Started 8 yr 7 mo ago
Took 44 min

Success Build #7 (Feb 8, 2016 3:07:09 AM)

Revision: 17435
  1. switched testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified to use a non-auth MN to test status changes on, just in case this causes problems with replication (this won't fix sysmeta date change issues though) (detail/Assembla)
    by andreib
  2. Incrementing a few object pids to tests don't use objects that are too old - just in case this is causing a current issue with sysmeta dates seemingly getting updated. (detail/Assembla)
    by andreib

Started by upstream project d1_integration_Stage_func_ALL build number 2
originally caused by:

Test Result (no failures)

    Module Builds

    Success DataONE Integration Testing Package44 min

    Downstream Builds