#!/usr/bin/perl # # '$RCSfile$' # Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California # # '$Author$' # '$Date$' # '$Revision$' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # This is a CGI application for inserting metadata documents into # the Metacat database. It utilizes the Metacat.pm module for most work. # You can specify two metacats and a list of documents. This script will # copy documents from one metacat to another. # read variables from registry.cfg use File::Copy; use IO::File; use strict; my $scope = readReqdParam("Enter the scope name:"); my $org = readReqdParam("Enter the organization name:"); my $orgabbrev = readReqdParam("Enter the organization abbreviation:"); my $orgurl = readReqdParam("Enter the organization URL:"); my $username = readParam("Enter the username:", "uid=".$scope."admin,o=".$orgabbrev.",dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org"); my $password = readParam("Enter the password:", ""); my $mailhost = readParam("Enter the mailhost name:", "hyperion.nceas.ucsb.edu"); my $adminName = readParam("Enter the Administrator's name:", "adminName"); my $adminEmail = readParam("Enter the administrator's email address:", "email\@admin"); my $senderEmail = readParam("Enter the sender's email address:", "registry\@$org"); my $debugLevel = readParam("Enter the debug level:", "0"); my $hasKeyword = readParam("Do you want to add keywords to this skin [Yes/No]:", "Yes"); my $hasMethod = readParam("Do you want to add methods to this skin [Yes/No]:", "Yes"); my $hasSpatial = readParam("Do you want to add spatial coverage to this skin [Yes/No]:", "Yes"); my $hasTemporal = readParam("Do you want to add temporal coverage in this skin [Yes/No]:", "Yes"); my $hasTaxonomic = readParam("Do you want to see taxonomic coverage in this skin [Yes/No]:", "Yes"); mkdir "../../../lib/style/skins/$scope", 0744; writeConfigFile(); copyFile('searchform.html'); copyFile('index.html'); copyFile('header.html'); copyAndRenameFile('xml'); copyAndRenameFile('css'); copyAndRenameFile('js'); sub readParam{ my $printString = shift; my $defaultValue = shift; print "$printString [$defaultValue]\n"; my $returnVal = <>; chomp $returnVal; if($returnVal eq ""){ $returnVal = $defaultValue; } return $returnVal; } sub readReqdParam{ my $printString = shift; print "$printString\n"; my $returnVal = <>; chomp $returnVal; while($returnVal eq ""){ print "This value is required. $printString\n"; $returnVal = <>; chomp $returnVal; } return $returnVal; } sub writeConfigFile{ my $configText = ""; $configText .= "#"."\n"; $configText .= "# General configuration parameters"."\n"; $configText .= "#"."\n"; $configText .= "metacatUrl = http://\@server\@\@servlet-path\@"."\n"; $configText .= "username = ".$username."\n"; $configText .= "password = ".$password."\n"; $configText .= "ldapUrl = \@ldapUrl\@"."\n"; $configText .= "defaultScope = $scope"."\n"; $configText .= "organization = $org"."\n"; $configText .= "orgabbrev = $orgabbrev"."\n"; $configText .= "orgurl = $orgurl"."\n"; $configText .= "responseTemplate = \@responseForm\@"."\n"; $configText .= "entryFormTemplate = \@entryForm\@"."\n"; $configText .= "guideTemplate = \@guide\@"."\n"; $configText .= "confirmDataTemplate = \@confirmData\@"."\n"; $configText .= "deleteDataTemplate = \@deleteData\@"."\n"; if($hasKeyword ne "Yes" && $hasKeyword ne "yes"){ $configText .= "hasKeyword = false"."\n"; } if($hasMethod ne "Yes" && $hasMethod ne "yes"){ $configText .