define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "models/Search", "models/MetricsModel", "models/Stats", "views/portals/PortalSectionView", "views/StatsView", "text!templates/loading.html"], function($, _, Backbone, SearchModel, MetricsModel, StatsModel, PortalSectionView, StatsView, LoadingTemplate){ /** * @class PortalMetricsView * @classdec The PortalMetricsView is a view to render the * portal metrics tab (within PortalSectionView) * @classcategory Views/Portals * @extends PortalSectionView * @constructor */ var PortalMetricsView = PortalSectionView.extend( /** @lends PortalMetricsView.prototype */{ type: "PortalMetrics", /** * A unique name for this Section * @type {string} */ uniqueSectionLabel: "Metrics", /** * The display name for this Section * @type {string} */ sectionName: "Metrics", /** * The Portal Model this Metrics section is part of * @type {Portal} */ model: undefined, /** * Aggregated Quality Metrics flag * @type {boolean} */ hideMetadataAssessment: MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryMetadataAssessment"), /** * Aggregated Citation Metrics flag * @type {boolean} */ hideCitationsChart: MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryCitationsChart"), /** * Aggregated Download Metrics flag * @type {boolean} */ hideDownloadsChart: MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryDownloadsChart"), /** * Aggregated View Metrics flag * @type {boolean} */ hideViewsChart: MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryViewsChart"), /** A template for displaying a loading message * @type {Underscore.Template} */ loadingTemplate: _.template(LoadingTemplate), /* Render the view */ render: function() { if( this.model && this.model.get("metricsLabel") ){ this.uniqueSectionLabel = this.model.get("metricsLabel"); this.sectionName = this.model.get("metricsLabel"); } this.$"view", this); //Add a loading message to the metrics tab since it can take a while for the metrics query to be sent this.$el.html(this.loadingTemplate({ msg: "Getting " + this.model.get("metricsLabel").toLowerCase() + "..." })); }, /** * Render the metrics inside this view */ renderMetrics: function() { try{ if( this.model.get("hideMetrics") == true ) { return; } // If the search results haven't been fetched yet, wait. if( !MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableSolrJoins") && !this.model.get("searchResults").header ){ this.listenToOnce( this.model.get("searchResults"), "sync", this.renderMetrics ); return; } //Create a Stats Model for retrieving and storing all of the statistics var statsModel = new StatsModel(); //If Solr Joins are enabled, set the query on the StatsModel using the Portal Filters if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableSolrJoins") && this.model.get("definitionFilters") ){ statsModel.set("query", this.model.getQuery()); } //Otherwise, construct a query using a Search model and all of the ID facet counts else{ // Get all the facet counts from the search results collection var facetCounts = this.model.get("allSearchResults").facetCounts, //Get the id facet counts idFacets = facetCounts? : [], //Get the documents facet counts documentsFacets = facetCounts? facetCounts.documents : [], //Start an array to hold all the ids allIDs = []; //If there are resource map facet counts, get all the ids if( idFacets && idFacets.length ){ //Merge the id and documents arrays var allFacets = idFacets.concat(documentsFacets); //Get all the ids, which should be every other element in the // facets array for( var i=0; i < allFacets.length; i+=2 ){ allIDs.push( allFacets[i] ); } } // Create a search model that filters by all the data object Ids var statsSearchModel = new SearchModel({ idOnly: allIDs, formatType: [], exclude: [] }); //Sett the query using the query constructing by the Search Model statsModel.set("query", statsSearchModel.getQuery()); //Save a reference to the Search Model on the Stats model statsModel.set("searchModel", statsSearchModel); } var userType = "portal"; var label_list = []; label_list.push(this.model.get("label")); var metricsModel = new MetricsModel(); this.metricsModel = metricsModel; if (this.nodeView) { userType = "repository"; // TODO: replace the following logic with dataone bookkeeper service // check if the repository is a dataone member var dataoneHostedRepos = MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataoneHostedRepos"); if ((typeof dataoneHostedRepos !== 'undefined') && Array.isArray(dataoneHostedRepos) && dataoneHostedRepos.includes(this.model.get("seriesId"))){ if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryMetadataAssessment") !== true ) this.hideMetadataAssessment = false; if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryCitationsChart") !== true ) this.hideCitationsChart = false; if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryDownloadsChart") !== true ) this.hideDownloadsChart = false; if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("hideSummaryViewsChart") !== true ) this.hideViewsChart = false; } //Hide all of the metrics charts else{ this.hideMetadataAssessment = true; this.hideCitationsChart = true; this.hideDownloadsChart = true; this.hideViewsChart = true; } // set the statsModel statsModel = MetacatUI.statsModel; if (!this.hideCitationsChart || !this.hideDownloadsChart || !this.hideViewsChart) { // create a metrics query for repository object var pid_list = new Array(); pid_list.push(this.model.get("seriesId")); this.metricsModel.set("pid_list", pid_list); this.metricsModel.set("filterType", "repository"); } else{ this.metricsModel.set("pid_list", []); this.metricsModel.set("filterType", ""); } } else { // create a metrics query for portal object this.metricsModel.set("pid_list", label_list); this.metricsModel.set("filterType", "portal"); // creating additional filters for portal Metrics var portalQueryFilter = {}; var portalCollectionQuery = statsModel.get("query"); portalQueryFilter["filterType"] = "query"; portalQueryFilter["values"] = [portalCollectionQuery]; portalQueryFilter["interpretAs"] = "list"; this.metricsModel.set("filterQueryObject", portalQueryFilter); } this.metricsModel.fetch(); // Add a stats view this.statsView = new StatsView({ title: null, description: null, metricsModel: this.metricsModel, el: document.createElement("div"), model: statsModel, userType: userType, userId: this.model.get("seriesId"), userLabel: this.model.get("label"), hideMetadataAssessment: this.hideMetadataAssessment, // Rendering metrics on the portal hideCitationsChart: this.hideCitationsChart, hideDownloadsChart: this.hideDownloadsChart, hideViewsChart: this.hideViewsChart, }); //Insert the StatsView into this view this.$el.html(this.statsView.el); //Render the StatsView this.statsView.render(); } catch(e){ this.handlePortalMetricsError(e); } }, /** * Handles error display if something went wrong while displaying metrics */ handlePortalMetricsError: function(error, errorDisplayMessage){ if(!errorDisplayMessage) { var errorDisplayMessage = "

Sorry, we couldn't retrieve metrics for the \"" + (this.model.get("label") || this.model.get("portalId")) + "\" portal at this time.

" } //Show a warning message about the metrics error MetacatUI.appView.showAlert( errorDisplayMessage, "alert-warning", this.$el ); this.$(".loading").remove(); console.log("Failed to render the metrics view. Error message: " + error); }, /** * Functionality to execute after the view has been created and rendered initially */ postRender: function(){ //If there is no StatsView rendered yet, then render it if( !this.statsView ){ this.renderMetrics(); } } }); return PortalMetricsView; });