define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "models/portals/PortalModel", "models/UserModel", "text!templates/alert.html", "text!templates/loading.html", "text!templates/portals/portal.html", "text!templates/portals/editPortals.html", "views/portals/PortalHeaderView", "views/portals/PortalDataView", "views/portals/PortalSectionView", "views/portals/PortalMetricsView", "views/portals/PortalMembersView", "views/portals/PortalLogosView", "views/portals/PortalVisualizationsView" ], function($, _, Backbone, Portal, User, AlertTemplate, LoadingTemplate, PortalTemplate, EditPortalsTemplate, PortalHeaderView, PortalDataView, PortalSectionView, PortalMetricsView, PortalMembersView, PortalLogosView, PortalVisualizationsView) { "use_strict"; /** * @class PortalView * @classdesc The PortalView is a generic view to render * portals, it will hold portal sections * @classcategory Views/Portals * @extends Backbone.View * @constructor */ var PortalView = Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends PortalView.prototype */{ /** * The Portal element * @type {string} */ el: "#Content", /** * The type of View this is * @type {string} */ type: "Portal", /** * The currently active section view * @type {PortalSectionView} */ activeSection: undefined, /** * The currently active section label. e.g. Data, Metrics, Settings, etc. * @type {string} */ activeSectionLabel: "", /** * The names of all sections in this portal editor * @type {Array} */ sectionNames: [], /** * The seriesId of the portal document * @type {string} */ portalId: "", /** * The unique short name of the portal * @type {string} */ label: "", /** * Flag to add section name to URL. Enabled by default. * @type {boolean} */ displaySectionInUrl: true, /** * The subviews contained within this view to be removed with onClose * @type {Array} */ subviews: new Array(), // Could be a literal object {} */ /** * A Portal Model is associated with this view and gets created during render() * @type {Portal} */ model: null, /** * A User Model is associated with this view for rendering node/user views * @type {User} */ userModel: null, /* Renders the compiled template into HTML */ template: _.template(PortalTemplate), //A template to display a notification message alertTemplate: _.template(AlertTemplate), //A template for displaying a loading message loadingTemplate: _.template(LoadingTemplate), // Template for the 'edit portal' button editPortalsTemplate: _.template(EditPortalsTemplate), /** * A jQuery selector for the element that a single section link will be inserted into * @type {string} */ sectionLinkContainer: ".section-link-container", /** * A jQuery selector for the elements that are links to the individual sections * @type {string} */ sectionLinks: ".portal-section-link", /** * A jQuery selector for the section elements * @type {string} */ sectionEls: ".portal-section-view", /** * A jQuery selection for the element that will contain the Edit button. * @type {string} * @since 2.14.0 */ editButtonContainer: ".edit-portal-link-container", /** * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call. * @type {Object} */ events: { "click .portal-section-link" : "handleSwitchSection", "click .section-links-container" : "toggleSectionLinks" }, /** * Is executed when a new PortalView is created */ initialize: function(options) { // Set the current PortalView properties this.portalId = options.portalId ? options.portalId : undefined; this.model = options.model ? options.model : undefined; this.nodeView = options.nodeView ? options.nodeView : undefined; this.label = options.label ? options.label : undefined; this.activeSection = options.activeSection ? options.activeSection : undefined; this.activeSectionLabel = options.activeSectionLabel ? options.activeSectionLabel : undefined; }, /** * Initial render of the PortalView * * @return {PortalView} Returns itself for easy function stacking in the app */ render: function() { var view = this; //Make sure the subviews array is reset this.subviews = new Array(); // Add the overall class immediately so the navbar is styled correctly right away $("body").addClass("PortalView"); this.