/*global define */ define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'text!templates/login.html', 'text!templates/alert.html', 'text!templates/loginButtons.html', 'text!templates/loginOptions.html', 'text!templates/login-ldap.html'], function($, _, Backbone, LoginTemplate, AlertTemplate, LoginButtonsTemplate, LoginOptionsTemplate, LdapLoginTemplate) { 'use strict'; var SignInView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: _.template(LoginTemplate), alertTemplate: _.template(AlertTemplate), buttonsTemplate: _.template(LoginButtonsTemplate), loginOptionsTemplate: _.template(LoginOptionsTemplate), ldapTemplate: _.template(LdapLoginTemplate), tagName: "div", className: "sign-in-btns", ldapError: false, /* Set to true to only show the LDAP login form */ ldapOnly: false, /* Set to true if this SignInView is the only thing on the page */ fullPage: false, /* Set to true if this SignInView is in a modal window */ inPlace: false, /*A message to display at the top of the view */ topMessage: "", initialize: function(options){ if(typeof options !== "undefined"){ this.inPlace = options.inPlace; this.topMessage = options.topMessage; this.fullPage = options.fullPage; this.closeButtons = options.closeButtons === false? false : true; } }, render: function(){ //Don't render a SignIn view if there are no Sign In URLs configured if(!MetacatUI.appModel.get("signInUrlOrcid")) return this; var view = this; if(this.inPlace){ this.$el.addClass("hidden modal"); this.$el.attr("data-backdrop", "static"); //Add a message to the top, if supplied if(typeof this.topMessage == "string") this.$el.prepend('

' + this.topMessage + '

'); else if(typeof this.topMessage == "object") this.$el.prepend(this.topMessage); //Copy/paste the contents of the sign-in popup var signInBtns = $.parseHTML($("#signinPopup").html().trim()), signInBtnsContainer = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("center container").html(signInBtns); signInBtnsContainer.find("a.signin").each(function(i, a){ var url = $(a).attr("href"); var redirectUrl = decodeURIComponent(url.substring( url.indexOf("target=")+7 )); var urlWithoutHttp = redirectUrl.substring( redirectUrl.indexOf("://") + 3 ); var routeName = urlWithoutHttp.substring( urlWithoutHttp.indexOf("/") + 1 ); if( !routeName ){ redirectUrl = redirectUrl + "signinsuccess"; } else if( _.contains(MetacatUI.uiRouter.getRouteNames(), MetacatUI.uiRouter.getRouteName(routeName)) ){ redirectUrl = redirectUrl.substring(0, redirectUrl.indexOf(routeName)) + "signinsuccess"; } url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("target=")+7) + encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl); $(a).attr("href", url); }); signInBtnsContainer.find("h1, h2").remove(); this.$el.append(signInBtnsContainer); //Remove the accordion widget from the ldap login so it gets displayed as a popup window instead if( this.$("#signinLdap").length ){ this.$("[href='" + "#signinLdap']").addClass("signin"); this.$(".accordion").removeClass("accordion"); } this.$el.prepend($(document.createElement("div")).addClass("container").prepend( $(document.createElement("a")).text("Close").addClass("close").prepend( $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-on-left icon-remove")))); //Listen for clicks this.$("a.signin").on("click", function(e){ //Get the link URL and change the target to a special route e.preventDefault(); var link = e.target; if(link.nodeName != "A") link = $(link).parents("a"); var url = $(link).attr("href"); //Open up a new small window with this URL to allow the user to login window.open(url, "Login", "height=600,width=700"); //Listen for successful sign-in window.listenForSignIn = setInterval(function(){ MetacatUI.appUserModel.checkToken(function(data){ $(".modal.sign-in-btns").modal("hide"); clearInterval(window.listenForSignIn); if(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked")) MetacatUI.appUserModel.trigger("change:checked"); else MetacatUI.appUserModel.set("checked", true); }); }, 750); }); if( this.closeButtons ){ this.$("a.close").on("click", function(e){ view.$el.modal("hide"); }); } else{ this.