/** * '$RCSfile$' * Purpose: A Class that represents a structured query, and can be * constructed from an XML serialization conforming to * pathquery.dtd. The printSQL() method can be used to print * a SQL serialization of the query. * Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Authors: Matt Jones * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * '$Revision$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.MetacatUtilException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.SystemUtil; /** a utility class that represents a single term in a query */ public class QueryTerm { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(QueryTerm.class); private boolean casesensitive = false; private String searchmode = null; private String value = null; private String pathexpr = null; private boolean percentageSymbol = false; private int countPercentageSearchItem = 0; private boolean inUnionGroup = false; public static final String CONTAINS = "contains"; public static final String EQUALS = "equals"; /** * Construct a new instance of a query term for a free text search (using * the value only) * * @param casesensitive * flag indicating whether case is used to match * @param searchmode * determines what kind of substring match is performed (one of * starts-with|ends-with|contains|matches-exactly) * @param value * the text value to match */ public QueryTerm(boolean casesensitive, String searchmode, String value) { this.casesensitive = casesensitive; this.searchmode = searchmode; this.value = value; } /** * Construct a new instance of a query term for a structured search * (matching the value only for those nodes in the pathexpr) * * @param casesensitive * flag indicating whether case is used to match * @param searchmode * determines what kind of substring match is performed (one of * starts-with|ends-with|contains|matches-exactly) * @param value * the text value to match * @param pathexpr * the hierarchical path to the nodes to be searched */ public QueryTerm(boolean casesensitive, String searchmode, String value, String pathexpr) { this(casesensitive, searchmode, value); this.pathexpr = pathexpr; } /** determine if the QueryTerm is case sensitive */ public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return casesensitive; } /** get the searchmode parameter */ public String getSearchMode() { return searchmode; } /** get the Value parameter */ public String getValue() { return value; } /** get the path expression parameter */ public String getPathExpression() { return pathexpr; } /** get the percentage count for one query term */ public int getPercentageSymbolCount() { return countPercentageSearchItem; } /** * Set the query term in a union group * @param inUnionGroup */ public void setInUnionGroup (boolean inUnionGroup) { this.inUnionGroup = inUnionGroup; } /** * If this query group in Union group * @return */ public boolean isInUnionGroup() { return this.inUnionGroup; } public String printSearchExprSQL(List parameterValues) { // Uppercase the search string if case match is not important String casevalue = null; String nodedataterm = null; boolean notEqual = false; if (casesensitive) { nodedataterm = "nodedata"; casevalue = value; } else { nodedataterm = "UPPER(nodedata)"; casevalue = value.toUpperCase(); } // Add appropriate wildcards to search string String searchexpr = null; if (searchmode.equals("starts-with")) { searchexpr = nodedataterm + " LIKE ? "; parameterValues.add(casevalue + "%"); } else if (searchmode.equals("ends-with")) { searchexpr = nodedataterm + " LIKE ? "; parameterValues.add("%" + casevalue + "%"); } else if (searchmode.equals("contains")) { if (!casevalue.equals("%")) { searchexpr = nodedataterm + " LIKE ? "; parameterValues.add("%" + casevalue + "%"); } else { searchexpr = nodedataterm + " LIKE ? "; parameterValues.add(casevalue); // find percentage symbol percentageSymbol = true; } } else if (searchmode.equals("not-contains")) { notEqual = true; searchexpr = nodedataterm + " LIKE ? "; parameterValues.add("%" + casevalue + "%"); } else if (searchmode.equals("equals")) { searchexpr = nodedataterm + " = ? "; parameterValues.add(casevalue); } else