# Release Notes
- (see also https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues)

### 2.2.0

#### Major New Features

- Semantic Annotations
- Structured Funding Info
- Structured license info
- Fields for data papers
- Markdown support in text blocks
- Bibtex citation support
- New fields for literature cited, and reference publications, and usage citations
- Added identifiers for taxonClassifications
- EML namespace changed to use https
- New validation rules and reference implementation

#### Schema changes:

id   | issue
[25](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/25) | semantic metadata module/extensions
[259](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/259) | add field to reference data usage citations
[266](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/266) | support structured funding information
[275](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/275) | Revisit TextType to include Markdown
[269](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/269) | add fields to support data papers
[277](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/277) | evaluate addition of referencePublication field
[282](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/282) | add license URL to EML
[288](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/288) | CitationType could accept other formats for biblio info
[300](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/300) | add support for a literature cited section
[341](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/341) | change namespaces to use https
[141](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/141) | requesting support for ids in taxonomicClassification element

#### Bug fixes

id   | issue
[328](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/328) | EMLParser misses validity problems
[115](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/115) | units missing from Unit Dictionary
[139](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/139) | missing or erroneous SI units in unitDictionary
[140](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/140) | units not in eml-unitDictionary
[264](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/264) | eml-2.1.1 eml-spatialReferenceDictionary.xml error

#### Other changes

id   | issue
[25](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/25) | semantic metadata module/extensions
[1](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/1) | EMLParser is slow to process large EML documents
[228](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/228) | misspelled word in MaintUpFreqType enumeration list
[230](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/230) | standardize namespace prefixed used for protocol module
[250](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/250) | update documentation for species binomials
[260](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/260) | document use of ORCID ids in userId field
[267](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/267) | unknown maintenanceUpdateFrequency
[268](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/268) | documentation for dateTime/formatString should comply with stds and good practice
[270](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/270) | Update version to 2.2.0
[271](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/271) | Rearrange directory structure
[272](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/pull/272) | Add documentation for usage of ORCIDs in eml-party's userId/directory
[280](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/280) | configure CI build with Travlis
[281](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/281) | documentation for eml-project incorrectly asserts that there must be a personnel with role originator
[284](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/284) | massFlux and parentSI seem incompatible
[285](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/285) | amountOfSubstanceWeightFlux unclear
[286](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/286) | milliGramsPerMilliLiter inconsistent format
[287](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/287) | siemens is singular
[289](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/289) | Consider updating  EML's unitDictionary list
[294](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/pull/294) | Fixes to centimeterPerYear, millimeterPerDay, and molePerHectare
[295](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/pull/295) | Restore version control for eml-unitDictionary.xml and add units
[296](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/296) | Create test EML instance for units
[302](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/302) | Generate an enumeration for the EML unit list, for eml-unitTypeDefinitions.xsd
[303](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/303) | examine udunits library for additional units
[304](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/304) | The citation test files in the 2.2.0 testing suite still point to the 2.1.1 schema?
[305](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/305) | dependency field not defined as ComplexType
[306](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/306) | clarify validation rules
[310](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/310) | prepare 2.2.0 release
[315](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/315) | create xslt for eml 2.1 to 2.2 conversions
[321](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/321) | set up github pages site
[322](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/322) | write overview of new citation fields
[326](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/326) | Typo in spatialReference.xsd referencing 
[143](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/143) | id key definitions in EML
[145](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/145) | modify temporalCoverage to support ongoing data sources
[146](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/146) | add fields for information about metadata maintenance
[238](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/238) | buildDocBook.xsl missing from release distribution
[255](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/255) | EML stylesheet problem for i18n text
[257](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/257) | Add publication date property to keywordSet
[261](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/261) | element alternateIdentifier should be non-empty string type.
[273](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/273) | add user-agent field for indicating generator / serialization tool used
[276](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/276) | authentication element should have its method attribute required
[308](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/308) | Summarize EML 2.2 changes
[309](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/309) | revise contributor list
[311](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/311) | dateTime formatStrings documentation
[314](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/314) | targeted examples of semantic annotation
[316](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/316) | add new images and schema-level docs for all eml modules
[320](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/320) | create sem annotation primer
[323](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/323) | write chapter describing unit handling
[330](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/330) | Fill in annotation for EML methods in its schema
[333](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/333) | in the primer, clarify relationship between rdf components and annotation earlier
[335](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/335) | Should annotations be able to have `id` attributes?
[337](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/337) | documentation for party (people) needs updated example, use orcid for userId
[340](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/340) | final EML 2.2 documentation cleanup

### 2.1.1

#### Internationalization in EML 2.1.1
EML 2.1.1 introduces internationalization capabilities that can be used in most
text-based elements. Version 2.1.1 remains backward-compatible with the previous
2.1.0 release. Authors can safely upgrade existing 2.1.0 documents to 2.1.1
without altering any content, though adding additional language translations is

By allowing mixed element content, nested translation elements can be included
without altering or introducing ambiguity with respect to EML element
cardinality. Translation elements use standard xml:lang attributes to specify
the language used for their content. Translation elements can be nested such
that child elements may inherit or override the language used by their
ancestors. The top-level EML element may include an xml:lang attribute which
will apply to every element in the document unless a child element includes a
different xml:lang attribute to override the document default.

Multi-lingual authors of EML should carefully consider their primary target
audience when deciding the default document language. Early adopters should be
aware search tools like Metacat will require custom configuration in order to
search arbitrarily nested translations.

The internationalization feature allows authors to place any language in <value>
tags nested within most EML text fields. The xml:lang attribute should be used
to explicitly declare the language used.

Additional documentation and examples are available in the EML specification.
The i18nNonEmptyStringType is used for simple text, while i18nString for more
structured text elements.

#### Schema changes:
    - [76](https://github.com/NCEAS/eml/issues/76): internationalization needed in EML

### 2.1.0  (numbers refer to the corresponding Bugzilla bug id, not the GitHub #)
This release addresses bugs which caused the schema to be invalid with
respect to the W3C specifications using modern validators
(e.g., http://www.w3.org/2001/03/webdata/xsv). Although the changes were minor,
one was incompatible with 2.0 releases, which necessitated the version
number "2.1". In the 2.0 series, the content model for additionalMetadata
included an element `<describes>` whose cardinality was 0..many, alongside
`<xs:any>`. This construct is non-deterministic, and so a child element
was added to the additionalMetadata section to contain the `<xs:any>` content.
Additionally, several elements of txt:TypeText required additional
definition so that mixed content could be accommodated. These errors
were not apparent with validation software available in 2004-2005, but
were brought to light more recently. Several small changes were made to
the enumeration list and unitTypes for standard units and stmml descriptions
of customUnits. Two elements in the literature schema were allowed to be
optional so that articles-in-press could be described.  The named type for
element gRing was changed to GRingType.

EML makes use of the STMML schema (stmml.xsd) for describing custom units
and describing its included list of standardUnits (unitList). The STMML
schema was also found to be non-deterministic, and the most reasonable fix
for this bug was not compatible with earlier versions. This error
was NOT related to elements used by EML (unitList or unitType). However,
given that authors of EML instance documents may have made use of other
parts of stmml.xsd, it was decided to the advance the namespace used for
stmml-related files to "stmml-1.1", in keeping with the pattern of version
naming in EML. The stmml authors have been contacted.

- Schema changes:
    - 1132: eml.xsd, physical.xsd: fix access rule ambiguities
    - 2054: eml.xsd: added the <metadata> tag to additionalMetadata
    - 1154: resource.xsd: required element offline has no required children
    - 3480: resource.xsd, physical.xsd: nearly duplicate complexTypes, DistributionType and PhysicalDistributionType
    - 3165: resource.xsd: provide a place for a url description
    - 3227: coverage.xsd: gRing was declared as GRingPointType, is now GRingType
    - 1019: coverage.xsd: altitudeUnits should use eml-unitDictionary
    - 3500: coverage.xsd: restrict boundingCoordinates to realistic lat/lon ranges
    - 1152: attribute.xsd: dateTime elements are named inconsistently; standarized on dateTime
    - 2272: attribute.xsd: base types in BoundsGroup changed to xs:float
    - 3051: attribute.xsd: missing units were added to enumeration list to match eml-unitDitionary
    - 2568: attribute.xsd, entity.xsd: inconsistent naming of methods elements, standardized to <methods>
    - 2703: text.xsd: refined element declarations in txt:TextType for para, section; added ulink, citetitle
    - 3163: literature.xsd: cardinality of volume and pageRange is now 0..1
    - 3164: literature.xsd: literature needs a contact tree
    - 3445: stmml.xsd: non-deterministic
    - 2083: stmml.xsd: dimension 'current' was wrongly entered as 'charge'
- Parser :
    - 3232: EML parser should use full-schema-checking
    - 3836: runEMLParser script should include sax-validate
- Stylesheets:
    - 3508: create a stylesheet for EML2.0.x to EML 2.1.0
    - 3590: eml-documentation stylesheet problem with derived content.
    - 2048: param attributeindex defined twice in eml-settings.xsl
    - 2085: Access control rules adapted for 2.0.1 and 2.1 (currently not shown)
    - 2147: EML Stylesheet problem with web address URL's
    - 2226: EML2 style sheet double the number of complex delimited f...
    - 3492: the word 'unit' should be pluralized by default