$(".close").remove(); //Create a sign out link var divider = document.createElement("hr"), signOutLink = $(document.createElement("a")) .addClass("error underline") .text("Sign Out"); //Add the Sign Out link to the view this.$(".modal-body").append(divider, signOutLink); //If we're on the EML211EditorView, then show a warning message that unsaved changes will be lost if( MetacatUI.appView.currentView && MetacatUI.appView.currentView.type == "EML211Editor" ){ signOutLink.after( $(document.createElement("p")) .addClass("error") .text(" Warning! - All your unsaved changes will be lost.")); } //When the sign out link is clicked, we can just refresh the page. signOutLink.on("click", function(e){ window.location.reload(); }); } } else{ //If it's a full-page sign-in view, then empty it first if(this.el == MetacatUI.appView.el || this.fullPage){ this.$el.empty(); var container = document.createElement("div"); container.className = "container login"; if( this.ldapOnly ){ var redirectUrl = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname; redirectUrl = redirectUrl.substring(0, redirectUrl.lastIndexOf("/")); redirectUrl + "/signinSuccessLdap"; $(container).append(this.ldapTemplate({ redirectUrl: redirectUrl })); this.$el.append(container); //Hide all the other page elements so it's just the login form $("#Navbar, #HeaderContainer, #Footer").hide(); } else{ $(container).append(this.buttonsTemplate()); this.$el.append(container); } } else{ if( this.ldapOnly ){ var redirectUrl = MetacatUI.root + "/signinSuccessLdap"; this.$el.append(this.ldapTemplate({ redirectUrl: redirectUrl })); } else{ this.$el.append(this.buttonsTemplate()); } } //Insert the sign in popup screen once if(!$("#signinPopup").length){ var target = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); var signInUrl = MetacatUI.appModel.get('signInUrl')? MetacatUI.appModel.get('signInUrl') + target : null; var signInUrlOrcid = MetacatUI.appModel.get('signInUrlOrcid') ? MetacatUI.appModel.get('signInUrlOrcid') + target : null; var signInUrlLdap = MetacatUI.appModel.get('signInUrlLdap') ? MetacatUI.appModel.get('signInUrlLdap') + target : null, redirectUrl = (window.location.href.indexOf("signinldaperror") > -1) ? window.location.href.replace("signinldaperror", "") : window.location.href; $("body").append(this.template({ signInUrl: signInUrl, signInUrlOrcid: signInUrlOrcid, signInUrlLdap: signInUrlLdap, ldapLoginForm: this.ldapTemplate({ redirectUrl: redirectUrl }), currentUrl: window.location.href, loginOptions: this.loginOptionsTemplate({ signInUrl: signInUrl }).trim(), collapseLdap: !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("errorLogin"), redirectUrl: redirectUrl })); this.setUpPopup(); } //If there is an error message in the URL, it means authentication has failed if(this.ldapError){ MetacatUI.appUserModel.failedLdapLogin(); this.failedLdapLogin(); }; } return this; }, /* * This function is executed when LDAP authentication fails in the DataONE portal */ failedLdapLogin: function(){ //Insert an error message this.$("form").before(this.alertTemplate({ classes: "alert-error", msg: "Incorrect username or password. Please try again." })); //If this is a full-page sign-in view, then take the form and insert it into the page if(this.$el.attr("id") == "Content" && !$("#Content form").length) $("#Content").html( $("#signinLdap").html() ); //Else, just show the login in the modal window else if(!this.ldapOnly){ $("#signinPopup").modal("show"); } //Show the LDAP login form $('#signinLdap').removeClass("collapse").css("height", "auto"); }, setUpPopup: function(){ var view = this; //Initialize the modal elements $("#signupPopup, #signinPopup").modal({ show: false, shown: function(){ //Update the sign-in URLs so we are redirected back to the previous page after authentication if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableCILogonSignIn") ){ $("a.update-sign-in-url").attr("href", MetacatUI.appModel.get("signInUrl") + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)); } $("a.update-orcid-sign-in-url").attr("href", MetacatUI.appModel.get("signInUrlOrcid") + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)); } }); }, onClose: function(){ this.$el.empty(); if(window.listenForSignIn) clearInterval(window.listenForSignIn); } }); return SignInView; });