About Ecogrid registry service ============================== The ecogrid registry provides a place for users to store information for any service upon which users want to open to public. Once a registry is created within Ecogrid's registry repository, any user can get the service information by ecogrid's query operations within registry service. Currently Ecogrid registry service is implemented using Metacat system as a data repository. Therefore, user needs to have a valid session ID for various registry operation except the 'get all registries' and 'query' operations. A valid session ID can be obtained by calling eocgrid's authentication service for Metacat. Please check out 'Mecata.readme.txt' for this info. Operations in Ecogrid Registry Service ======================================= The ecogrid registry service provide the following operations. - create a registry entry - update an existing registry entry - delete/remove a registry entry - get all existing regitries - query registry repository on one of the following fileds. serviceName, wsdlURL, serviceType, endPoint, serviceClassification Syntax ======= java EcogridRegistryClient add session_id local_file GSH java EcogridRegistryClient update session_id local_file GSH java EcogridRegistryClient remove session_id reg_name GSH java EcogridRegistryClient [-l] getAll GSH java EcogridRegistryClient [-l] query query_field query_string GSH Note: A ecogrid registry query returns a list of service names without '-l' option. The '-l' option will display rich information of ecogrid services. Examples ========= We assume that the session id is 'F87D929FC26A26215FE187FA5EAEAE11'. $setenv SESSION_ID F87D929FC26A26215FE187FA5EAEAE11 $ setenv REG_GSH http://sasa.sdsc.edu:8080/ogsa/services/org/ecoinformatics/ecogrid/RegistryServiceLevelOne ## insert a new registry entry. The registry is stored in xml in a local file, SRB_Storage_at_SDSC.xml. $ java EcogridRegistryClient add $SESSION_ID SRB_Storage_at_SDSC.xml $REG_GSH ## update an existing registry entry $ java EcogridRegistryClient update $SESSION_ID SRB_Storage_at_SDSC.xml $REG_GSH ## remove an existing registry entry. $ java EcogridRegistryClient remove $SESSION_ID "SRB Storage at SDSC" $REG_GSH , where the "SRB Storage at SDSC" is the registry name in registry reposiory. # get all registries in Ecogrid $ java EcogridRegistryClient getAll $REG_GSH # query registries for the field 'serviceName' for all services conating 'SRB' string. $ java EcogridRegistryClient query "serviceName" "*SRB*" $REG_GSH For Windows users: $ set SESSION_ID=F87D929FC26A26215FE187FA5EAEAE11 $ set REG_GSH=http://sasa.sdsc.edu:8080/ogsa/services/org/ecoinformatics/ecogrid/RegistryServiceLevelOne $ java EcogridRegistryClient add %SESSION_ID% SRB_Storage_at_SDSC.xml %REG_GSH% $ java EcogridRegistryClient update %SESSION_ID% SRB_Storage_at_SDSC.xml %REG_GSH% $ java EcogridRegistryClient getAll %REG_GSH% $ java EcogridRegistryClient query "serviceName" "*SRB*" %REG_GSH% A note about metacat registry installation =================================== Requirement - You need a running Metacat with enabled EcoGrid web service. 1. Edit seek/projects/ecogrid/conf/EcoRegistryImpl/classes/metacat.properties to point at your metacat and EcoGridQuery service. 2. Edit seek/projects/ecogrid/build.properties files. Set tomcat-root="your tomcat root" target=registry hostname=localhost 3. In seek/projects/ecogrid directory, run "ant clean war". 4. Copy registry.war from seek/project/ecogrid directory to tomcat webapps directory. 5. Restart tomcat. 6. When tomcat is up, in seek/project/ecogrid directory, run "ant deploy". If you aren't going to setup your own metacat registry, and instead want to be able to query the knb ecoinformatics metacat registry, please first talk with Jing Tao before using the following links as this is our production server and we want to be careful with it: metacatURL=http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb/metacat ecogridQueryURL=http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb/services/EcoGridQuery