/** * This work was created by participants in the DataONE project, and is * jointly copyrighted by participating institutions in DataONE. For * more information on DataONE, see our web site at http://dataone.org. * * Copyright ${year} * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id$ */ package org.dataone.cn.index.generator.filter; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.dataone.configuration.Settings; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Identifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeReference; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Replica; import org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata; /** * Currently the index generator is listening the events of the systemmetadata map in hazelcast. Those add, delete and * update events will generate index tasks. However, some events, such as hazecast loading system metadata from the store, * shouldn't generate the index tasks since there is no change. This filter is filtering those events. * @author tao * */ public class HZEventFilter { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HZEventFilter.class); private static String INDEX_EVENT_FILTERING_ACTIVE = "indexEvent.filtering.active"; //This configuration is used to ignore those objects which have failed to be indexed for a while. The default value of the max age of the modification date is 2592000000 milliseconds (30 days). //If the age of an object's modified date is more than 30 days, the object will be ignored and wouldn't be added to the index event table. If the default value is a negative number, it means this time filter is disabled. private static String INDEX_EVENT_FILTERING_IGNORE_MODIFIEDTIME_AGE = "indexEvent.filtering.max.modifiedDate.age"; private static String ID = "id"; private static String DATEMODIFIED = "dateModified"; private static String REPLICAMN = "replicaMN"; private static String REPLICAVERIFIEDATE = "replicaVerifiedDate"; private static String SERIALVERSION = "serialVersion"; private static int FIRSTSOLRDOCINDEX = 0; private String solrBaseURL = null; private SolrClient client = null; /** * Constructor. * Initialize the solr client */ public HZEventFilter() { solrBaseURL = Settings.getConfiguration().getString("solr.base.uri", "http://localhost:8983/solr/search_core"); logger.info("HZEvetFilter.constructor - the base url is "+solrBaseURL); client = new HttpSolrClient(solrBaseURL); } /** * Here is the algorithm: * First to filter out pretty old objects, then: * 1. Fetching the solr index for the pid. * 2. If there is no solr index for the pid, * 2.1 check the archive flag in the system metadata. If the archive=true, filter this pid out * 2.2 if the archive=false, keep this pid task (return false). * 3. If there is a solr index, compare the modification date between the solr index and the system metadata. * 3.1 if sysmeta > solr index, return false (keep index task) * 3.2 if sysmeta < solr index, return true (filter it out) * 3.3 if sysemeta = solr index, compare the replica info. * 3.3.1 If serialVersion in the solr is available, compare the value of serial version. * If solr = sysmeta , return true (filter it out) since no change in replica * If solr < sysmeta, return false (keep index task) since the solr has a smaller (older) serial version. * If solr > sysmeta, return true (filter it out) since the solr has a bigger (newer) serial version. * 3.3.2. If serialVersion in solr is Not availabe, comare replica lists: * no change on replica info, return true (filter out) * there is a change, return false (keep index task) * If any exception happens, it will return false for safet. * @param sysmeta * @return true if we don't need to index it (filter out) */ public boolean filter(SystemMetadata sysmeta) { boolean needFilterOut = true; Identifier pid = sysmeta.getIdentifier(); boolean enableFiltering = Settings.getConfiguration().getBoolean(INDEX_EVENT_FILTERING_ACTIVE, true); if(enableFiltering) { try { needFilterOut = fliterOutOldObject(sysmeta); if (!needFilterOut) { if(client == null) { client = new HttpSolrClient(solrBaseURL); } SolrDocument solrDoc = getSolrReponse(pid.getValue()); //step 1 String id = getId(solrDoc); if(id == null) { //step 2 //no slor doc boolean archive = sysmeta.getArchived(); if(archive) { //2.1 //this is an archived object and there is no solr doc either. All set! We don't need index it. logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+" is an archived object and the SOLR server doesn't have the record either. So this event has been filtered out for indexing (no indexing)."); needFilterOut = true; } else { //2.2 logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows shows "+pid.getValue()+" is not an archived object but the SOLR server doesn't have the record. So this event should be granted for indexing."); needFilterOut = false; } } else { Date sysDate = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); Date solrDate = getModificationDateInSolr(solrDoc); if(sysDate.getTime() > solrDate.getTime()) { //3.1 logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having a newer version than the SOLR server. So this event should be granted for indexing."); needFilterOut = false; } else if (sysDate.getTime() < solrDate.getTime()) { //3.2 logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having an older version than the SOLR server. So this event has been filtered out for indexing (no indexing)."); needFilterOut = true; } else { //3.3 // the modification date equals. we need to compare replicas BigInteger sysSerial = sysmeta.getSerialVersion(); BigInteger solrSerial = getSerialVersion(solrDoc);//It is a new solr field and it can be null. if(solrSerial != null) { if(solrSerial.compareTo(sysSerial) == 0) { // If solr = sysmeta , return true (filter it out) since no change in replica logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having the same modification date and serial version