define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "text!templates/portals/portalVisualizations.html", "views/portals/PortalSectionView"], function($, _, Backbone, PortalVisualizationsTemplate, PortalSectionView){ /** * @class PortalVisualizationsView * @classdesc The PortalVisualizationsView is a view to render the * portal visualizations tab (within PortalSectionView) * @classcategory Views/Portals */ var PortalVisualizationsView = PortalSectionView.extend( /** @lends PortalVisualizationsView.prototype */{ /* The class names to add to this view */ className: "portal-viz-section-view tab-pane portal-section-view", /* TODO: Decide if we need this */ type: "PortalVisualizations", /** * The PortalVizSectionModel * @type {PortalVizSectionModel} */ model: null, /* The list of subview instances contained in this view*/ subviews: [], // Could be a literal object {} /* Renders the compiled template into HTML */ template: _.template(PortalVisualizationsTemplate), /* The events that this view listens to*/ events: { }, /* Construct a new instance of PortalVisualizationsView */ initialize: function(options) { // Get all the options and apply them to this view if( typeof options == "object" ) { var optionKeys = Object.keys(options); _.each(optionKeys, function(key, i) { this[key] = options[key]; }, this); } }, /* Render the view */ render: function() { //Attach this view to the DOM element this.$"view", this); if( this.model.get("visualizationType") == "fever" && MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableFeverVisualizations") ){ this.renderFEVer(); } }, renderFEVer: function(){ //Insert the FEVer visualization into the page var iframe = $(document.createElement("iframe")) .attr("src", MetacatUI.appModel.get("feverUrl")) .css("width", "100%"); this.$el.html(iframe); }, postRender: function(){ if( this.model.get("visualizationType") == "fever" ){ $(window).resize(this.adjustVizHeight); $(".auto-height-member").resize(this.adjustVizHeight); //Get the height of the visible part of the page for the iframe this.adjustVizHeight(); } }, adjustVizHeight: function(){ // Get the heights of the header, navbar, and footer var otherHeight = 0; $(".auto-height-member").each(function(i, el) { if ($(el).css("display") != "none" && !$(el).is("#Footer") ) { otherHeight += $(el).outerHeight(true); } }); // Get the remaining height left based on the window size var remainingHeight = $(window).outerHeight(true) - otherHeight; if (remainingHeight < 0){ remainingHeight = $(window).outerHeight(true) || 600; } else if (remainingHeight <= 120){ remainingHeight = ($(window).outerHeight(true) - remainingHeight) || 600; } this.$("iframe").css("height", remainingHeight + "px"); }, onClose: function() { $(window).removeListener("resize", this.adjustVizHeight); } }); return PortalVisualizationsView; });