$el.html(this.loadingTemplate({ msg: "Loading..." })); //Perform specific label checks if (!MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("checked")) { this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.nodeModel, "change:checked", function(){ // perform node checks if(view.isNode(view.label)){ view.nodeView = true; view.renderAsNode(); } else { view.nodeView = false; view.renderAsPortal(); } }); this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.nodeModel, "error", function(){ this.showError(null, "Couldn't get the DataONE Node info document"); }); } else if( MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("error") ){ this.showError(null, "Couldn't get the DataONE Node info document"); } else if( this.isNode(this.label) ){ this.nodeView = true; this.renderAsNode(); } else if( !this.isNode(this.label) ){ this.nodeView = false; this.renderAsPortal(); } return this; }, /** * Entry point for portal rendering */ renderAsPortal: function(){ // At this point we know that the given label is not a // repository short identifier // Create a new Portal model if (this.model === undefined || this.model === null) { this.model = new Portal({ seriesId: this.portalId, label: this.label }); } // When the model has been synced, render the results this.stopListening(); this.listenToOnce(this.model, "sync", this.renderPortal); //If the portal isn't found, display a 404 message this.listenTo(this.model, "notFound", this.handleNotFound); //Listen to errors that might occur during fetch() this.listenToOnce(this.model, "error", this.showError); //Fetch the model this.model.fetch({ objectOnly: true }); }, /** * Entry point for a repository portal view * At this point we know for sure that a given label/username is a repository user */ renderAsNode:function(){ var view = this; //Create a UserModel with the username given this.userModel = new User({ username: view.label }); this.userModel.saveAsNode(); // get the node Info var nodeInfo = _.find(MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("members"), function(nodeModel) { return nodeModel.identifier.toLowerCase() == "urn:node:" + view.label.toLowerCase(); }); this.nodeInfo = nodeInfo; this.nodeName =; this.portalId = this.nodeInfo.identifier; // create a portal model for repository this.model = new Portal({ seriesId: this.portalId, label: view.label }); // remove the members section directly from the model this.model.removeSection("members"); this.model.createNodeAttributes(this.nodeInfo); //Setting the repo specific statsModel var statsSearchModel = this.userModel.get("searchModel").clone(); statsSearchModel.set("exclude", [], {silent: true}).set("formatType", [], {silent: true}); MetacatUI.statsModel.set("query", statsSearchModel.getQuery()); MetacatUI.statsModel.set("searchModel", statsSearchModel); if( _.contains(MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataoneHostedRepos"), this.nodeInfo.identifier) ){ MetacatUI.statsModel.set("mdqImageId", this.nodeInfo.identifier); } // render repository view as portal view this.renderPortal(); }, /** * Render the Portal view */ renderPortal: function() { // Getting the correct portal label and seriesID this.label = this.model.get("label"); this.portalId = this.model.get("seriesId"); // Remove the listeners that were set during the fetch() process this.stopListening(this.model, "notFound", this.handleNotFound); this.stopListening(this.model, "error", this.showError); //If this is in DataONE Plus Preview Mode, check that the portal is // a Plus portal before rendering. Member Node portals are always displayed. if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusPreviewMode") && !this.nodeView){ var sourceMN = this.model.get("datasource"); //Check if the portal source node is from the active alt repo OR is // configured as a Plus portal. if( typeof sourceMN != "string" || (sourceMN != MetacatUI.appModel.get("defaultAlternateRepositoryId") && !_.findWhere(MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusPreviewPortals"), { datasource: sourceMN, seriesId: this.model.get("seriesId") })) ){ //Get the name of the source member node var sourceMNName = "original data repository", mnURL = ""; if( typeof sourceMN == "string" ){ var sourceMNObject = MetacatUI.nodeModel.getMember(sourceMN); if( sourceMNObject ){ sourceMNName =; //If there is a baseURL string if( sourceMNObject.baseURL ){ //Parse out the origin of the baseURL string. We want to crop out the /metacat/d1/mn parts. mnURL = sourceMNObject.baseURL.substring(0, sourceMNObject.baseURL.lastIndexOf(".")) + sourceMNObject.baseURL.substring(sourceMNObject.baseURL.lastIndexOf("."), sourceMNObject.baseURL.indexOf("/", sourceMNObject.baseURL.lastIndexOf("."))); } } } //Show a message that the portal can be found on the repository website. var message = $(document.createElement("h3")).addClass("center stripe"); message.text("The " + this.model.get("name") + " " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") + " can be viewed in the "); if(mnURL){ message.append( $(document.createElement("a")) .attr("href", mnURL) .attr("target", "_blank") .text(sourceMNName) ); } else{ message.append(sourceMNName); } this.