Started by upstream project "Build_Stable_Level_8" build number 16
originally caused by:
 Started by upstream project "d1_process_daemon_stable" build number 16
 originally caused by:
  Started by upstream project "Build_Stable_Level_7" build number 15
  originally caused by:
   Started by upstream project "Build_Stable_Level_6" build number 16
   originally caused by:
    Started by upstream project "Metacat_stable" build number 28
    originally caused by:
     Started by upstream project "Build_Stable_Level_5" build number 18
     originally caused by:
      Started by upstream project "d1_replication_stable" build number 18
      originally caused by:
       Started by upstream project "Build_Stable_Level_4" build number 17
       originally caused by:
        Started by upstream project "d1_cn_noderegistry_stable" build number 18
        originally caused by:
         Started by upstream project "Build_Stable_Level_3" build number 18
         originally caused by:
          Started by upstream project "d1_libclient_java_stable" build number 19
          originally caused by:
           Started by upstream project "Build_Stable_Level_2" build number 19
           originally caused by:
            (deeply nested causes)
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/dataone-mercury-deb-stable/workspace
Cleaning local Directory dataone-mercury
Checking out at revision '2016-02-24T21:01:36.339 +0000'
A         usr
A         usr/share
A         usr/share/dataone-mercury
A         usr/share/dataone-mercury/debian
A         usr/share/dataone-mercury/debian/onemercury_jk.conf
A         usr/share/dataone-mercury/debian/onemercury.xml
A         usr/share/dataone-mercury/debian/rewrite_onemercury
A         usr/share/dataone-mercury/debian/52onemercury.policy
A         DEBIAN
AU        DEBIAN/prerm
A         DEBIAN/control
AU        DEBIAN/postinst
At revision 17672
no revision recorded for in the previous build
[workspace] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
Build version: 
dpkg-deb: building package `dataone-mercury' in `../dataone-mercury_2.1.0_all.deb'.
dpkg-scanpackages: warning: Packages in archive but missing from override file:
dpkg-scanpackages: warning:   dataone-cn-index dataone-cn-metacat dataone-cn-os-core dataone-cn-portal dataone-cn-processdaemon dataone-cn-rest-service dataone-cn-solr dataone-cn-version-tool dataone-mercury dataone-solr dataone-zookeeper
dpkg-scanpackages: info: Wrote 11 entries to output Packages file.
IRC notifier plugin: Sending notification to: #dataone-build
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Notifying upstream of completion: Build_Stable_Level_8 #16
All downstream projects complete!
Warning: you have no plugins providing access control for builds, so falling back to legacy behavior of permitting any downstream builds to be triggered
Notifying upstream build Build_Stable_Level_8 #16 of job completion
Triggering a new build of Notify_Stable_Build_Complete
Finished: SUCCESS