= "hasMethod = false"."\n"; } if($hasSpatial ne "Yes" && $hasSpatial ne "yes"){ $configText .= "hasSpatial = false"."\n"; } else { my $spatialRequired = readParam("Do you want to make spatial coverage required [Yes/No]:", "Yes"); if($spatialRequired ne "Yes" && $spatialRequired ne "yes"){ $configText .= "spatialRequired = false"."\n"; } } if($hasTaxonomic ne "Yes" && $hasTaxonomic ne "yes"){ $configText .= "hasTaxonomic = false"."\n"; } if($hasTemporal ne "Yes" && $hasTemporal ne "yes"){ $configText .= "hasTemporal = false"."\n"; } else { my $temporalRequired = readParam("Do you want to make temporal coverage required [Yes/No]:", "Yes"); if($temporalRequired ne "Yes" && $temporalRequired ne "yes"){ $configText .= "temporalRequired = false"."\n"; } } $configText .= "accesspubid = -//ecoinformatics.org//eml-access-2.0.0beta6//EN"."\n"; $configText .= "accesssysid = eml-access.dtd"."\n"; $configText .= "datasetpubid = eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-dataset-2.0.0"."\n"; $configText .= "datasetsysid = eml-dataset.dtd"."\n"; $configText .= "mailhost = ".$mailhost."\n"; $configText .= "sender = ".$senderEmail."\n"; $configText .= "recipient = ".$adminEmail."\n"; $configText .= "adminname = ".$adminName."\n"; $configText .= "debug = ".$debugLevel."\n"; $configText .= "contactEmailAddressRequired = 'false'\n"; $configText .= "adminIsDocOwner = 'false'\n"; $configText .= "#"."\n"; $configText .= "# These are the sites and their coordinates. Coordinates are in"."\n"; $configText .= "# degrees:minutes:seconds:direction format"."\n"; $configText .= "# Make sure there is a lat/lon pair for every site"."\n"; $configText .= "#"."\n"; $configText .= "# example format ..."."\n"; $configText .= "# lat [UK] Harwood forest[Sitka Spruce] = 55:12:46:N"."\n"; $configText .= "# lon [UK] Harwood forest[Sitka Spruce] = 2:2:15:W"."\n"; #print $configText; my $writefilehandle = new IO::File; $writefilehandle->open(">../../../lib/style/skins/$scope/$scope.cfg") or die "Could not open ../../../lib/style/skins/$scope/$scope.cfg"; $writefilehandle->write($configText, length($configText)); $writefilehandle->close; } sub copyFile{ my $filename = shift; my $readfilehandle = new IO::File; $readfilehandle->open("<$filename") or die "Could not open $filename"; my $text = ""; my $newtext; while ($readfilehandle->read($newtext, 1)){ $text .= $newtext; } $text =~ s/<\@scope\@>/$scope/g; $text =~ s/<\@organization\@>/$org/g; $text =~ s/<\@orgabbrev\@>/$orgabbrev/g; $text =~ s/<\@orgurl\@>/$orgurl/g; $readfilehandle->close; my $writefilehandle = new IO::File; $writefilehandle->open(">../../../lib/style/skins/$scope/$filename") or die "Could not open $filename"; $writefilehandle->write($text, length($text)); $readfilehandle->close; $writefilehandle->close; } sub copyAndRenameFile{ my $ext = shift; my $readfilehandle = new IO::File; $readfilehandle->open("<scope.$ext") or die "Could not open scope.$ext"; my $text = ""; my $newtext; while ($readfilehandle->read($newtext, 1)){ $text .= $newtext; } $text =~ s/<\@scope\@>/$scope/g; $text =~ s/<\@organization\@>/$org/g; $text =~ s/<\@orgabbrev\@>/$orgabbrev/g; $text =~ s/<\@orgurl\@>/$orgurl/g; $readfilehandle->close; my $writefilehandle = new IO::File; $writefilehandle->open(">../../../lib/style/skins/$scope/$scope.$ext") or die "Could not open ../../../lib/style/skins/$scope/$scope.$ext"; $writefilehandle->write($text, length($text)); $readfilehandle->close; $writefilehandle->close; }