/** * '$RCSfile: TripleCollection.java,v $' * Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Authors: @authors@ * Release: @release@ * * '$Author: leinfelder $' * '$Date: 2012-10-16 20:27:21 +0000 (Tue, 16 Oct 2012) $' * '$Revision: 164 $' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.triple; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.Reader; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Vector; /** * This class implements a collection of triples which make up all of the * relationships in a package. */ public class TripleCollection { private Vector triples = new Vector(); /** * Default Constructor */ public TripleCollection() { } /** * Copy constructor. instantiate this object from the given TripleCollection */ public TripleCollection(TripleCollection tc) { this.triples = tc.getCollection(); } /** * read an xml file, build the collection from any triples in the xml file. */ public TripleCollection(Reader xml) { TripleParser tp = new TripleParser(xml); this.triples = tp.getTriples().getCollection(); } /** * create a collection of triples from a vector of Triple objects. */ public TripleCollection(Vector triples) { // this.triples = new Vector(triples); //DFH this.triples = (Vector)triples.clone(); } /** * Add a single triple to this collection */ public void addTriple(Triple triple) { this.triples.addElement(triple); } /** * returns true if the collection contains triple, false otherwise */ public boolean containsTriple(Triple triple) { return triples.removeElement(triple); } /** * removes the specified triple from the collection and returns it. If the * triple was not in the collection null is returned. */ public Triple removeTriple(Triple triple) { boolean removed = triples.removeElement(triple); if(removed) { return triple; } else { return null; } } /** * returns a vector of triples with the given subject */ public Vector getCollectionBySubject(String subject) { Vector trips = new Vector(); for(int i=0; i getCollectionByRelationship(String relationship) { Vector trips = new Vector(); for(int i=0; i getCollectionByObject(String object) { Vector trips = new Vector(); for(int i=0; i getCollection() { return this.triples; } public String toXML() { return toXML(null); } /** * returns a string representation of this collection in xml format. * the xml looks like this: *
   * <triple><subject>some content 1</subject>
   * <relationship>some content 2</relationship><object>
   * some content 3</object></triple><triple>
   * <subject>some content 1</subject><relationship>
   * some content 2</relationship><object>some content 3
   * </object></triple>
   * .....
   * <triple><subject>some content 1</subject>
   * <relationship>some content 2</relationship><object>
   * some content 3</object></triple>
*/ public String toXML(String root) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(""); if(root != null) { sb.append("<" + root + ">"); } for(int i=0; i"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * returns a nicely formatted string representation of this collection in xml * the xml looks like this: *
   * <triple>
   *   <subject>some content 1</subject>
   *   <relationship>some content 2</relationship>
   *   <object>some content 3</object>
   * </triple>
   * <triple>
   *   <subject>some content 1</subject>
   *   <relationship>some content 2</relationship>
   *   <object>some content 3</object>
   * </triple>
   * .....
   * <triple>
   *   <subject>some content 1</subject>
   *   <relationship>some content 2</relationship>
   *   <object>some content 3</object>
   * </triple>
* without the formatting (i.e. no indents or extra spaces) */ public String toFormatedXML() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0; i"); return; } String filename = args[0]; try { Reader xml = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); TripleCollection tc = new TripleCollection(xml); System.out.println("Triples are:" ); System.out.println(tc.toString()); //test the getCollectionBy methods Vector v = tc.getCollectionBySubject("1.s"); System.out.println(v.toString()); v = tc.getCollectionByObject("2.o"); System.out.println(v.toString()); v = tc.getCollectionByRelationship("1.r"); System.out.println(v.toString()); //test addTriple Triple t = new Triple("3.s", "3.r", "3.o"); tc.addTriple(t); System.out.println(tc.toString()); //test removeTriple Triple u = tc.removeTriple(t); System.out.println(u.toString()); System.out.println(tc.toString()); Triple x = new Triple(); u = tc.removeTriple(x); if(u != null) System.out.println(u.toString()); else System.out.println("u == null"); System.out.println(tc.toString()); //check containsTriple tc.addTriple(t); if(tc.containsTriple(t)) System.out.println("it's there"); else System.out.println("it's not"); tc.removeTriple(t); if(tc.containsTriple(t)) System.out.println("it's there"); else System.out.println("it's not"); //test toXML tc.addTriple(t); System.out.println(tc.toXML()); System.out.println(tc.toFormatedXML()); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("error in main"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } System.out.println("Done with " + args[0]); } }