if (searchmode.equals("isnot-equal")) { notEqual = true; searchexpr = nodedataterm + " = ? "; parameterValues.add(casevalue); } else { String oper = null; if (searchmode.equals("greater-than")) { oper = ">"; nodedataterm = "nodedatanumerical"; } else if (searchmode.equals("greater-than-equals")) { oper = ">="; nodedataterm = "nodedatanumerical"; } else if (searchmode.equals("less-than")) { oper = "<"; nodedataterm = "nodedatanumerical"; } else if (searchmode.equals("less-than-equals")) { oper = "<="; nodedataterm = "nodedatanumerical"; } else { System.out .println("NOT expected case. NOT recognized operator: " + searchmode); return null; } try { // it is number; numeric comparison Double doubleVal = new Double(casevalue); searchexpr = nodedataterm + " " + oper + " ? "; parameterValues.add(doubleVal); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // is it a date? try { // try ISO 8601 formats Calendar dataDateValue = DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(casevalue); //String lexicalString = DatatypeConverter.printDateTime(dataDateValue); nodedataterm = "nodedatadate"; searchexpr = nodedataterm + " " + oper + " ? "; parameterValues.add(dataDateValue.getTime()); } catch (Exception pe) { // these are characters; character comparison searchexpr = nodedataterm + " " + oper + " ? "; parameterValues.add(casevalue); } } } return searchexpr; } public boolean isNotEqualTerm() { boolean notEqual = false; if (searchmode.equals("not-contains")) { notEqual = true; } else if (searchmode.equals("isnot-equal")) { notEqual = true; } return notEqual; } /** * create a SQL serialization of the query that this instance represents */ public String printSQL(boolean useXMLIndex, List parameterValues) { StringBuffer self = new StringBuffer(); // does it contain a not equals? boolean notEqual = isNotEqualTerm(); // keep track of parameter values List searchValues = new ArrayList(); // get the general search expression String searchexpr = printSearchExprSQL(searchValues); // add our parameter values parameterValues.addAll(searchValues); // to check xml_path_index can be used boolean usePathIndex = false; // if pathexpr has been specified in metacat.properties for indexing if(pathexpr != null){ try { if (SystemUtil.getPathsForIndexing().contains(pathexpr)) { usePathIndex = true; } } catch (MetacatUtilException ue) { log.warn("Could not get index paths: " + ue.getMessage()); } } if(usePathIndex){ // using xml_path_index table..... if(notEqual == true ){ if (!inUnionGroup) { self.append("SELECT DISTINCT docid from xml_path_index WHERE"); self.append(" docid NOT IN (Select docid FROM xml_path_index WHERE "); self.append(searchexpr); self.append("AND path LIKE ? ) "); parameterValues.add(pathexpr); } else { //if this is in union group we need to use "OR" to modify query self.append("("+searchexpr); self.append("AND path LIKE ?) "); parameterValues.add(pathexpr); } } else { if (!inUnionGroup) { self.append("SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_path_index WHERE "); self.append(searchexpr); self.append("AND path LIKE ? "); parameterValues.add(pathexpr); } else { //if this is in union group we need to use "OR" to modify query self.append("("+searchexpr); self.append("AND path LIKE ?) "); parameterValues.add(pathexpr); } } } else { // using xml_nodes and xml_index tables if(notEqual == true){ self.append("SELECT DISTINCT docid from xml_nodes WHERE"); self.append(" docid NOT IN (Select docid FROM xml_nodes WHERE "); } else { self.append("(SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_nodes WHERE "); } self.append(searchexpr); if (pathexpr != null) { String path = pathexpr; // use XML Index if (useXMLIndex) { if (!hasAttributeInPath(pathexpr)) { // without attributes in path self.append("AND parentnodeid IN "); self.append( "(SELECT nodeid FROM xml_index WHERE path LIKE ?) "); parameterValues.add(path); } else { // has a attribute in path String attributeName = QuerySpecification .getAttributeName(pathexpr); self.append( "AND nodetype LIKE 'ATTRIBUTE' AND nodename LIKE ? "); parameterValues.add(attributeName); // and the path expression includes element