Warning: These documents are under active
development and subject to change (version 2.1.0-beta).
The latest release documents are at:
The Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is an NSF funded project in the DataNet program charged with implementing and deploying core services and infrastructure to improve the long term accessibility and re-use of data collected through NSF funded and other research projects.
These documents provide the reference for implementation of services and tools that together form the DataONE cyberinfrastructure.
These documents refer to the current development (trunk) version of the API documentation. Specific versions of the documentation are available on releases.dataone.org.
Please see Version 1.2 for documentation of the currently deployed infrastructure.
The source for these documents is located in the subversion repository. For hints on editing, please review About These Documents. The HTML version of the document is generated from the current version of the source documents and is available from: