define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "text!templates/metadata/EMLPartyDisplay.html", "views/portals/PortalSectionView", "views/portals/PortalLogosView", "text!templates/portals/portalAcknowledgements.html", "text!templates/portals/portalAwards.html"], function($, _, Backbone, EMLPartyDisplayTemplate, PortalSectionView, PortalLogosView, AcknowledgementsTemplate, AwardsTemplate){ /** * @class PortalMembersView * @classdesc The PortalMembersView is a view to render the * portal members tab (within PortalSectionView) * @classcategory Views/Portals * @extends PortalSectionView * @constructor */ var PortalMembersView = PortalSectionView.extend( /** @lends PortalMembersView.prototype */{ type: "PortalMembers", /** * The display name for this Section * @type {string} */ uniqueSectionLabel: "Members", // /* The list of subview instances contained in this view*/ // subviews: [], // Could be a literal object {} // /* Renders the compiled template into HTML */ partyTemplate: _.template(EMLPartyDisplayTemplate), acknowledgementsTemplate: _.template(AcknowledgementsTemplate), awardsTemplate: _.template(AwardsTemplate), // /* The events that this view listens to*/ // events: { // }, // /* Construct a new instance of PortalMembersView */ // initialize: function() { // }, // /* Render the view */ render: function() { if( ){ this.$el.attr("id",; } var parties = this.model.get("associatedParties"); var thisview = this; // Group parties into sets of 2 to do 2 per row var row_groups = _.groupBy(parties, function(parties, index) { return Math.floor(index / 2); }); _.each(row_groups, function(row_group){ // Create a new bootstrap row for each set of 2 parties var newdiv = $('
'); // Put the empty row into the portal members container thisview.$el.append(newdiv); // iterate for the 2 parties in this row _.each(row_group, function(party) { //Get the party info in JSON form var partyInfo = party.toJSON(); // Create html links from the urls var regex = /(.+)/gi; var urlLink = []; _.each(party.get("onlineUrl"), function(url){ urlLink.push(url.replace(regex, '$&')); }); partyInfo.urlLink = urlLink; //Set the ORCIDs as a blank string partyInfo.orcids = ""; //Get the UserIds so we can display ORCIDs if( Array.isArray(partyInfo.userId) && partyInfo.userId.length ){ //FInd the user ids that are ORCIDs _.each( partyInfo.userId, function(userId){ //If this user id is an ORCID, if( party.isOrcid(userId) ){ //Display it with the icon and as a link partyInfo.orcids += "" + "" + userId + ""; } }); } // render party into its row newdiv.append(thisview.partyTemplate(partyInfo)); }); }); var acknowledgements = this.model.get("acknowledgments") || ""; var awards = this.model.get("awards") || ""; //Add a container element if(acknowledgements || awards){ var ack_div = $('
'); this.$el.append(ack_div); } //Add the awards if( awards ) { ack_div.append(this.awardsTemplate({awards: awards})); }; //Add the acknowledgments if( acknowledgements ) { ack_div.append(this.acknowledgementsTemplate(acknowledgements.toJSON())); }; this.$"view", this); }, // onClose: function() { // } }); return PortalMembersView; });