package; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectInfo; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.TypeFactory; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class SortedHarvestTimepointMapTest { @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { System.out.println("=========================================="); } @Test public void testUnrestrictedMap() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SortedHarvestTimepointMap harvest = new SortedHarvestTimepointMap(null,null,null); // test the methods prior to adding anything assertEquals("Map should be empty before adding anything", 0,harvest.getHarvestSize()); assertNull("latest timepoint should be empty prior to adding anything",harvest.getLatestTimePoint()); assertNull("earliest timepoint should be empty prior to adding anything",harvest.getEarliestTimePoint()); assertNotNull("the iterator should not be null, even if map is empty", harvest.getAscendingIterator()); ObjectList ol = new ObjectList(); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("foo."+i)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*i)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() should return the original currentTime", currentTime, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getEarliestTimePoint() should return the currentTime - 900", currentTime -900, harvest.getEarliestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return all 10", 10, harvest.getHarvestSize()); Iterator>> it = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) {; i++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() should iterate over all 10 timepoints",10,i); ol = new ObjectList(); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("bar."+j)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*j)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() [2] should now return the original currentTime", currentTime, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getEarliestTimepoint() [2] should return the original currentTime - 9 *100", currentTime -900, harvest.getEarliestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return all 20", 20, harvest.getHarvestSize()); Iterator>> it2 = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int j = 0; while (it2.hasNext()) { Entry> en =; System.out.println(en.getKey() + " : " + StringUtils.join(en.getValue(), ',')); j++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() [2] should iterate over all 10 timepoints",10,j); } @Test public void testTimeRestrictedMap() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Date fromDate = new Date(currentTime - 6*100); Date toDate = new Date(currentTime); SortedHarvestTimepointMap harvest = new SortedHarvestTimepointMap(fromDate,toDate,null); ObjectList ol = new ObjectList(); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("foo."+i)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*i)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() should return the original currentTime", currentTime, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return only the 7 of 10 that are in time window", 7, harvest.getHarvestSize()); Iterator>> it = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) {; i++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() should iterate over all 7 timepoints",7,i); ol = new ObjectList(); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("bar."+j)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*j)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); Iterator>> it2 = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int j = 0; while (it2.hasNext()) { Entry> en =; System.out.println(en.getKey() + " : " + StringUtils.join(en.getValue(), ',')); j++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() [2] should iterate over all 7 timepoints",7,j); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() [2] should still return the original currentTime", currentTime, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return 7 * 2 = 14", 14, harvest.getHarvestSize()); } @Test public void testHarvestSizeRestrictedMap() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SortedHarvestTimepointMap harvest = new SortedHarvestTimepointMap(null,null,7); ObjectList ol = new ObjectList(); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("foo."+i)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*i)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() should return the original currentTime minus 3 * 100", currentTime-300, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return only the 7 of 10 that are in harvest size", 7, harvest.getHarvestSize()); Iterator>> it = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) {; i++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() should iterate over all 7 timepoints",7,i); ol = new ObjectList(); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("bar."+j)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*j)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); Iterator>> it2 = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int j = 0; while (it2.hasNext()) { Entry> en =; System.out.println(en.getKey().getTime() + " : " + StringUtils.join(en.getValue(), ',')); j++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() [2] should iterate over 3 timepoints (with 2 identifiers each)",3,j); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() [2] should still return the original currentTime - 7 *100", currentTime -700, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return 3*2", 6, harvest.getHarvestSize()); } @Test public void testFullyRestrictedMap() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Date fromDate = new Date(currentTime - 8*100); Date toDate = new Date(currentTime - 1*100); SortedHarvestTimepointMap harvest = new SortedHarvestTimepointMap(fromDate,toDate,17); ObjectList ol = new ObjectList(); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("foo."+i)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*i)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() should return the original currentTime minus 1 * 100", currentTime-100, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return only the 8 of 10 that are in time window", 8, harvest.getHarvestSize()); Iterator>> it = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) {; i++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() should iterate over all 8 timepoints",8,i); ol = new ObjectList(); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); oi.setIdentifier(TypeFactory.buildIdentifier("bar."+j)); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(new Date(currentTime - 100*j)); ol.addObjectInfo(oi); } harvest.addObjectList(ol); Iterator>> it2 = harvest.getAscendingIterator(); int j = 0; while (it2.hasNext()) { Entry> en =; System.out.println(en.getKey().getTime() + " : " + StringUtils.join(en.getValue(), ',')); j++; } assertEquals("getAscendingIterator() [2] should iterate over 8 timepoints (with 2 identifiers each)",8,j); assertEquals("getLatestTimepoint() [2] should still return the original currentTime - 1 *100", currentTime -100, harvest.getLatestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getEarliestTimepoint() [2] should still return the original currentTime - 8 *100", currentTime -800, harvest.getEarliestTimePoint().getTime()); assertEquals("getHarvestSize() should return 8*2", 16, harvest.getHarvestSize()); } }