$el.html(message); return; } } // Insert the overall portal template this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); // Render the header view this.headerView = new PortalHeaderView({ model: this.model, nodeView: this.nodeView }); this.headerView.render(); this.subviews.push(this.headerView); // only displaying the edit button for non-repository profiles if (!this.nodeView){ // Add edit button if user is authorized this.insertOwnerControls(); } // Render the content sections _.each(this.model.get("sections"), function(section){ this.addSection(section); }, this); // Render the Data section if( this.model.get("hideData") !== true ) { this.sectionDataView = new PortalDataView({ model: this.model, sectionName: "Data", id: "Data", nodeView: this.nodeView }); this.subviews.push(this.sectionDataView); this.$("#portal-sections").append(this.sectionDataView.el); //Render the section view and add it to the page this.sectionDataView.render(); this.addSectionLink( this.sectionDataView ); } //Render the metrics section link if ( this.model.get("hideMetrics") !== true ) { //Create a PortalMetricsView this.metricsView = new PortalMetricsView({ model: this.model, id: this.model.get("metricsLabel"), uniqueSectionName: this.model.get("metricsLabel"), nodeView: this.nodeView, nodeName: this.nodeName }); this.subviews.push(this.metricsView); this.$("#portal-sections").append(this.metricsView.el); this.metricsView.render(); this.addSectionLink( this.metricsView ); } // Render the members section if ( this.model.get("hideMembers") !== true && (this.model.get("associatedParties").length || this.model.get("acknowledgments"))){ this.sectionMembersView = new PortalMembersView({ model: this.model, id: "Members", sectionName: "Members" }); this.subviews.push(this.sectionMembersView); this.$("#portal-sections").append(this.sectionMembersView.el); //Render the section view and add it to the page this.sectionMembersView.render(); this.addSectionLink( this.sectionMembersView ); } // Render the logos at the bottom of the portal page var ackLogos = this.model.get("acknowledgmentsLogos") || []; if( ackLogos.length ){ this.logosView = new PortalLogosView(); this.logosView.logos = ackLogos; this.subviews.push(this.logosView); this.logosView.render(); this.$(".portal-view").append(this.logosView.el); } // Re-order the section tabs according the the portal editor's preference, // if one has been set try { var pageOrder = this.model.get("pageOrder"); if(pageOrder && pageOrder.length){ var linksContainer = this.el.querySelector("#portal-section-tabs"), sortableLinks = this.el.querySelectorAll("#portal-section-tabs .section-link-container"), sortableLinksArray =, 0); // sort the links according the pageOrder sortableLinksArray.sort(function(a,b){ var aName = $(a).text(); var bName = $(b).text(); var aIndex = pageOrder.indexOf(aName); var bIndex = pageOrder.indexOf(bName); // If the label can't be found in the list of labels, place it at the end if(bIndex === -1){ return +1 } if(aIndex === -1){ return -1 } // Sort backwards, because we use preprend return bIndex - aIndex; }) // Rearrange the links in the DOM for (i = 0; i < sortableLinksArray.length; ++i) { linksContainer.prepend(sortableLinksArray[i]); } } } catch (error) { console.log("Error re-arranging tabs according to the pageOrder option. Error message: " + error) } //Switch to the active section this.switchSection(); //Scroll to an inner-page link if there is one specified if( window.location.hash && this.$(window.location.hash).length ){ MetacatUI.appView.scrollTo(this.$(window.location.hash)); } // Save reference to this view var view = this; // On mobile, hide section tabs a moment after page loads so // users notice where they are setTimeout(function () { view.toggleSectionLinks(); }, 700); // On mobile where the section-links-container is set to fixed, // hide the portal navigation element when user scrolls down, // show again when the user scrolls up. MetacatUI.appView.prevScrollpos = window.pageYOffset; $(window).on("scroll", "", undefined, this.handleScroll); }, /** * toggleSectionLinks - show or hide the section links nav. Used for * mobile/small screens only. */ toggleSectionLinks: function(){ try{ // Only toggle the section links on mobile. On mobile, the // ".show-sections-toggle" is visible. if(this.$(".show-sections-toggle").is(":visible")){ this.