This document describes how to create an ecogrid web service and implement the functionality in Metacat. Create the WSDL and WSDD -- Create a new wsdl in seek/projects/ecogrid/src/xsd. It's probably easiest to copy an existing one. And modify it. -- Add the service to seek/projects/ecogrid/lib/server-config.wsdd Build Stubs - for testing purposes, you can follow these steps to build the stubs and service in seek. They are also build when you do a full build of Metacat, but it's much easier to shake out issues here first. -- In your project, include the following libraries: -- seek/projects/ecogrid/lsid/lib/*.jar -- seek/projects/ecogrid/lib/*.jar -- Create a new build file in seek/projects/ecogrid/buildfiles/. It's easiest to copy an existing one and change references to your service. -- add your service to the target section in seek/projects/ecogrid/build.properites. Make sure your service is the only uncommented target. -- add your service to seek/projects/ecogrid/lib/namespace2package.mappings -- add your service to the compileTest target in: seek/projects/ecogrid/buildfiles/base.xml -- create a build, deploy and test targets in seek/projects/ecogrid/buildfiles/metacatImpl.xml -- add build to war target dependencies. -- in seek/projects/ecogrid/build.xml, run the stubJar target Create the metacat implementation -- create a file named: seek/projects/ecogrid/src/org/ecoinformatics/ecogrid/metacat// Modify metacat and the metacat client - if your service requires changes to metacat or the metacat client, you should follow these steps: -- make your changes to metacat -- build metacat to generate a new metacat.jar and metacat-client.jar. Use "ant clean jar" and "ant clean clientjar" to just build jar files. -- copy metacat/build/metacat.jar to seek/projects/ecogrid/lib/ -- copy metacat/build/metacat-client.jar to seek/projects/ecogrid/lib/ -- make sure both jar files are included in your project library path Build the ecogrid service -- Include the newly generated stub jar file for your service in the project. library path. The file will be in seek/projects/ecogrid/build/lib/org.ecoinformatics.ecogrid.-stub.jar -- in seek/projects/ecogrid/build.xml, run the serverJar target -- once this builds, you know the new service compiles. It's time to build metacat to see if it runs. Run Service in metacat -- do an installation build of metacat -- start metacat