/** * This work was created by participants in the DataONE project, and is * jointly copyrighted by participating institutions in DataONE. For * more information on DataONE, see our web site at http://dataone.org. * * Copyright ${year} * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id$ */ package org.dataone.integration.it; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.dataone.client.CNode; import org.dataone.client.D1Client; import org.dataone.client.MNode; import org.dataone.integration.APITestUtils; import org.dataone.integration.ContextAwareTestCaseDataone; import org.dataone.integration.ExampleUtilities; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.BaseException; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.IdentifierNotUnique; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InsufficientResources; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidRequest; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidSystemMetadata; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidToken; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotAuthorized; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotFound; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotImplemented; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.ServiceFailure; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.UnsupportedType; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Identifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Node; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectInfo; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectLocationList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Session; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.SystemMetadata; import org.dataone.service.util.EncodingUtilities; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; /** * The goal here is to test synchronization of metadata created on a MN * with a CN. Synchronization is a CN scheduled cron job, so there is no * trigger for synchronization. We have to wait for it to happen :-) * The testing approach is: * 1. create a new data on a MN * 2. periodically poll the CN for a period greater than the cron interval * checking for presence of the new object there using: * a). getSystemMetadata * b). resolve * c). search * * @author rnahf * */ public class SynchronizationIT extends ContextAwareTestCaseDataone { private static final String cn_id = "cn-dev"; private static final String TEST_CN_URL = "http://cn-dev.dataone.org/cn"; //private static final String cn_Url = "http://cn-dev.dataone.org/cn/"; // mn1 needs to be a node that supports login, create, get and meta // TODO: unobfuscate urls when allowed to put test data into knb-mn private static final String mn1_id = "http://___knb-mn.ecoinformatics.org"; private static final String mn1_Url = "http://___knb-mn.ecoinformatics.org/knb/"; // private static final String mn1_id = "unregistered"; // private static final String mn1_Url = "http://cn-dev.dataone.org/knb/d1/"; private static final int pollingFrequencySec = 5; // as of jan20, 2011, dev nodes on a 5 minute synchronize cycle private static final int synchronizeWaitLimitSec = 7 * 60; private String currentUrl; /* other mn info http://dev-dryad-mn.dataone.org http://dev-dryad-mn.dataone.org/mn/ http://daacmn.dataone.utk.edu http://daacmn.dataone.utk.edu/mn/ */ private static final String prefix = "synch:testID"; // @Rule // public ErrorCollector errorCollector = new ErrorCollector(); /** * test the unit test harness */ @Test public void testTrue() { } /** * Naive test of metadata Replication to the CNs * Because of the synch schedule, want to test all methods in the same test, instead of using multiple * synch runs. * @throws NotFound */ @Ignore("takes too long") @Test public void testMDSynchronizeNewData() throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented, InterruptedException, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, IOException, IdentifierNotUnique, UnsupportedType, InsufficientResources, InvalidSystemMetadata, NotFound { CNode cn = D1Client.getCN(); Iterator it = getMemberNodeIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentUrl = it.next().getBaseURL(); MNode mn = new MNode(currentUrl); currentUrl = mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(); printTestHeader("testing synchronization for node: " + currentUrl); log.info("current time is: " + new Date()); Date fromDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); log.info("fromDate