'$RCSfile: eml-attribute.xsd,v $' Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis For Details: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/ '$Author: jones $' '$Date: 2001-07-31 16:24:37 $' '$Revision: 1.17 $' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA eml-attribute The EML Attribute Module describes all attributes (variables) in a data entity (e.g., data table). The description includes the name and definition of each attribute, its type, its allowable range (if numeric), definitions of coded values, and other pertinent information. Attribute descriptors Container of attribute descriptors of all attributes in a dataset. Eml-attribute element represents a list of all attributes in a dataset. The eml-attribute was introduced into EML 1.4 as eml-variable. Unique identifier The unique identifier of this metadata file or object. The identifier field provides a unique identifier for this metadata documentation. It will most likely be part of a sequence of numbers or letters that are meaningful in a larger context, such as a metadata catalog. That larger system can be identified in the "system" attribute. Multiple identifiers can be listed corresponding to different catalog systems. nceas.3.2]]> The 'identifier' field is derived from the eml-dataset meta_file_id filed in EML 1.4. Catalog system The catalog system in which this identifier is used. This element gives the name of the catalog system in which this identifier is used. It is useful to determine the scope of the identifier, and to determine the semantics of the various subparts of the identifier. Unresolved issue: can or should this be a URI/URL pointing to the catalog system, or just the name? nceas.3.2]]> New to EML 2.0. Attribute descriptor Descriptor of an attribute in the dataset. Attribute element is a descriptor of an attribute in the data file identified by its name. The attribute element can contain information about the attribute's definition, format, storage type and data range, or missing value. The attribute element was introduced into EML 1.4 as variable. Attribute name Attribute name for identification This element specifies name of the attribute (field) in the dataset. This information is typically used as a column header for the field/variable in a spreadsheet. The attributeName was introduced into EML 1.4. Attribute label Label used to display this attribute A short label used to displayt this attribute. This is needed because attribute names are often shortened to 8 characters or less to deal with analysis systems, and so the label is provided as a more understandable representation of the attribute. "Species Density" is a label for attribute "spden" Introduced in EML 2.0 Attribute definition Precise definition of attribute in the dataset This element gives a precise definition of attribute in the dataset. It explains the contents of the attribute fully and possibly provides pointers to the methods used to generate the attribute data. The attributeDefinition was introduced into EML 1.4. Unit of measurement Unit of measurement for data in the field This element specifies unit of measurement for data in the field. The unit was introduced into EML 1.4. Data type Description of data type for this field This element describes the data type for data in the field like: integer, floating point, character, string. integer, floating point, character, string From storageType, introduced in EML 1.4. Code definition Description of any codes associated with the attribute This element describes a code associated with the attribute. The codeDefinition was introduced into EML 1.4. Code Code associated with the attribute This element specifies a code associated with the attribute. The code element was introduced into EML 1.4. Code definition Description of the code associated with the attribute This element describes the code associated with the attribute. The definition element is from EML 1.4. Source of code The name of the source for this code and its definition The name of the source from which this code and its associated definition are drawn. This is commonly used for identifying standard coding systems, like the FIPS standard for postal abbreviations for states in the US. ISO country codes Introduced in EML 2.0 Numeric range Numeric range of attribute This element specifies the minimum and maximum value range of numeric attribute. The numericRange was introduced into EML 1.4. Minimum numeric range Minimum numeric range of attribute This element specifies the minimum value range of numeric attribute. The minimum element was introduced into EML 1.4. Maximum numeric range Maximum numeric range of attribute This element specifies the maximum value range of numeric attribute. The maximum element was introduced into EML 1.4. Character for missing value Character for missing value in the data of the field This element is to specify missing value in the data of the field. The missingValueCode was introduced into EML 1.4. Precision Number of significat digits after the floating point. If data of that field are of floating point storage type this element specifies the number of significat digits after the floating point. any integer number The precision element was introduced into EML 1.4.