define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "collections/Filters", "collections/SolrResults", "text!templates/portals/portalList.html"], function($, _, Backbone, Filters, SearchResults, Template){ /** * @class PortalListView * @classdesc A view that shows a list of Portals * @classcategory Views/Portals * @extends Backbone.View * @constructor */ return Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends PortalListView.prototype */{ /** * An array of Filter models or Filter model JSON to use in the query. * If not provided, a default query will be used. * @type {Filter[]} */ filters: null, /** * A SolrResults collection that contains the results of the search for the portals * @type {SolrResults} */ searchResults: new SearchResults(), /** * A comma-separated list of Solr index fields to retrieve when searching for portals * @type {string} * @default "id,seriesId,title,formatId,label,logo" */ searchFields: "id,seriesId,title,formatId,label,logo,datasource", /** * The number of portals to retrieve and render in this view * @default 100 * @type {number} */ numPortals: 100, /** * An array of additional SolrResult models for portals that will be displayed * in this view in addition to the SolrResults found as a result of the search. * These could be portals that wouldn't otherwise be found by a search but should be displayed anyway. * @type {SolrResult[]} */ additionalPortalsToDisplay: [], /** * A jQuery selector for the element that the list should be inserted into * @type {string} */ listContainer: ".portal-list-container", /** * A jQuery selector for the element that the Create Portal should be inserted into * @type {string} */ createBtnContainer: ".create-btn-container", /** * References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to Underscore.js templates */ template: _.template(Template), /** * Renders the list of portals */ render: function(){ try{ //If the "my portals" feature is disabled, exit now if(MetacatUI.appModel.get("showMyPortals") === false){ return; } //Insert the template this.$el.html( this.template() ); //If there are no given filters, create default ones if( !this.filters ){ //Create search filters for finding the portals var filters = new Filters(); //Filter datasets that the user has ownership of filters.addWritePermissionFilter(); this.filters = filters; } //If the filters set on this view is an array of JSON, add it to a Filters collection else if( this.filters.length && !Filters.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this.filters) ){ //Create search filters for finding the portals var filters = new Filters(); filters.add( this.filters ); this.filters = filters; } //If there is an empty array, create a new Filters collection else if( !this.filters.length ){ this.filters = new Filters(); } //Get the search results and render them this.getSearchResults(); //Display any additional portals in the list that have been passed to // the view directly. _.each(this.additionalPortalsToDisplay, function(searchResult){ //Get the list container element var listContainer = this.$(this.listContainer); //Remove any 'loading' elements before adding items to the list listContainer.find(".loading").remove(); //Create a list item element and add the search result element // to the list container listContainer.append(this.createListItem(searchResult)); }, this); if( this.additionalPortalsToDisplay.length ){ //While the search is being sent for the other portals in this list, // show a loading sign underneath the additional portals we just displayed. var loadingListItem = this.createListItem(); loadingListItem.html("Loading more " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") + "..."); this.$(this.listContainer).append(loadingListItem); } } catch(e){ console.error(e); } }, /** * Queries for the portal objects using the SearchResults collection */ getSearchResults: function(){ try{ //Filter by the portal format ID this.filters.add({ fields: ["formatId"], values: [""], matchSubstring: true, exclude: false }); //Filter datasets by their ownership this.filters.add({ fields: ["obsoletedBy"], values: ["*"], matchSubstring: false, exclude: true }); //Get 100 rows this.searchResults.rows = this.numPortals; //The fields to return this.searchResults.fields = this.searchFields; //Set the query service URL try{ if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("defaultAlternateRepositoryId") ){ var mnToQuery = _.findWhere( MetacatUI.appModel.get("alternateRepositories"), { identifier: MetacatUI.appModel.get("defaultAlternateRepositoryId") } ); if( mnToQuery ){ this.searchResults.queryServiceUrl = mnToQuery.queryServiceUrl; } } } catch(e){ console.error("Could not get active alt repo. ", e); } //Set the query on the SearchResults this.searchResults.setQuery( this.filters.getQuery() ); //Listen to the search results collection and render the results when the search is complete this.listenToOnce( this.searchResults, "reset", this.renderList ); //Listen to the search results collection for errors this.listenToOnce( this.searchResults, "error", this.showError ); //Get the first page of results this.searchResults.toPage(0); } catch(e){ this.showError(); console.error("Failed to fetch the SearchResults for the PortalsList: ", e); } }, /** * Renders each search result from the SolrResults collection */ renderList: function(){ try{ //Get the list container element var listContainer = this.$(this.listContainer); //If no search results were found, display a message if( (!this.searchResults || !this.searchResults.length) && !this.additionalPortalsToDisplay.length){ var row = this.createListItem(); row.html("You haven't created or have access to any " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") + " yet."); listContainer.html(row); return; } //Remove any 'loading' elements before adding items to the list listContainer.find(".loading").remove(); //Iterate over each search result and render it this.searchResults.each(function(searchResult){ //Create a list item element and add the search result element // to the list container listContainer.append(this.createListItem(searchResult)); }, this); //TODO: Unwrap the call to renderCreateButton() from this if condition, // because the ListView will only ever be used when Usages/Bookkeeper is enabled if( !MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusPreviewMode") ){ //Add a "Create" button to create a new portal this.renderCreateButton(); } } catch(e){ console.error(e); this.showError(); } }, /** * Creates a table row for the given portal SolrResult model * @param {SolrResult} - The SolrResult model that represent the portal * @return {Element} */ createListItem: function(searchResult){ try{ //Create a table row var listItem = $(document.createElement("tr")); if( searchResult && typeof searchResult.get == "function" ){ //Don't render a list item for a portal that is already there if( this.$("tr[data-seriesId='" + searchResult.get("seriesId") + "']").length ){ return listItem; } //Add an id to the list element listItem.attr("data-seriesId", searchResult.get("seriesId")); //Create a logo image var logo = ""; if( searchResult.get("logo") ){ if( !searchResult.get("logo").startsWith("http") ){ var urlBase = ""; //If there are alt repos configured, use the datasource obbject service URL if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("alternateRepositories").length && searchResult.get("datasource") ){ var sourceMN = _.findWhere(MetacatUI.appModel.get("alternateRepositories"), { identifier: searchResult.get("datasource") }); if( sourceMN ){ urlBase = sourceMN.objectServiceUrl; } } if( !urlBase ){ // use the resolve service if there is no object service url // (e.g. in DataONE theme) urlBase = MetacatUI.appModel.get("objectServiceUrl") || MetacatUI.appModel.get("resolveServiceUrl"); } searchResult.set("logo", urlBase + searchResult.get("logo") ); } logo = $(document.createElement("img")) .attr("src", searchResult.get("logo")) .attr("alt", searchResult.get("title") + " logo"); } //Create an Edit buttton var buttons = ""; if(Object.values(MetacatUI.uiRouter.routes).includes("renderPortalEditor")){ buttons = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", MetacatUI.root + "/edit/"+ MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") +"/" + encodeURIComponent((searchResult.get("label") || searchResult.get("seriesId") || searchResult.get("id"))) ) .text("Edit") .addClass("btn edit"); } //Create a link to the portal view with the title as the text var titleLink = $(document.createElement("a")) .attr("href", searchResult.createViewURL()) .text(searchResult.get("title")); //Add all the elements to the row listItem.append( $(document.createElement("td")).addClass("logo").append(logo), $(document.createElement("td")).addClass("portal-label").text( searchResult.get("label") ), $(document.createElement("td")).addClass("title").append(titleLink), $(document.createElement("td")).addClass("controls").append(buttons)); } //Return the list item return listItem; } catch(e){ console.error(e); return ""; } }, /** * Renders a "Create" button for the user to create a new portal */ renderCreateButton: function(){ try{ //If the authorization hasn't been checked yet if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("isAuthorizedCreatePortal") !== true && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("isAuthorizedCreatePortal") !== false ){ //Check is this user is authorized to create a new portal this.listenToOnce( MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:isAuthorizedCreatePortal", this.renderCreateButton); MetacatUI.appUserModel.isAuthorizedCreatePortal(); } else{ //Create a New portal buttton var createButton = $(document.createElement("a")) .addClass("btn btn-primary") .append( $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-plus icon-on-left"), "New " + MetacatUI.appModel.get('portalTermSingular')); var isNotAuthorizedNoBookkeeper = !MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableBookkeeperServices") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("isAuthorizedCreatePortal") === false, reachedLimitWithBookkeeper = MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableBookkeeperServices") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("isAuthorizedCreatePortal") === false, reachedLimitWithoutBookkeeper = !MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableBookkeeperServices") && MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalLimit") <= this.searchResults.length; //If creating portals is disabled in the entire app, or is only limited to certain groups, // then don't show the Create button. if( isNotAuthorizedNoBookkeeper ){ return; } //If creating portals is enabled, but this person is unauthorized because of Bookkeeper info, // then show the Create button as disabled. else if( reachedLimitWithBookkeeper || reachedLimitWithoutBookkeeper ){ //Disable the button createButton.addClass("disabled"); //Add the create button to the view this.$(this.createBtnContainer).html(createButton); var message = "You've already reached the " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") + " limit for your "; if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableBookkeeperServices") ){ message += MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusName"); if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("dataonePlusPreviewMode") ){ message += " free preview. "; } else{ message += " subscription. "; } var portalQuotas = MetacatUI.appUserModel.getQuotas("portal"); if( portalQuotas.length ){ message += "(" + portalQuotas[0].get("softLimit") + " " + ((portalQuotas[0].get("softLimit") > 1)? MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") : MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular")) + ")"; } message += " Contact us to upgrade your subscription."; } else{ message += " account. "; var portalLimit = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalLimit"); if( portalLimit > 0 ){ message += "(" + portalLimit + " " + ((portalLimit > 1)? MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") : MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular")) + ")" } } //Add the tooltip to the button createButton.tooltip({ placement: "top", trigger: "hover click focus", delay: { show: 500 }, title: message }); } else{ //Add the link URL to the button createButton.attr("href", MetacatUI.root + "/edit/" + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural")) //Add the create button to the view this.$(this.createBtnContainer).html(createButton); } //Reset the isAuthorizedCreatePortal attribute MetacatUI.appUserModel.set("isAuthorizedCreatePortal", null); } } catch(e){ console.error(e); } }, /** * Displays an error message when rendering this view has failed. */ showError: function(){ //Remove the loading elements this.$(this.listContainer).find(".loading").remove(); if( this.$(this.listContainer).children("tr").length == 0 ){ //Show an error message MetacatUI.appView.showAlert( "Something went wrong while getting this list of portals.", "alert-error", this.$(this.listContainer)); } } }); });