/** * '$RCSfile$' * Copyright: 2006 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * '$Revision$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat; import java.io.File; import java.util.Hashtable; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.properties.PropertyService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.ServiceException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.FileUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException; /** * Generate a pathquery document representing a metacat query for a list of * document IDs. */ public class DocumentIdQuery { /** * Create an squery parameters table using an already-initialized hashtable * * @param docidList * an array of document identifiers to search for * @param params * the hashtable to add the query parameters to. * */ public static Hashtable createDocidQueryParams(String[] docidList, Hashtable params) { params = getDefaultQueryParams(); if (docidList != null) { params.put("/eml/@packageId", docidList); } return params; } /** * Create an squery using some preset values for the query parameters, only * passing in the document ids to be searched. * * @param docidList * an array of document identifiers to search for */ public static String createDocidQuery(String[] docidList) throws PropertyNotFoundException { String pathQuery = ""; Hashtable params = getDefaultQueryParams(); if (docidList != null) { params.put("/eml/@packageId", docidList); } pathQuery = DBQuery.createSQuery(params); return pathQuery; } /** * Create a paramter list containing default parameters for a query * * @return Hashtable containing the default parameters */ public static Hashtable getDefaultQueryParams() { Hashtable params = new Hashtable(); String[] operator = new String[1]; operator[0] = "UNION"; params.put("operator", operator); String[] doctypes = new String[7]; doctypes[0] = "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.0.1"; doctypes[1] = "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.0.0"; doctypes[2] = "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.0"; doctypes[3] = "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.1"; doctypes[4] = "-//ecoinformatics.org//eml-dataset-2.0.0beta6//EN"; doctypes[5] = "-//ecoinformatics.org//eml-dataset-2.0.0beta4//EN"; doctypes[6] = "metadata"; params.put("returndoctype", doctypes); String[] fields = new String[12]; fields[0] = "originator/individualName/surName"; fields[1] = "originator/individualName/givenName"; fields[2] = "creator/individualName/surName"; fields[3] = "creator/individualName/givenName"; fields[4] = "originator/organizationName"; fields[5] = "creator/organizationName"; fields[6] = "dataset/title"; fields[7] = "keyword"; fields[8] = "idinfo/citation/citeinfo/title"; fields[9] = "idinfo/citation/citeinfo/origin"; fields[10] = "idinfo/keywords/theme/themekey"; fields[11] = "dataset/pubDate"; params.put("returnfield", fields); return params; } /** * Main method used for testing the class output * * @param args * no arguments used in this main method */ public static void main(String[] args) { String CONFIG_DIR = "lib"; File dirPath = new File(CONFIG_DIR); try { PropertyService.getInstance(dirPath.getPath() + FileUtil.getFS() + "metacat.properties"); } catch (ServiceException ioe) { System.err.println("Error in loading properties: " + ioe.getMessage()); } String[] ids = new String[3]; ids[0] = "ces_dataset.23.1"; ids[1] = "knb-lter-vcr.97.1"; ids[2] = "obfs.400.1"; String pathquery = null; try { pathquery = createDocidQuery(ids); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { System.out.println("Could not create doc id query: " + pnfe.getMessage()); } System.out.println(pathquery); } }