Server Layout

**Document status: DRAFT as of 2012-01-19**

This page describes the basic layout of Virtual Machines on the servers at CN locations.

**Table 1.** Virtual Machine server layouts at CN sites. Status: -1 =
Deprecated; 0 = Planned; 1 = OS installed; 2 = Service software
installed; 3 = Operation confirmed.


  .. sqltable:: List of CN virtual machines
     :header: Status,HW_hostname,Role,Site,Location,VM_hostname,Virtual_hosts,Filesystems,RAM,Cores,Notes
     :widths: 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 10 6 6 10
     :driver: xlsx
     :source: source/data/servers.xlsx
     :sql: SELECT status,host,role,Site,Location,machine_id,virtual_hosts,filesystems,ram,cores,notes FROM Servers where role IN ("host","development","production","sandbox","staging");


  **Table 1.** Virtual Machine server layouts at CN sites.

  .. sqltable:: List of CN virtual machines
     :header: Done,HW_hostname,Role,Site,VM_hostname,Virtual_hosts,Filesystems,RAM,Cores,Notes
     :widths: 5 5 5 5 12 12 10 6 6 10
     :driver: xlsx
     :source: source/data/server-layout.xlsx
     :sql: SELECT Done,hw_hostname,role,Site,vm_hostname,virtual_hosts,filesystems,ram,cores,notes FROM Sheet1;