$("#portal-section-tabs").slideToggle(); } } catch(e){ console.log("Failed to toggle section links, error message: " + e); } }, /* * Checks the authority for the logged in user for this portal and * inserts control elements onto the page for the user to interact * with the portal. So far, this is just an 'edit portal' button. */ insertOwnerControls: function(){ // Insert the button into the navbar var container = $(this.editButtonContainer); var model = this.model; this.listenToOnce(this.model, "change:isAuthorized", function(){ if(!model.get("isAuthorized")){ return false; } else { container.html( this.editPortalsTemplate({ editButtonText: "Edit " + MetacatUI.appModel.get('portalTermSingular'), pathToEdit: MetacatUI.root + "/edit/"+ MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") +"/" + model.get("label") }) ); } }); this.model.checkAuthority("write"); }, /** * Update the window location path with the active section name * @param {boolean} [showSectionLabel] - If true, the section label will be added to the path */ updatePath: function(showSectionLabel){ var label = this.model.get("label") || this.newPortalTempName, originalLabel = this.model.get("originalLabel") || this.newPortalTempName, pathName = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname) .substring(MetacatUI.root.length) // remove trailing forward slash if one exists in path .replace(/\/$/, ""); // Add or replace the label and section part of the path with updated values. // pathRE matches "/label/section", where the "/section" part is optional var pathRE = new RegExp("\\/(" + label + "|" + originalLabel + ")(\\/[^\\/]*)?$", "i"); newPathName = pathName.replace(pathRE, "") + "/" + label; if( showSectionLabel && this.activeSection ){ newPathName += "/" + this.activeSection.uniqueSectionLabel; } // Update the window location MetacatUI.uiRouter.navigate( newPathName, { trigger: false } ); }, /** * Gets a list of section names from tab elements and updates the * sectionNames attribute on this view. */ updateSectionNames: function() { // Get the section names from the tab elements var sectionNames = []; this.$(this.sectionLinks) .each(function(i, anchorEl){ sectionNames[i] = $(anchorEl) .attr("href") .substring(1) }); // Set the array of sectionNames on the view this.sectionNames = sectionNames }, /** * Manually switch to a section subview by making the tab and tab panel active. * Navigation between sections is usually handled automatically by the Bootstrap * library, but a manual switch may be necessary sometimes * @param {PortalSectionView} [sectionView] - The section view to switch to. If not given, defaults to the activeSection set on the view. */ switchSection: function(sectionView){ //Create a flag for whether the section label should be shown in the URL var showSectionLabelInURL = true; // If no section view is given, use the active section in the view. if( !sectionView ){ //Use the sectionView set already if( this.activeSection ){ var sectionView = this.activeSection; } //Or find the section view by name, which may have been passed through the URL else if( this.activeSectionLabel ){ var sectionView = this.getSectionByLabel(this.activeSectionLabel); } } //If no section view was indicated, just default to the first visible one if( !sectionView ){ var sectionView = this.$(this.sectionLinkContainer).first().data("view"); //If we are defaulting to the first section, don't show the section label in the URL showSectionLabelInURL = false; //If there are no section views on the page at all, exit now if( !sectionView ){ return; } } // Update the activeSection set on the view this.activeSection = sectionView; // Activate the section content this.$(this.sectionEls).each(function(i, contentEl){ if($(contentEl).data("view") == sectionView){ $(contentEl).addClass("active"); } else { // make sure no other sections are active $(contentEl).removeClass("active"); } }); // Activate the link to the content this.$(this.sectionLinkContainer).each(function(i, linkEl){ if( $(linkEl).data("view") == sectionView ){ $(linkEl).addClass("active") } else { // make sure no other sections are active $(linkEl).removeClass("active") }; }); //If the section view has post-render functionality, execute it now if( typeof sectionView.postRender == "function" ){ sectionView.postRender(); } if (!this.nodeView) { //Update the location path with the new section name this.updatePath(showSectionLabelInURL); } }, /** * When a section link has been clicked, switch to that section * @param {Event} e - The click event on the section link */ handleSwitchSection: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var sectionView = $("view"); if( sectionView ){ this.switchSection(sectionView); // If the user clicks a link and is not near the top of the page // (i.e. on mobile), scroll to the top of the section content. // Otherwise it might look like the page hasn't changed (e.g. // when focus is on the footer) if(window.pageYOffset > this.$("#portal-sections").offset().top){ MetacatUI.appView.scrollTo(this.