'$RCSfile: eml-protocol.xsd,v $' Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis For Details: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/ '$Author: cjones $' '$Date: 2001-12-14 20:26:08 $' '$Revision: 1.12 $' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA eml-protocol The EML Protocol Module is used to describe methods and identify the proccesses that have been used to define / improve the quality of a data file, also used to identify potential problems with the data file. EML Protocol A set of fields that contains method, processing, and quality control information. eml-protocol is a set of fields that contains method, processing, and quality control information. It may consist of paragraphs of descriptive text that describes the methods to be employed, or optionally references to literature citations that do the same. Likewise, descriptions of pre and post processing of data files may be described within. Please see the examples for the sub-fields. Derived from EML 1.4: eml-status, and eml-quality modules. Unique identifier The unique identifier of this metadata file or object. The identifier field provides a unique identifier for this metadata documentation. It will most likely be part of a sequence of numbers or letters that are meaningful in a larger context, such as a metadata catalog. That larger system can be identified in the "system" attribute. Multiple identifiers can be listed corresponding to different catalog systems. nceas.3.2]]> The 'identifier' field is derived from the eml-dataset meta_file_id filed in EML 1.4. Catalog system The catalog system in which this identifier is used. This element gives the name of the catalog system in which this identifier is used. It is useful to determine the scope of the identifier, and to determine the semantics of the various subparts of the identifier. Unresolved issue: can or should this be a URI/URL pointing to the catalog system, or just the name? nceas.3.2]]> New to EML 2.0. ProtocolType A reusable container for protocol-related information The ProtocolType container defines a number of reusable fields that can be referenced from multiple EML modules. Please see the examples for the sub-fields. Introduced in EML 2.0 method information Information about the methods employed in collecting or generating a data set or other resource. The method field allows for repeated paragraphs of text that describe the methodology for a project, experiment, or particular data table. Likewise, a literature citation may be provided that describes the methodology that was employed. 1.Collect tissues from algae of interest. a.We are currently collecting Egregia menziezii, Mazzaella splendens, M. flaccida, Hedophyllum sessile, Postelsia palmaeformis and Fucus gardneri.We stopped collecting Neorhodomela larix and Odonthalia floccosa because they can be heavily fouled and we feared that would skew the results. b.We collect a 7-10 cm blade or branch from each plant. For Egregia, try to sample small, young plants or take the base of the blade. For Postelsia, take a few of the blades. The other plants are small enough so a whole blade can be taken. ]]> Derived from EML 1.4 Processing Step Information on pre or post processing actions for a data set. Step defines the quality control or quality assurance procedures that were applied to the corresponding data file. For example, a shell-script that 'greps' for an alpha-character within a datafile that is supposed to contain only numeric characters 2.Freeze tissues at -20C until they can be dried. Dry tissue in drying oven (60C, at least 24h). Grinding: All glassware and plasticware should be acid washed in 10% HCl. Place dried algal sample in plastic vial with ground glass ball. For very hard to grind tissue such as M. splendens, two balls may be used. Place vials in grinder. Only two vials can go in the mill at one time. Grind for 2-5 minutes. Tissue should be fine powder. Place ground tissue in small screw cap vials and store in drying oven or dessication chamber. ]]> Introduced in EML 2.0 Quality Control Information on possible errors or on the quality of a data set. The qualityControl field provides a location for the description of possible errors in a data set, or a description of the quality of the data set based on the the processing steps or methods employed in collecting the data. Once the data file is received, verify it's integrity by comparing it's checksum with the pre-calculated MD5 checksum by running the md5 command on the file. If they match, the file transferred correctly. ]]> Introduced in EML 2.0 Protocol Information A container for methods and protocol-related information The protocol field provides a container for other related fields such as methods, processingStep, and qualityControl. Please see the examples for the sub-fields. Introduced in EML 2.0 Paragraph A field for text paragraphs The paragraph field is used as a generic field for text. It allows the text to be divided into distinct paragraphs within an EML file. Any text, really, could be part of a single paragraph element...Please look at the examples for each of the protocol sub-fields. Derived from EML 1.3