content other than // just './' or '../' if ( (!pathexpr.startsWith(QuerySpecification. ATTRIBUTESYMBOL)) && (!pathexpr.startsWith("./" + QuerySpecification.ATTRIBUTESYMBOL)) && (!pathexpr.startsWith("../" + QuerySpecification.ATTRIBUTESYMBOL))) { self.append("AND parentnodeid IN "); path = QuerySpecification .newPathExpressionWithOutAttribute(pathexpr); self.append( "(SELECT nodeid FROM xml_index WHERE path LIKE ?) "); parameterValues.add(path); } } } else { // without using XML Index; using nested statements instead // keep track of the values we add as prepared statement question marks (?) List nestedParameterValues = new ArrayList(); //self.append("AND parentnodeid IN "); self.append("AND "); String nested = useNestedStatements(pathexpr, nestedParameterValues); self.append(nested); // include them parameterValues.addAll(nestedParameterValues); } } else if ( (value.trim()).equals("%")) { //if pathexpr is null and search value is %, is a // percentageSearchItem // the count number will be increase one countPercentageSearchItem++; } self.append(") "); } return self.toString(); } /** A method to judge if a path have attribute */ private boolean hasAttributeInPath(String path) { if (path.indexOf(QuerySpecification.ATTRIBUTESYMBOL) != -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static String useNestedStatements(String pathexpr, List parameterValues) { log.info("useNestedStatements()"); log.info("pathexpr: " + pathexpr); String elementPrefix = " parentnodeid IN "; String attributePrefix = " nodeid IN "; boolean lastOneIsAttribute = false; StringBuffer nestedStmts = new StringBuffer(); String path = pathexpr.trim(); String sql = ""; if (path.indexOf('/') == 0) { nestedStmts.append("AND parentnodeid = rootnodeid "); path = path.substring(1).trim(); } do { int inx = path.indexOf('/'); int predicateStart = -1; int predicateEnd; String node; Vector predicates = new Vector(); // extract predicates predicateStart = path.indexOf(QuerySpecification.PREDICATE_START, predicateStart + 1); // any predicates in this node? if (inx != -1 && (predicateStart == -1 || predicateStart > inx)) { // no node = path.substring(0, inx).trim(); path = path.substring(inx + 1).trim(); } else if (predicateStart == -1) { // no and it's the last node node = path; if (node != null && node.indexOf(QuerySpecification.ATTRIBUTESYMBOL) != -1) { lastOneIsAttribute = true; node = removeAttributeSymbol(node); } path = ""; } else { // yes node = path.substring(0, predicateStart).trim(); path = path.substring(predicateStart); predicateStart = 0; while (predicateStart == 0) { predicateEnd = path.indexOf(QuerySpecification.PREDICATE_END, predicateStart); if (predicateEnd == -1) { log.warn("useNestedStatements(): "); log.warn(" Invalid path: " + pathexpr); return ""; } predicates.add(path.substring(1, predicateEnd).trim()); path = path.substring(predicateEnd + 1).trim(); inx = path.indexOf('/'); predicateStart = path.indexOf(QuerySpecification.PREDICATE_START); } if (inx == 0) path = path.substring(1).trim(); else if (!path.equals("")) { log.warn("useNestedStatements(): "); log.warn(" Invalid path: " + pathexpr); return ""; } } nestedStmts.insert(0, "(SELECT nodeid FROM xml_nodes WHERE nodename LIKE ? "); parameterValues.add(0, node); // for the last statement: it is without " AND parentnodeid IN " if (!path.equals("")) { nestedStmts.insert(0, "AND parentnodeid IN "); } if (predicates.size() > 0) { for (int n = 0; n < predicates.size(); n++) { // keep track of the values we add as prepared statement question marks (?) List predicateParameterValues = new ArrayList(); String predSQL = predicate2SQL(predicates.get(n), predicateParameterValues); if (predSQL.equals("")) { return ""; } // include the values parameterValues.addAll(predicateParameterValues); // include the sql nestedStmts.append(predSQL).append(' '); } } nestedStmts.append(") "); } while (!path.equals("")); if (lastOneIsAttribute) { sql = attributePrefix+nestedStmts.toString(); } else { sql = elementPrefix+nestedStmts.toString(); } return sql; } /* * Removes @ symbol from path. For example, if path is @entity, entity will be returned. * If path is entity, entity will be returned. */ private static String removeAttributeSymbol(String path) { String newPath =""; log.debug("Original string before removing @ is " + path); if (path != null) { int attribute = path.indexOf(QuerySpecification.ATTRIBUTESYMBOL); if (attribute != -1) { // has attribute symbol. Reomve it and return the remained part. try { newPath = path.substring(attribute + 1).trim(); } catch (Exception e) { newPath = path; } } else { // doesn't have attribute symbol. Return original string newPath = path; } } else { // if is null, return null; newPath = path; } log.debug("String after removing @ is " + newPath); return newPath; } /** * */ public static String predicate2SQL(String predicate, List predicateParameterValues) { String path = predicate.trim(); int equals = path.indexOf('='); String literal = null; if (equals != -1) { literal = path.substring(equals + 1).trim(); path = path.substring(0, equals).trim(); int sQuote = literal.indexOf('\''); int dQuote = literal.indexOf('"'); if (sQuote == -1 && dQuote == -1) { log.warn("predicate2SQL(): "); log.warn(" 1 Invalid or unsupported predicate: " + predicate); return ""; } if (sQuote == -1 && (dQuote != 0 || literal.indexOf('"', dQuote + 1) != literal.length() - 1)) { log.warn("predicate2SQL(): "); log.warn(" 2 Invalid or unsupported predicate: " + predicate); return ""; } if (sQuote != 0 || literal.indexOf('\'', sQuote + 1) != literal.length() - 1) { log.warn("predicate2SQL(): "); log.warn(" 3 Invalid or unsupported predicate: " + predicate); return ""; } } StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); int attribute = path.indexOf('@'); if (attribute == -1) { if (literal != null) { sql.append("AND nodeid IN (SELECT parentnodeid FROM xml_nodes WHERE nodetype = 'TEXT' AND nodedata LIKE ") .append("?").append(")"); // remove single or double quotes literal = literal.substring(1, literal.length() - 1); // add to vlaues list predicateParameterValues.add(literal); } } else { sql.append( "AND nodeid IN (SELECT parentnodeid FROM xml_nodes WHERE nodetype = 'ATTRIBUTE' AND nodename LIKE ? "); // add to values predicateParameterValues.add(path.substring(attribute + 1).trim()); if (literal != null) { sql.append("AND nodedata LIKE ? "); // remove single or double quotes literal = literal.substring(1, literal.length() - 1); // add to values list predicateParameterValues.add(literal); } sql.append(")"); path = path.substring(0, attribute).trim(); if (path.endsWith("/")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1).trim(); else { if (!path.equals("")) { log.warn("predicate2SQL(): "); log.warn(" Invalid or unsupported predicate: " + predicate); return ""; } } } while (!path.equals("")) { int ndx = path.lastIndexOf('/'); int predicateEnd = -1; int predicateStart; String node; if (ndx != -1) { node = path.substring(ndx + 1).trim(); path = path.substring(0, ndx).trim(); } else { node = path; path = ""; } if (!node.equals("")) { sql.insert(0, "(SELECT parentnodeid FROM xml_nodes WHERE nodename LIKE ? ) "); predicateParameterValues.add(0, node); } else if (!path.equals("")) { log.warn("predicate2SQL(): "); log.warn(" Invalid or unsupported predicate: " + predicate); return ""; } if (path.equals("")) { sql.insert(0, node.equals("") ? "AND rootnodeid IN " : "AND nodeid IN "); } else { sql.append("AND nodeid IN "); } } return sql.toString(); } /** * Show a string representation of the query * @deprecated This should not be used for performing the query * because the parameter values are not bound in the raw SQL */ public String toString() { // keep track of the values we add as prepared statement question marks (?) List parameterValues = new ArrayList(); return this.printSQL(true, parameterValues); } /** * Compare two query terms to see if they have same search value. * @param term * @return */ public boolean hasSameSearchValue(QueryTerm term) { boolean same = false; if (term != null) { String searchValue = term.getValue(); if (searchValue != null && this.value != null) { if (searchValue.equalsIgnoreCase(this.value)) { if (this.getSearchMode().equals(term.getSearchMode())) { same = true; } } } } return same; } }