$("#portal-sections")); } } }, /** * Returns the section view that has a label matching the one given. * @param {string} label - The label for the section * @return {PortalSectionView|false} - Returns false if a matching section view isn't found */ getSectionByLabel: function(label){ //If no label is given, exit if(!label){ return; } //Find the section view whose unique label matches the given label. Case-insensitive matching. return _.find( this.subviews, function(view){ if( typeof view.uniqueSectionLabel == "string" ){ return view.uniqueSectionLabel.toLowerCase() == label.toLowerCase(); } else{ return false; } }); }, /** * Creates and returns a unique label for the given section. This label is just used in the view, * because portal sections can have duplicate labels. But unique labels need to be used for navigation in the view. * @param {PortEditorSection} sectionModel - The section for which to create a unique label * @return {string} The unique label string */ getUniqueSectionLabel: function(sectionModel){ //Get the label for this section var sectionLabel = sectionModel.get("label").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, "").replace(/ /g, "-"), unalteredLabel = sectionLabel, sectionLabels = this.sectionLabels || [], i = 2; //Concatenate a number to the label if this one already exists while( sectionLabels.includes(sectionLabel) ){ sectionLabel = unalteredLabel + i; i++; } return sectionLabel; }, /** * Creates a PortalSectionView to display the content in the given portal * section. Also creates a navigation link to the section. * * @param {PortalSectionModel} sectionModel - The section to render in this view */ addSection: function(sectionModel){ //If this is a visualization Section, render it differently with PortalVizSectionView if( sectionModel.get("sectionType") == "visualization" ){ this.addVizSection(sectionModel); return; } //All other portal section types are rendered with the basic PortalSectionView else{ //Create a new PortalSectionView var sectionView = new PortalSectionView({ model: sectionModel }); //Render the section sectionView.render(); //Add the section view to this portal view this.$("#portal-sections").append(sectionView.el); this.addSectionLink( sectionView ); //Create a unique label for this section and save it var uniqueLabel = this.getUniqueSectionLabel(sectionModel); //Set the unique section label for this view sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel = uniqueLabel; this.subviews.push(sectionView); } }, /** * Creates a PortalSectionView to display the content in the given portal * section. Also creates a navigation link to the section. * @param {PortalVizSectionModel} sectionModel - The visualization section to render in this view * */ addVizSection: function(sectionModel){ //Create a new PortalSectionView var sectionView = new PortalVisualizationsView({ model: sectionModel }); //Render the section sectionView.render(); //Add the section view to this portal view this.$("#portal-sections").append(sectionView.el); this.addSectionLink( sectionView ); //Create a unique label for this section and save it var uniqueLabel = this.getUniqueSectionLabel(sectionModel); //Set the unique section label for this view sectionView.uniqueSectionLabel = uniqueLabel; this.subviews.push(sectionView); }, /** * Add a link to a section of this portal page * @param {PortalSectionView} sectionView - The view to add a link to */ addSectionLink: function(sectionView){ var label = sectionView.getName(); var hrefLabel = sectionView.getName({ linkFriendly: true }); //Create a navigation link this.$("#portal-section-tabs").append( $(document.createElement("li")) .addClass("section-link-container") .data("view", sectionView) .append( $(document.createElement("a")) .text(label) .attr("href", "#" + hrefLabel ) .attr("data-toggle", "tab") .addClass("portal-section-link") .data("view", sectionView))); }, /** * Handles the case where the PortalModel is fetched and nothing is found. */ handleNotFound: function(){ var view = this; //If the user is NOT logged in OR // if the user is logged in, and the last fetch was done with user credentials, then this Portal is either not accessible or non-existent if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") && !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") || (MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") && this.model.get("fetchedWithAuth")) ){ //Check if there is an indexing queue, because this model may still be indexing var onError = function(){ //If the request to the monitor/status API fails, then show the not-found message; }, onSuccess = function(sizeOfQueue){ if( sizeOfQueue > 0 ){ //Show a warning message about the index queue MetacatUI.appView.showAlert( "

We couldn't find a data portal named \" " + "\".

If this portal was created in the last few minutes, it may still be processing, since there are currently " + sizeOfQueue + " submissions in the queue.

", "alert-warning", view.$el ); view.$(".loading").remove(); view.$("#portal-view-not-found-name").text(view.label || view.portalId); } else{ //If the size of the queue is 0, then show the not-found message; } } //Get the size of the index queue MetacatUI.appLookupModel.getSizeOfIndexQueue(onSuccess, onError); } //If the user IS logged in and we haven't fetched the model with user authentication yet else if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){ //Fetch again now that the user is logged in this.model.fetch(); } //If the user login status is unknown, because authentication is still pending else if( !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") ){ //Wait for the authentication to be checked, and then start this function over again this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:checked", this.handleNotFound); } }, /** * If the given portal doesn't exist, display a Not Found message. */ showNotFound: function(){ var notFoundMessage = "The data portal \"" + "\" doesn't exist.", notification = this.alertTemplate({ classes: "alert-error", msg: notFoundMessage, includeEmail: true }); this.$el.html(notification); this.$("#portal-view-not-found-name").text(this.label || this.portalId); }, /** * Show an error message in this view * @param {SolrResult} model * @param {XMLHttpRequest.response|string} reponse */ showError: function(model, response){ var errorMsg = ""; if( response && response.responseText ){ errorMsg = "

Error details: " + $(response.responseText).text() + "

"; } if( typeof response == "string" ){ errorMsg = "

Error details: " + response + "

"; } //Show the error message MetacatUI.appView.showAlert( "

Something went wrong while displaying this portal.

" + errorMsg, "alert-error", this.$el ); //Remove the loading message from this view this.$el.find(".loading").remove(); }, /** * This function is called whenever the window is scrolled. */ handleScroll: function() { var menu = $(".section-links-container")[0], menuHeight = $(menu).height(), hiddenHeight = (menuHeight * -1); var currentScrollPos = window.pageYOffset; if(MetacatUI.appView.prevScrollpos > currentScrollPos) { //Get the height of any menu that may be displayed at the bottom of the page, too = "0px"; } else { = hiddenHeight +"px"; } MetacatUI.appView.prevScrollpos = currentScrollPos; }, /** * This function is called when the app navigates away from this view. * Any clean-up or housekeeping happens at this time. */ onClose: function() { //Remove each subview from the DOM and remove listeners _.invoke(this.subviews, "remove"); this.subviews = new Array(); //Remove all listeners this.stopListening(); //Reset the active alternate repository //MetacatUI.appModel.set("activeAlternateRepositoryId", null); //Delete the metrics view from this view delete this.sectionMetricsView; //Delete the model from this view delete this.model; //Remove the scroll listener $(window).off("scroll", "", this.handleScroll); $("body").removeClass("PortalView"); $("#editPortal").remove(); this.undelegateEvents(); }, // checks if the label is a repository isNode: function(username){ if (username === undefined){ this.showNotFound(); return; } var model = this; var node = _.find(MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("members"), function(nodeModel) { return nodeModel.shortIdentifier.toLowerCase() == (username).toLowerCase(); }); return (node && (node !== undefined)) } }); return PortalView; });