in the solr document. So this event has been filtered out for indexing (no indexing)."); needFilterOut = true; } else if (solrSerial.compareTo(sysSerial) == -1){ // If solr < sysmeta, return false (keep index task) since the solr has a smaller (older) serial version. logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having the same modification date but the serial version in the solr document is less than the one in the system metadata. So this event should be granted for indexing."); needFilterOut = false; } else if (solrSerial.compareTo(sysSerial) == 1) { // If solr > sysmeta, return true (filter it out) since the solr has a bigger (newer) serial version. logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having the same modification date but the serial version in the solr document is greater than the one in the system metadata. So this event has been filtered out for indexing (no indexing)."); needFilterOut = true; } } else { //3.3.2. If serialVersion in solr is Not availabe, comare replica lists (serilaVersion is a new added solr field) List sysReplicas = sysmeta.getReplicaList(); List solrReplicas = getReplicasInSolr(solrDoc);//it wouldn't be null boolean equal = compareRaplicaList(pid, sysReplicas, solrReplicas); if(equal) { // logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having the same modification date as the SOLR server. Also both have the same replica list. So this event has been filtered out for indexing (no indexing)."); needFilterOut = true; } else { // logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having the same modification date as the SOLR server. However, they have different replica lists. So this event should be granted for indexing."); needFilterOut = false; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("HZEventFilter.filter - there was an exception in applying the index event filters for "+pid.getValue()+ ". However, this index event still should be granted for indexing for safe.", e); needFilterOut = false; } } else { logger.info("HZEventFilter.filter - The filter was disable by setting indexEvent.filtering.active=false. So the index event for "+pid.getValue()+" should be granted for indexing."); needFilterOut = false; } return needFilterOut; } /** * Close the solr client * @throws IOException */ public void closeSolrClient() throws IOException { if(client != null) { client.close(); } } /** * This method will filter out an object whose modification date is more than 30 days old. * 30 days is the default value and configurable. If it is negative value, this filter will be ignored. * @param sysmeta the system meta data of the object * @return true if the index event should be ignored; otherwise false. */ private boolean fliterOutOldObject(SystemMetadata sysmeta) { boolean needFilterOut = false; BigInteger defaultValue = new BigInteger("2592000000");//30 days in milliseconds BigInteger maxAge = Settings.getConfiguration().getBigInteger(INDEX_EVENT_FILTERING_IGNORE_MODIFIEDTIME_AGE, defaultValue); if(maxAge.longValue() >=0 ) { Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Date modifiedDate =sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); if( (currentTime.longValue() - modifiedDate.getTime()) > maxAge.longValue()) { logger.info("HZEventFilter.fliterOldObject - The modifiction date the object has been more than "+ maxAge.longValue()+" milliseconds old. So the index event for "+sysmeta.getIdentifier().getValue()+" has been filtered out (no indexing)"); needFilterOut = true; } else { logger.info("HZEventFilter.fliterOldObject - The modifiction date the object has been less than "+ maxAge.longValue()+" milliseconds old. So the index event for "+sysmeta.getIdentifier().getValue()+" should be granted for indexing by this time filter. But it maybe will be filtered out by other filters."); needFilterOut = false; } } else { logger.info("HZEventFilter.fliterOldObject - The max age of the modification "+ maxAge.longValue()+" is less than 0. The time filter is disabled. So the index event "+sysmeta.getIdentifier().getValue()+" should be granted for indexing. But it maybe will be filtered out by other filters."); needFilterOut = false; } return needFilterOut; } /** * Compare two replica list from system metadata and slor doc. The one from solr doc should be null, but it can be empty. * Since the solr doc only have the replica name and verified date, we only compare those two items. * @param pid * @param sysReplicas * @param solrReplicas * @return true if the replicat lists are the same. */ private boolean compareRaplicaList(Identifier pid, List sysReplicas, List solrReplicas) { boolean equal = true; if(sysReplicas != null ) { if(sysReplicas.size() != solrReplicas.size()) { //system metaddata and solr have different replica size. We need to indexing. logger.info("HZEventFilter.compareRaplicaList - the system metadata for the index event "+pid.getValue()+" has a diffrerent size of the replicas to the solr doc. Not the same"); equal = false; } else { //compare the replica lists. If there is not match, the needFilterOut will be set to false. Otherwise (everything matching), it will keep true value. outerloop: for(Replica sysReplica : sysReplicas) { boolean found = false; boolean haveDifferentVerificationDate = false; NodeReference sysNode = sysReplica.getReplicaMemberNode(); logger.debug("The replica node id in the sysem metadata is "+sysNode.getValue()); Date sysConfirmDate = sysReplica.getReplicaVerified(); logger.debug("The replica node verification date in the sysem metadata is ====="+sysConfirmDate); for(Replica solrReplica : solrReplicas) { NodeReference solrNode = solrReplica.getReplicaMemberNode(); logger.debug("The replica node id in the solr is "+solrNode.getValue()); Date solrConfirmDate = solrReplica.getReplicaVerified(); logger.debug("The replica node verification date in the solr is "+solrConfirmDate); if(sysNode.equals(solrNode)) { found = true; if(sysConfirmDate.getTime() != solrConfirmDate.getTime()) { //they have the different verification date. We need to index logger.info("The verfication date in the system metadata is different in the solr for the node "+ sysNode.getValue()); haveDifferentVerificationDate = true; } } if(found && haveDifferentVerificationDate) { // we found the node but has different verification date. We need to break the loop (ignore others) and grant the event //system metaddata has an empty replica list but solr doesn't. We need to indexing. logger.info("HZEventFilter.compareReplicaList - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+" having at least one of the replica has different verified date to solr doc. Not the same."); equal = false; break outerloop; } } if(!found) { logger.info("HZEventFilter.compareReplicaList - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+" having at least one of the replica which can't be found on the solr doc. Not the same."); equal = false; break; } } if((equal)) { //we found that everything match in replica list. So we should filter the event (no indexing) //this block is only for log information logger.info("HZEventFilter.compareReplicaList - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having the same replica list as the solr doc."); equal = true; } } } else if(solrReplicas.isEmpty()) { //both slor and system metadata has an empty replica list. we should filter out this even, so no indexing. logger.info("HZEventFilter.compareReplicaList - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+ " having an emply replica list. So does the solr doc.Same."); equal = true; } else { //system metaddata has an empty replica list but solr doesn't. We need to indexing. logger.info("HZEventFilter.compareReplicaList - the system metadata for the index event shows "+pid.getValue()+" having an empty replica list while the solr doesn't.Not same."); equal = false; } return equal; } /** * Parse the solr doc to get the replica information * @param doc * @return an empty list if there is no replica information */ private List getReplicasInSolr(SolrDocument doc) throws Exception { List replicas = new ArrayList(); Collection mns = getValues(doc, REPLICAMN); //the implementation class is ArrayList. So the order can be prserved. //System.out.println("==============The class name of collection is "+mns.getClass().getCanonicalName()); Collection verifiedDates = getValues(doc, REPLICAVERIFIEDATE); //System.out.println("==============The class name of collection is "+verifiedDates.getClass().getCanonicalName()); if((mns == null && verifiedDates != null) || (mns != null && verifiedDates == null) ) { throw new Exception("The number of the repicat nodes doesn't match the number of the verified date in the solr document. There is an issue on the solr doc."); } else if (mns != null && verifiedDates != null) { if(mns.size() != verifiedDates.size()) { throw new Exception("The number of the repicat nodes doesn't match the number of the verified date in the solr document"); } else { Object[] mnsArray = mns.toArray(); Object[] verifiedDatesArray = verifiedDates.toArray(); for(int i=0; i values = getValues(doc, SERIALVERSION); if (values != null) { for (Object obj : values) { serialVersion = (BigInteger) obj; //serialVersion = BigInteger.valueOf(version.longValue()); break;//get first element } } return serialVersion; } /** * Get the modified date from solr doc. * @param doc * @return null if no modified date was found */ private Date getModificationDateInSolr(SolrDocument doc) { Date date = null; Collection values = getValues(doc, DATEMODIFIED); if (values != null) { for (Object obj : values) { date = (Date) obj; break;//get first element } } return date; } /** * Get the value of id * @param doc * @return null if no id was found. This means no solr doc was found. */ private String getId(SolrDocument doc) { String id = null; Collection values = getValues(doc, ID); if (values != null) { for (Object obj : values) { id = (String) obj; break;//get first element } } return id; } /** * Query the document by a given path query * @param doc * @param fieldName * @return null if no values was found. */ private Collection getValues(SolrDocument doc, String fieldName) { Collection fieldValues = null; if(doc != null) { fieldValues = doc.getFieldValues(fieldName); /*for(Object obj : fieldValues) { System.out.println("The class of object is "+obj.getClass().getCanonicalName()+" and value is "+obj); }*/ } return fieldValues; } /** * Query solr to get the response * @param url * @return * @throws IOException * @throws SolrServerException */ private SolrDocument getSolrReponse(String id) throws SolrServerException, IOException { SolrDocument document = new SolrDocument(); id = escapeQueryChars(id); String filter = ID+":"+id; System.out.println("the filter is "+filter); SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(filter); query.setFields(ID,DATEMODIFIED, REPLICAMN, REPLICAVERIFIEDATE, SERIALVERSION); query.setStart(0); QueryResponse response = client.query(query); SolrDocumentList results = response.getResults(); //System.out.println("the size of result is "+results.size()); if(results.size() >0) { document = results.get(FIRSTSOLRDOCINDEX); } //System.out.println("the solr document is "+document); return document; } /** * Escape special characters in the query. * @param s * @return */ public static String escapeQueryChars(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); // These characters are part of the query syntax and must be escaped if (c == '\\' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '!' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ':' || c == '^' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '\"' || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '~' || c == '*' || c == '?' || c == '|' || c == '&' || c == ';' || Character.isWhitespace(c)) { sb.append('\\'); } sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } }