i); //make sure again the DBConnection status is free if (conn.getStatus()==FREE) { try { //close conn conn.close(); }//try catch (SQLException e) { logMetacat.error("DBConnectionPool.shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize - SQL error: " + e.getMessage()); }//catch //remove it from pool connectionPool.remove(i); }//if }//for }//if }//shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize }//DBConnectionPool