// JavaScript Document var popupMsg = "If you need to create a new account, \n" +"click the \"create new account\" link \n" +"beneath the password text-box"; function allowSubmit(formObj) { if (trim(formObj.elements["loginAction"].value)!="Login") return true; //trim username & passwd: var username = trim(formObj.elements["username"].value); var organization = trim(formObj.elements["organization"].value); var password = trim(formObj.elements["password"].value); if (username=="") { alert("You must type a username. \n"+popupMsg); formObj.elements["username"].focus(); return false; } if (organization=="") { alert("You must select an organization. \n"+popupMsg); formObj.elements["organization"].focus(); return false; } if (password=="") { alert("You must type a password. \n"+popupMsg); formObj.elements["password"].focus(); return false; } return true; } function allowSearch(formObj) { var canSearch = true; var searchString = trim(formObj.elements["anyfield"].value); if (searchString=="") { if (confirm("Show *all* data?\n(this may take some time!)")) { formObj.elements["anyfield"].value = "%"; canSearch = true; } else { formObj.elements["anyfield"].focus(); canSearch = false; } } return canSearch; } function allowAdvancedSearch(inputFormObj, submitFormObj) { var searchString = trim(inputFormObj.elements["searchValue"].value); if (searchString=="") searchString="%"; if (inputFormObj.searchField.value=='anyfield') { submitFormObj.anyfield.value=searchString; } else if (inputFormObj.searchField.value=='title') { submitFormObj.title.value=searchString; } else if (inputFormObj.searchField.value=='surname') { submitFormObj.surName.value=searchString; } return true; } function keywordSearch(formObj, searchKeyword) { var searchString = trim(searchKeyword); if (searchString=="") searchString="%"; formObj.anyfield.value=searchString; formObj.submit(); return true; } function trim(stringToTrim) { return stringToTrim.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/,''); }