Ecogrid Conference call, Jan 15, 2004 ------------------------------------- Present: Bing, Jing, Matt, Raja, Rod, Bertram, Peter, Robin 1) Status of WSDL: Query Level one complete Query Level two wirtten, needs review, feedback, and implementation Bertram: is WSDL enough to query this system : reply: yes, as long as security is satisfied Bing + Raja: need Cert management and non-cert based access Outstanding issues: Does GET interface need source param + dest param? Must people actually use GridFTP for the Get intf? Is that protocol reqd? 2) Wrapper implementation status and issues (Metacat/SRB/DiGIR/Xanthoria/GridFTP) (Jing, Bing, Rod, Peter) Bing: still working on GET Jing: working for level1 query Rod: close to query wrapping work 3) Client development: library, Kepler integration, need OGSA client? (Jing) Kepler intfc first. Need web based clients, will do this after the kepler client is complete Issue: Jing says client must install and run a GridFTP server to just do a GET operation on another server. Others agreed this was too onerous and should be reworked so that clients can connect to a GridFTP server without listening on a port themselves. This will require some research into the GridFTP api and how globus-url-copy works, etc. Jing, Bing, and Matt will work this out and report back to seek-dev. 4) Testing framework status update (Rod) Wiil do it, lower priority than DiGIR implementation Needed to be sure metacta/srb/digir/xanthoria are all behaving the same when hit with a query agains a known data source 5) Registry & CA status (Matt) Registry metadata: a) coverage, with # records for that extent b) metadata/data type supported for queries (e.g., EML, darwin core, etc) CA: distributed, hierarchical CA is OK, needs to be implemented 6) Production deployment and release dates (Matt) 1) Start w/ 4 nodes for initial production system (KNB,DiGIR,SRBLTER,Xanthoria GARP layers) 2) Later open up for additional registration of nodes 3) need data preparation steps, hopefully from SMS group 4) try to get KNB and DiGIR and SRB nodes up by BEAM meeting 7) Future directions reasss overall ecogrid tasks, whether to reprioritize people to other SEEK tasks such as Kepler