### 2.0.1 (numbers refer to the corresponding Bugzilla bug id, not the GitHub #)
- 249: Update XSLT stylesheets for EML 2.0 modules
- 939: spelling errors for 'its' in index
- 960: parser not correctly parsing <describes> tag in additiona...
- 1008: inline element doesn't support character child
- 1017: documentation error in eml-methods
- 1031: enumeratedDomain doesn't define value order for ordinals
- 1035: Technical documentation on eml-methods has an error
- 1124: update precision field definition and cardinality
- 1129: Change temporalCoverage calendarDate type
- 1132: fix access control rule ambiguities
- 1136: kelvin conversion incorrect in unit dictionary
- 1149: BoundsGroup bounds min & max have incorrect cardinality
- 1150: documentation for KeyTypeCode is wrong
- 1151: misspelled element name
- 1153: dateTimeDomain element should be optional
- 1155: Documentation incorrect for dateTimeDomainType bounds
- 1195: tracking bug for 2.0.1 release
- 1233: dateTime formatString Documentation contains incorrect ex...
- 1529: no tag to specify how to handle mutltiple, repeated delimimeters
- 1652: eml-constraint documentation error

### 2.0.0 - (numbers refer to the corresponding Bugzilla bug id, not the GitHub #)
- 670: DateTimeDomain id/reference validation
- 924: make date time its own measurement scale
- 661: spell check eml-attribute.xsd and synchronize with unitDi
- 918: example tag in eml:documentation

### 2.0.0rc3 (numbers refer to the corresponding Bugzilla bug id, not the GitHub #)
- 471: eml spec overview document
- 624: eml-methods/methodsType needs clarification on choice/seq...
- 627: links broken in EML FAQ
- 629: unit conversion coefficients need checking
- 637: attributeDomain should be required
- 638: request for id/ref in attributeDomain
- 654: scope of the unit element
- 655: need better model for numeric domains for attributes
- 625: Cardinality regarding eml-methods should be corrected in ...
- 626: ProcedureStepType schema needs revision to protect sequen...
- 628: eml-physical has lit: rather than cit: references
- 632: broken link in faq
- 634: Documentation of reference elements in the schemas
- 656: physical should be repeatable

### RC2 (numbers refer to the corresponding Bugzilla bug id, not the GitHub #)
- 568: accommodate of stateful connection information
- 586: resolve validation problem with missing keys
- 588: Remove lineage tags in documentation stylesheets
- 589: eml-coverage: convert element references to types
- 592: fix validation error with xs:anyType
- 594: change cardinality for designDescription and studyAreaDes...
- 596: Proposal: make attribute optional in OtherEntityType.
- 597: In eml-dataTable caseSensitive and orientation are modele...
- 598: literature namespace references are inconsistent
- 599: storageType is repeatable in eml-attribute
- 600: eml-storedProcedure - problems & proposal
- 601: element names in spatial modules do not follow guidelines
- 602: eml-physical fixed textFormat to allow mixed fixed/delimited
- 608: release preparation tasks for EML2.0.0rc2
- 622: redundancy in eml-physical/binaryRaster

### RC1 (numbers refer to the corresponding Bugzilla bug id, not the GitHub #)
- 471: created an EML specification overview document
- 495: created FAQ for EML
- 588: removed lineage tags from documentation stylesheet
- 484: eml-attribute changes to unit and attributeDomain
- 579: fixed eml-docbook validation problems
- 491: eml-coverage changed to correctly import types and to fix singleDateTime model
- 485: eml-physical changed to fix fixed ascii descriptors and distribution
- 477: complexTypes imports changed to consistent model
- 486: fixed spelling errors in eml-constraint
- 492: eml-literature changed for EndNote consistency
- 496: copyright updated throughout
- 557: textual elements changed to use docbook subset define in eml-text.xsd
- 563: changed id types from xs:ID to xs:string to allow numeric ids
- 482: eml-dataset changed to include method element
- 489: eml-protocol completely revised based on feedback, eml-method.xsd created
- 544: eml-attribute storageType and attributeDomain documentation clarified
- 556: format of eml namespaces changed to include ecoinformatics.org
- 539: added additionalInfo and alternateIdentifier to eml-dataTable.xsd
- 568: redesigned DistributionType to allow richer connection descriptions
- 566: changed imports in eml-resource to import resource types not elements
- 567: created eml sample documents and XML validation framework using ant/junit

### Beta9 Fixes-
1. Changed packaging concept to use internal id and references instead
   of triples
2. Review and revised all modules according to agreed upon changes from
   the April, 2002 EML meeting at Sevilleta Field Station

### Beta 8 Fixes-
1. Fixed illegal declaration of type and extension in eml-entity
2. Updated all PNG image files

### Beta 7 Fixes-
1. Added a 'style' subdirectory with a style sheet for most modules
 . to translate the metadata to HTML
2. Changed names of coverage elements to be human readable
3. Updated the namespaces to reflect the current version number of EML
4. Added an eml-data module for the in-lining of data.
5. Added the eml module for creating packages all in one file.  It is a single
   node with a model of ANY so any of the eml modules can be put into it.
6. Numerous bug fixes (see bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org)