JETTY ===== The Jetty project is a 100% Java HTTP Server, HTTP Client and Servlet Container. The Jetty @ eclipse project is based on the Jetty project at codehaus Ongoing development is now at the eclipse foundation Jetty @ eclipse is open source and is dual licensed using the apache 2.0 and eclipse public license 1.0. You may choose either license when distributing jetty. BUILDING JETTY ============== Jetty uses maven 2 as its build system. Maven will fetch the dependancies, build the server and assemble a runnable version: mvn install RUNNING JETTY ============= The run directory is either the top-level of a binary release or jetty-distribution/target/assembly-prep directory when built from source. To run with the default options: java -jar start.jar To see the available options and the default arguments provided by the start.ini file: java -jar start.jar --help To run with extra configuration file(s) appended, eg SSL java -jar start.jar etc/jetty-ssl.xml To run with properties java -jar start.jar jetty.port=8081 To run with extra configuration file(s) prepended, eg logging & jmx java -jar start.jar --pre=etc/jetty-logging.xml --pre=etc/jetty-jmx.xml To run without the args from start.ini java -jar start.jar --ini OPTIONS=Server,websocket etc/jetty.xml etc/jetty-deploy.xml etc/jetty-ssl.xml to list the know OPTIONS: java -jar start.jar --list-options