is: " + fromDate); // create new object on MN Identifier pid = ExampleUtilities.doCreateNewObject(mn, prefix); // poll resolve until the new object is found; int callsPassing = 0; int elapsedTimeSec = 0; boolean testsRemain = true; boolean resolveTodo = true; boolean metaTodo = true; boolean searchTodo = true; while (testsRemain && (elapsedTimeSec <= synchronizeWaitLimitSec)) { if (resolveTodo) { try { if (ExampleUtilities.countLocationsWithResolve(cn,pid) > 0) { resolveTodo = false; System.out.println("...resolve call succeeded"); callsPassing++; } } catch (NotFound e) { resolveTodo = true; } } if (metaTodo) { try { SystemMetadata s = cn.getSystemMetadata(null,pid); metaTodo = false; System.out.println("...meta call succeeded"); callsPassing++; } catch (NotFound e) { metaTodo = true; } } if (searchTodo) { ObjectList ol = cn.search(null,QUERYTYPE_SOLR, "query="+EncodingUtilities.encodeUrlQuerySegment(pid.getValue())); if (ol.getCount() > 0) { searchTodo = false; System.out.println("...search call succeeded"); callsPassing++; } } Thread.sleep(pollingFrequencySec * 1000); // millisec's elapsedTimeSec += pollingFrequencySec; System.out.println(" = = time elapsed: " + elapsedTimeSec); testsRemain = resolveTodo && metaTodo && searchTodo; } assertTrue("synchronize succeeded at least partially on " + cn_id, callsPassing > 0); assertTrue("synchronize succeeded fully on" + cn_id, callsPassing == 4); } } /** * This tests that both obsoletedBy and isArchived can be set in the same * harvesting, and neither is missed. * The process will create and object, update it, and then archive the original. * Then check that both fields are properly set on the CN. * @throws ServiceFailure * @throws NotImplemented * @throws InterruptedException * @throws InvalidToken * @throws NotAuthorized * @throws InvalidRequest * @throws IOException * @throws IdentifierNotUnique * @throws UnsupportedType * @throws InsufficientResources * @throws InvalidSystemMetadata * @throws NotFound */ @Test public void testSynchronizeNewData_ObsoletedByAndArchive() throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented, InterruptedException, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, IOException, IdentifierNotUnique, UnsupportedType, InsufficientResources, InvalidSystemMetadata, NotFound { setupClientSubject("testRightsHolder"); // gets it from the context.label field CNode cn = D1Client.getCN(); log.info("CN is " + cn.getNodeId()); // determine the MN to use Iterator it = getMemberNodeIterator(); MNode mn = null; while (it.hasNext()) { Node n = it.next(); if (n.getIdentifier().getValue().equals("urn:node:mnDemo1")) { currentUrl = n.getBaseURL(); mn = new MNode(currentUrl); currentUrl = mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(); printTestHeader("testing synchronization for node: " + currentUrl); } } log.info("current time is: " + new Date()); Date fromDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); log.info("fromDate is: " + fromDate); try { Object[] dataPackage = ExampleUtilities.generateTestSciDataPackage("syncTesting_Obs_n_Archvd:",true); mn.setDefaultSoTimeout(60000); Identifier originalPid = mn.create(null,(Identifier) dataPackage[0], (InputStream) dataPackage[1], (SystemMetadata) dataPackage[2]); log.info("Created object " + originalPid.getValue() + " on node " + mn.getNodeId()); // create the new data package to update with (just prep for now...) dataPackage = ExampleUtilities.generateTestSciDataPackage("syncTesting_Obs_n_Archvd:",true); Identifier newPid = (Identifier) dataPackage[0]; SystemMetadata origObjectSysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, originalPid); log.debug("pre-update, pre-archive sysMeta orig - MN: " + origObjectSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified() + " : " + origObjectSysmeta.getArchived() + " : " + origObjectSysmeta.getObsoletedBy() + " : " + origObjectSysmeta.getSerialVersion().toString()); // poll to get sysMeta from the CN. // once we get it, we can be reasonably sure that we will perform // the update and archive in the same inter-sync period SystemMetadata cnSysMetaOrig = null; Date postCreateDate = new Date(); Date now = new Date(); while (cnSysMetaOrig == null && (postCreateDate.getTime() + (5 * 60 * 1000) > now.getTime())) { log.info("trying to get sysMeta..."); try { cnSysMetaOrig = cn.getSystemMetadata(originalPid); log.debug("SysMeta-CN-Orig: " + cnSysMetaOrig.getDateSysMetadataModified() + " : " + cnSysMetaOrig.getArchived() + " : " + cnSysMetaOrig.getObsoletedBy() + " : " + cnSysMetaOrig.getSerialVersion().toString()); } catch (NotFound nf) { ; // not found is ok } if (cnSysMetaOrig != null) { break; } else { log.info("...sleeping..."); Thread.sleep(10000); now = new Date(); } } checkTrue("--","Did not synchronize original sysMeta within the set time period", cnSysMetaOrig != null); // do the object update on the MN Date preUpdateTimeStamp = new Date(); log.debug("updating..."); Identifier updatedPid = mn.update(null, originalPid, (InputStream) dataPackage[1], // new data newPid, (SystemMetadata) dataPackage[2] // new sysmeta ); // sleep between operations for sanity Thread.sleep(100); Date preArchiveTimeStamp = new Date(); Thread.sleep(5000); // archive the original object log.debug("archiving..."); Identifier archivedPid = mn.archive(originalPid); checkEquals(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),"pid returned from update should match that given", newPid.getValue(), updatedPid.getValue()); // check obsoletes and obsoletedBy field consistency on the MN SystemMetadata updatedSysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, updatedPid); checkEquals(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),"sysmeta of updatePid should have the originalPid in obsoletes field", updatedSysmeta.getObsoletes().getValue(),originalPid.getValue()); checkTrue(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(), "MN should be setting the dateSystemMetadataModified property", updatedSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified() != null); origObjectSysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, originalPid); checkEquals(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),"sysmeta of original Pid should have new pid in obsoletedBy field", origObjectSysmeta.getObsoletedBy().getValue(),updatedPid.getValue()); log.debug("post-update, post-archive sysMeta orig - MN: " + origObjectSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified() + " : " + origObjectSysmeta.getArchived() + " : " + origObjectSysmeta.getObsoletedBy() + " : " + origObjectSysmeta.getSerialVersion().toString()); Thread.sleep(20000); // the old pid needs to be in a timebound listObject response // to indicate that the update changed the systemMetadata of the original ObjectList ol = mn.listObjects(null, preArchiveTimeStamp, null, null, null, null, null); log.info(mn.getLatestRequestUrl()); boolean foundUpdatedSysmeta = false; for (ObjectInfo oi : ol.getObjectInfoList()) { if (oi.getIdentifier().getValue().equals(originalPid.getValue())) { foundUpdatedSysmeta = true; } } checkTrue(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),"should find original pid in time-bound listObject " + "where start time is after update and before archive methods",foundUpdatedSysmeta); checkTrue(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),"Archived should be 'true'", origObjectSysmeta.getArchived()); // wait for re-sync with CN boolean success = false; Date startSyncWait = new Date(); now = new Date(); while (startSyncWait.getTime() + (5 * 60 * 1000) > now.getTime()) { SystemMetadata cnSysMeta = cn.getSystemMetadata(originalPid); log.info("...calling cn/v1/meta on target pid"); log.debug("post-update, post-archive sysMeta orig - CN: " + cnSysMeta.getDateSysMetadataModified() + " : " + cnSysMeta.getArchived() + " : " + cnSysMeta.getObsoletedBy() + " : " + cnSysMeta.getSerialVersion().toString()); if (!cnSysMeta.getDateSysMetadataModified().equals(cnSysMetaOrig.getDateSysMetadataModified())) { // check that both values changed if (cnSysMeta.getArchived() && cnSysMeta.getObsoletedBy() == null) { log.warn("Archived but not ObsoletedBy"); break; } if (!cnSysMeta.getArchived() && cnSysMeta.getObsoletedBy() != null) { log.warn("ObsoletedBy but not archived"); break; } if (cnSysMeta.getArchived() && cnSysMeta.getObsoletedBy() != null) { // yes! success = true; log.info("Success: Found both archived and obsoletedBy set on the CN"); break; } } else { // neither has been changed, so still in Thread.sleep(15000); log.info("...waiting for a sync to get the updates."); now = new Date(); } } if (!success) { handleFail(mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(), "The CN did not properly set archived and obsoletedBy"); } } catch (BaseException e) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getDetail_code() + ": " + e.getDescription()); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); handleFail(currentUrl,e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * For each