#!/bin/bash #This file will check if shape files exist or not. #If one is deleted and a email will be sent to tao with the tomcat log. #Note: if file eml_message already exists in current dir, email wouldn't send again. #This setting will make sure only one email will sent. Otherwise, my email account will be over quota. target_file1=/var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/data/metacat_shps/data_points.dbf target_file2=/var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/data/metacat_shps/data_points.shp target_file3=/var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/data/metacat_shps/data_points.shx target_file4=/var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/data/metacat_shps/data_bounds.dbf target_file5=/var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/data/metacat_shps/data_bounds.shp target_file6=/var/www/org.ecoinformatics.knb/knb/data/metacat_shps/data_bounds.shx log_file=/var/log/tomcat/catalina.out sender_email_address=knb_tomcat@ecoinformatics.org receiver_email_address=tao@nceas.ucsb.edu tmp=/root/email_message if [ ! -e $target_file1 -o ! -e $target_file2 -o ! -e $target_file3 -o ! -e $target_file4 -o ! -e $target_file5 -o ! -e $target_file6 ] then if [ ! -e $tmp ] then touch $tmp && chmod 600 $tmp echo -e "subject: Shape file was deleted at `date`\n" > $tmp echo -e "\n log file info: " >> $tmp echo -e "\n `tail -300 $log_file`" >> $tmp /usr/sbin/sendmail -f $sender_email_address $receiver_email_address < $tmp fi fi