mn, resolve each Identifier in the ObjectList returned from the mn. * (The objectList filters out any objects within 5 minutes of test running time.) * Fails if NotFound is returned from any of the resolve calls. * @throws ServiceFailure */ @Ignore("thorough, but expensive - calls resolve against all objects") @Test public void testAllObjectsSynchronized_viaResolve() throws ServiceFailure { // just to be somebody other than public setupClientSubject("testRightsHolder"); CNode cn = D1Client.getCN(); Iterator it = getMemberNodeIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentUrl = it.next().getBaseURL(); MNode mn = new MNode(currentUrl); currentUrl = mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(); printTestHeader("testing synchronization for node: " + currentUrl); try { Date now = new Date(); Date toDate = new Date(now.getTime() - 5 * 60 * 1000); ObjectList ol = APITestUtils.pagedListObjects(mn, null, toDate, null, null, null, null); log.info(" total objects at T-5min = " + ol.getCount() ); if (ol.getCount() > 0) { boolean hasExceptions = false; HashMap resTable = new HashMap(); for (ObjectInfo oi : ol.getObjectInfoList()) { String result = null; try { ObjectLocationList oll = cn.resolve(null, oi.getIdentifier()); result = "resolved"; } catch (BaseException be) { if (!(be instanceof NotAuthorized)) hasExceptions = true; result = be.getClass().getSimpleName(); log.info("exception: " + result + ": " + be.getDescription()); } int y = resTable.containsKey(result) ? resTable.get(result).intValue() : 0; resTable.put(result,new Integer(y+1)); } StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer(); for (String result : resTable.keySet()) { results.append(result + " = " + resTable.get(result) + "; "); } log.info("results: " + results.toString()); if (hasExceptions) { handleFail(currentUrl,"not all objects on the mn could be cn.resolved: " + results.toString()); } } } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(currentUrl,"problem getting ObjectList"); } } // log.info("current time is: " + new Date()); // Date fromDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // log.info("fromDate is: " + fromDate); // // // // create new object on MN // Identifier pid = ExampleUtilities.doCreateNewObject(mn, prefix); // // // poll resolve until the new object is found; // int callsPassing = 0; // int elapsedTimeSec = 0; // boolean testsRemain = true; // boolean resolveTodo = true; // boolean metaTodo = true; // boolean searchTodo = true; // while (testsRemain && (elapsedTimeSec <= synchronizeWaitLimitSec)) // { // // if (resolveTodo) { // try { // if (ExampleUtilities.countLocationsWithResolve(cn,pid) > 0) { // resolveTodo = false; // System.out.println("...resolve call succeeded"); // callsPassing++; // } // } catch (NotFound e) { // resolveTodo = true; // } // } // if (metaTodo) { // try { // SystemMetadata s = cn.getSystemMetadata(null,pid); // metaTodo = false; // System.out.println("...meta call succeeded"); // callsPassing++; // } catch (NotFound e) { // metaTodo = true; // } // } // if (searchTodo) { // ObjectList ol = cn.search(null,QUERYTYPE_SOLR, // "query="+EncodingUtilities.encodeUrlQuerySegment(pid.getValue())); // if (ol.getCount() > 0) { // searchTodo = false; // System.out.println("...search call succeeded"); // callsPassing++; // } // } // Thread.sleep(pollingFrequencySec * 1000); // millisec's // elapsedTimeSec += pollingFrequencySec; // System.out.println(" = = time elapsed: " + elapsedTimeSec); // // testsRemain = resolveTodo && metaTodo && searchTodo; // } // assertTrue("synchronize succeeded at least partially on " + cn_id, callsPassing > 0); // assertTrue("synchronize succeeded fully on" + cn_id, callsPassing == 4); // } } private Set buildIdentifierSet(ObjectList ol) { Set idSet = new HashSet(); for (ObjectInfo oi: ol.getObjectInfoList()) { idSet.add(oi.getIdentifier()); } return idSet; } @Test public void testAllObjectsSynchronized_via_ListObjects() { setupClientSubject("testRightsHolder"); CNode cn = null; try { cn = D1Client.getCN(); Date now = new Date(); Date toDate = new Date(now.getTime() - 10 * 60 * 1000); ObjectList cnList = APITestUtils.pagedListObjects(cn, null, null, null, null, null, null); Set cnIdentifierSet = buildIdentifierSet(cnList); log.info("Size CN Objectlist = " + cnList.getCount()); Iterator it = getMemberNodeIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentUrl = it.next().getBaseURL(); MNode mn = new MNode(currentUrl); currentUrl = mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(); printTestHeader("testing synchronization for node: " + currentUrl); try { ObjectList ol = APITestUtils.pagedListObjects(mn, null, toDate, null, null, null, null); log.info(" object count for mn at T-10min = " + ol.getCount() ); Set mnIds = buildIdentifierSet(ol); checkTrue(mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(),"The objects returned from mn.listObjects(where toDate='T-10min') should all be" + " contained in the cn's objectList", cnIdentifierSet.containsAll(mnIds)); } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),"problem getting an ObjectList from the mn"); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(),"NPE thrown comparing cn identifiers to mn identifiers"); } } } catch (BaseException be) { String baseurl = cn != null ? cn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() : "default CN"; handleFail(baseurl,"problem getting an ObjectList from the cn"); } } /** * Naive test of metadata Replication to the CNs * Using getSystemMetadata call to detect successful synchronization */ // @Test public void testMDSynchronizeWithMeta() throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented, InterruptedException, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotFound, IOException, IdentifierNotUnique, UnsupportedType, InsufficientResources, InvalidSystemMetadata { // create the players CNode cn = D1Client.getCN(); MNode mn1 = D1Client.getMN(mn1_Url); Session token = null; // create new object on MN_1 Identifier pid = ExampleUtilities.doCreateNewObject(mn1, prefix); // synchronization is a regularly schedule event self-determined by the CN // so there is nothing to trigger, just wait // poll get until found or tired of waiting int elapsedTimeSec = 0; boolean notFound = true; while (notFound && (elapsedTimeSec <= synchronizeWaitLimitSec )) { notFound = false; try { SystemMetadata smd = cn.getSystemMetadata(token, pid); } catch (NotFound e) { notFound = true; // expect a notfound until replication completes } Thread.sleep(pollingFrequencySec * 1000); // millisec's elapsedTimeSec += pollingFrequencySec; System.out.println("Time elapsed: " + elapsedTimeSec); } assertTrue("Metadata synchronized to the CN " + cn_id, !notFound); } /** * A naive test of synchronization, using resolve to poll for the existence of an object * on a Coordinating Node. * */ // @Test public void testMDSynchronizeWithResolve() throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented, InterruptedException, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotFound, IOException, IdentifierNotUnique, UnsupportedType, InsufficientResources, InvalidSystemMetadata { // create the players CNode cn = D1Client.getCN(); MNode mn1 = D1Client.getMN(mn1_Url); // create new object on MN_1 Identifier pid = ExampleUtilities.doCreateNewObject(mn1, prefix); // poll resolve until the new object is found; int count = 0; int elapsedTimeSec = 0; boolean notFound = true; while (count == 0 && (elapsedTimeSec <= synchronizeWaitLimitSec)) { count = ExampleUtilities.countLocationsWithResolve(cn,pid); Thread.sleep(pollingFrequencySec * 1000); // millisec's elapsedTimeSec += pollingFrequencySec; System.out.println("Time elapsed: " + elapsedTimeSec); } assertTrue("New object resolved on " + cn_id, count > 0); } /** * Naive test of metadata Replication (synchronization) to the CNs * Using the search function to test success */ // @Test public void testMDSynchronizeWithSearch() throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented, InterruptedException, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotFound, IOException, IdentifierNotUnique, UnsupportedType, InsufficientResources, InvalidSystemMetadata { // create the players CNode cn = D1Client.getCN(); MNode mn1 = D1Client.getMN(mn1_Url); Session token = null; // create new object on MN_1 Identifier pid = ExampleUtilities.doCreateNewObject(mn1, prefix); // poll get until found or tired of waiting int elapsedTimeSec = 0; int count = 0; while (count == 0 && (elapsedTimeSec <= synchronizeWaitLimitSec )) { ObjectList ol = cn.search(token, QUERYTYPE_SOLR, "query=" + EncodingUtilities.encodeUrlQuerySegment(pid.getValue())); count = ol.getCount(); Thread.sleep(pollingFrequencySec * 1000); // millisec's elapsedTimeSec += pollingFrequencySec; System.out.println("Time elapsed: " + elapsedTimeSec); } assertTrue("Metadata synchronized to the CN " + cn_id, count > 0); } @Override protected String getTestDescription() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }