define(["underscore", "jquery", "backbone", "woofmark", "models/metadata/eml220/EMLText", "views/ImageUploaderView", "views/MarkdownView", "views/TableEditorView", "text!templates/markdownEditor.html"], function(_, $, Backbone, Woofmark, EMLText, ImageUploader, MarkdownView, TableEditor, Template){ /** * @class MarkdownEditorView * @classdesc A view of an HTML textarea with markdown editor UI and preview tab * @classcategory Views * @extends Backbone.View * @constructor */ var MarkdownEditorView = Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends MarkdownEditorView.prototype */{ /** * The type of View this is * @type {string} * @readonly */ type: "MarkdownEditor", /** * The HTML classes to use for this view's element * @type {string} */ className: "markdown-editor", /** * References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to * Underscore.js templates * @type {Underscore.Template} */ template: _.template(Template), /* * Markdown to insert into the textarea when the view is first rendered * @type {string} */ // markdown: "", /** * EMLText model that contains a markdown attribute to edit. The markdown is * inserted into the textarea when the view is first rendered. If there's no markdown, * then the view looks for markdown from the markdownExample attribute in the model. * Note that if there are multiple markdown strings in the model, only the first * is rendered/edited. * @type {EMLText} */ model: null, /** * The placeholder text to display in the textarea when it's empty * @type {string} */ markdownPlaceholder: "", /** * The placeholder text to display in the preview area when there's no * markdown * @type {string} */ previewPlaceholder: "", /** * Indicates whether or not to render a table of contents for the markdown * preview. If set to true, a table of contents will be shown in the preview * if there two or more top-level headers are rendered from the markdown. * @type {boolean} */ showTOC: false, /** * A jQuery selector for the HTML textarea element that will contain the * markdown text. * @type {string} */ textarea: ".markdown-textarea", /** * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call. * @type {Object} */ events: { "click #markdown-preview-link" : "previewMarkdown", "focusout .markdown-textarea" : "updateMarkdown" }, /** * Initialize is executed when a new markdownEditor is created. * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view */ initialize: function(options){ if(typeof options !== "undefined"){ this.model = options.model || new EMLText(); this.markdownPlaceholder = options.markdownPlaceholder || ""; this.previewPlaceholder = options.previewPlaceholder || ""; this.showTOC = options.showTOC || false; } }, /** * render - Renders the markdownEditor - add UI for adding and editing * markdown to a textarea */ render: function(){ try { // Save the view var view = this; // The markdown attribute in the model may be a string or an array of strings. // Although EML211 can comprise an array of markdown elements, // this view will only render/edit the first if there are multiple. var markdown = this.model.get("markdown"); if(Array.isArray(markdown) && markdown.length){ markdown = markdown[0] } if(!markdown || !markdown.length){ markdown = this.model.get("markdownExample") } // Insert the template into the view this.$el.html(this.template({ markdown: markdown || "", markdownPlaceholder: this.markdownPlaceholder || "", previewPlaceholder: this.previewPlaceholder || "", cid: this.cid })).data("view", this); // The textarea element that the markdown editor buttons & functions will edit var textarea = this.$el.find(this.textarea); if(textarea && textarea.length){ textarea = textarea[0] } if(!textarea){ console.log("error: the markdown editor view was not rendered because no textarea element was found."); return } // Set woofmark options. See var woofmarkOptions = { fencing: true, html: false, wysiwyg: false, defaultMode: "markdown", render: { // Hide buttons that switch between markdown, WYSIWYG, & HTML for now modes: function (button, id) { button.remove(); } } }; // Set options for all the buttons that will be shown in the toolbar. // Buttons will be shown in the order they are listed. // Defaults from Woofmark will be used unless they are replaced here, // see: // They key is the ID for the button. // remove: if set to true, the button will be removed (use this to hide default woofmark buttons) // icon: the name of the font awesome icon to show in the button. If no button or svg is set, the ID/key will be displayed instead. // svg: svg code to show in the button. If no button or svg is set, the ID/key will be displayed instead. // title: The title to show on hover // function: The function to call when the button is pressed. It will be passed chunks, cmd, e (see Woofmark docs), plus the ID/key. Called with view as the this (context). // shortcut: The keyboard shortcut to use for the button. This will only work if there is also a custom function set. // insertDividerAfter: If set to true, a visual divider will be placed after this button. var buttonOptions = { // Default woofmark buttons to remove attachment: { remove: true }, heading: { remove: true }, hr: { remove: true }, // Remove the default image uploader button so we can add our own that // uploads the image as a dataone object. image: { remove: true }, // Default woofmark buttons to keep, with custom properties, + custom buttons bold: { icon: "bold" }, italic: { icon: "italic", }, strike: { title: "Strikethrough", icon: "strikethrough", shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+X", function: view.strikethrough, insertDividerAfter: true }, h1: { svg: ``, title: "Top-level heading", function: view.addHeader }, h2: { svg: ``, title: "Second-level heading", function: view.addHeader }, h3: { svg: ``, title: "Tertiary heading", function: view.addHeader, insertDividerAfter: true }, divider: { svg: ``, function: view.addDivider, title: "Top-level heading", shortcut: "Ctrl+Enter" }, ol: { title: "Ordered list", icon: "list-ol", }, ul: { title: "Un-ordered list", icon: "list-ul", insertDividerAfter: true }, quote: { icon: "quote-left", }, code: { icon: "code", insertDividerAfter: true }, link: { icon: "link" }, d1Image: { icon: "picture", function: view.addMdImage, title: 'Image', // use Ctrl+G to overwrite the built-in woofmark image function shortcut: "Ctrl+G" }, table: { icon: "table", function: view.addTable, insertDividerAfter: true } } var buttonKeys = Object.keys(buttonOptions); // PRE-RENDER WOOFMARK // Set titles on buttons before the Woofmark text editor is rendered. // This way we can use Woofmark's build in functionality to convert "Ctrl" // to "Cmd" symbol if user is on mac. _.each(buttonKeys, function(key, i) { var options = buttonOptions[key], title = options.title || key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1), presetShortcut = ""; if(Woofmark.strings.titles[key] && Woofmark.strings.titles[key].match(/Ctrl\+.*$/) ){ presetShortcut = Woofmark.strings.titles[key].match(/Ctrl\+.*$/)[0]; } var shortcut = options.shortcut || presetShortcut; if(title){ Woofmark.strings.titles[key] = [title, shortcut].join(" ") } // So that we can identify buttons that we want to manipulate after // they are rendered, use the key as the button text for now. Woofmark.strings.buttons[key] = key; }, this); // RENDER WOOFMARK // Initialize the woofmark markdown editor this.markdownEditor = new Woofmark(textarea, woofmarkOptions); // POST-RENDER WOOFMARK // After the markdown editor is initialized.. // Add custom functions _.each(buttonKeys, function(key, i) { var options = buttonOptions[key]; if(options.function){ // addCommandButton uses cmd, not ctrl var shortcut = "" if(options.shortcut){ shortcut = options.shortcut.replace("Ctrl", "cmd"); } view.markdownEditor.addCommandButton(key, shortcut, function(e, mode, chunks){, e, mode, chunks, key) }) } }); // Modify the button order & appearance var buttonContainer = $(view.markdownEditor.textarea).parent().find(".wk-commands"); var buttons = buttonContainer.find(".wk-command"); _.each(buttonKeys, function(key, i) { // Re-order buttons based on the order in buttonOptions, and remove // any that are marked for removal var options = buttonOptions[key]; var buttonEl = buttonContainer.find(".wk-command").filter(function (){ return this.innerHTML == key; }); if(options.remove !== true){ // Add tooltip buttonEl.tooltip({ placement: "top", delay: 500, trigger: "hover" }); // Add font awesome icon or SVG if(options.icon){ buttonEl.html(""); } else if (options.svg){ buttonEl.html(options.svg); buttonEl.find("svg").height("13px").width("auto"); } buttonContainer.append(buttonEl); if(options.insertDividerAfter === true ){ buttonContainer.append("
") } } else { buttonEl.remove(); } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log("Failed to render the markdown editor UI, error message: " + e ); } }, /** * addHeader - description * * @param {event} e is the original event object * @param {string} mode can be markdown, html, or wysiwyg * @param {object} chunks is a chunks object, describing the current state of the editor, see * @param {string} id the ID of the function, set as they key in buttonOptions in the render function */ addHeader: function(e, mode, chunks, id){ // Get the header level from the ID var levelToCreate = parseInt(id.replace( /^\D+/g, '')); chunks.selection = chunks.selection .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ''); if (!chunks.selection) { chunks.startTag = new Array(levelToCreate + 1).join('#') + ' '; chunks.selection = Woofmark.strings.placeholders.heading; chunks.endTag = ''; chunks.skip({ before: 1, after: 1 }); return; } chunks.findTags(/#+[ ]*/, /[ ]*#+/); if (/#+/.test(chunks.startTag)) { level = RegExp.lastMatch.length; } chunks.startTag = chunks.endTag = ''; chunks.findTags(null, /\s?(-+|=+)/); if (/=+/.test(chunks.endTag)) { level = 1; } if (/-+/.test(chunks.endTag)) { level = 2; } chunks.startTag = chunks.endTag = ''; chunks.skip({ before: 1, after: 1 }); if (levelToCreate > 0) { chunks.startTag = new Array(levelToCreate + 1).join('#') + ' '; } }, /** * addDivider - Add or remove a divider * * @param {event} e is the original event object * @param {string} mode can be markdown, html, or wysiwyg * @param {object} chunks is a chunks object, describing the current state of the editor, see */ addDivider: function(e, mode, chunks){ // If the selection includes a divider, remove it var markdown = chunks.before + chunks.selection + chunks.after; var startSel = chunks.before.length; var endSel = startSel + chunks.selection.length + 1; var dividerRE = /(\r\n|\r|\n){2}-{3,}/gm; var dividerDeleted = false; while((match = dividerRE.exec(markdown)) !== null) { // +1 so that we don't delete the divider if selection is at the newlines before a divider var startDivider = match.index + 2; // +1 so that if the selection is at the end of a divider, it will still be deleted var endDivider = match.index + match[0].length + 1; if((endSel > startDivider && endSel <= endDivider) || (startSel < endDivider && startSel >= startDivider)){ tableString = match[0]; chunks.before = markdown.slice(0,startDivider-2) + "\n"; chunks.selection = ""; chunks.after = markdown.slice(endDivider); dividerDeleted = true; break; } } // If the divider was not deleted (therefore not detected), then add one if(!dividerDeleted){ var dividerToAdd = "\n\n--------------------\n"; if(/(\r\n|\r|\n){1}$/.test(chunks.before)){ dividerToAdd = "\n--------------------\n"; } chunks.before = chunks.before + dividerToAdd } }, /** * addTable - Creates the UI for editing and adding tables to the textarea. * Detects whether the selection contained any part of a markdown table, * then opens a woofmark dialog box and inserts a table editor view. If a * table was selected, the table information is imported into the table * editor where the user can edit it. If no table was selected, then it * creates an empty table where the user can add data. * * @param {event} e is the original event object * @param {string} mode can be markdown, html, or wysiwyg * @param {object} chunks is a chunks object, describing the current state of the editor, see */ addTable: function(e, mode, chunks){ // Use a modified version of the link dialog this.markdownEditor.showLinkDialog(); // Select the image upload dialog elements so that we can customize it var dialog = $(".wk-prompt"), dialogContent = dialog.find(".wk-prompt-input-container"), dialogTitle = dialog.find(".wk-prompt-title"), dialogDescription = dialog.find(".wk-prompt-description"), dialogOkBtn = dialog.find(".wk-prompt-ok"); // Detect whether the selection includes a markdown table. // If it does, ensure the complete table is selected, and save the // markdown table string segment to be parsed. var markdown = chunks.before + chunks.selection + chunks.after; var startSel = chunks.before.length; var endSel = startSel + chunks.selection.length + 1; var tableRE = /((\|[^|\r\n]*)+\|(\r?\n|\r)?)+((?:\s*\|\s*:?\s*[-=]+\s*:?\s*)+\|)(\n\s*(?:\|[^\n]+\|\r?\n?)*)?$/gm; // The regular expression used by showdown to detect tables: // var tableRE = /^ {0,3}\|?.+\|.+\n {0,3}\|?[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[\s\S]+?(?:\n\n|ยจ0)/gm; var tables = markdown.match(tableRE); var tableString = ""; while((match = tableRE.exec(markdown)) !== null) { var startTab = match.index; var endTab = match.index + match[0].length; if((endSel > startTab && endSel <= endTab) || (startSel < endTab && startSel >= startTab)){ tableString = match[0]; chunks.before = markdown.slice(0,startTab); chunks.selection = markdown.slice(startTab, endTab); chunks.after = markdown.slice(endTab); // Just use the first table match in which there is also at least partial selection break; } } // Clone the chunks object at this point in case the textarea loses focus // and the selection changes before the "ok" buttons is pressed const chunksClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chunks)); // Add a table editor view. // Pass the parsesd markdown table, if there is one var tableEditor = new TableEditor({ markdown: tableString }); // Render the table editor tableEditor.render(); // Add the rendered table editor to the dialog, update the dialog. dialogContent.html(tableEditor.el); dialogDescription.remove(); dialogTitle.text("Insert Table"); // Listen for when the OK button is clicked. Attach listener to the dialog // so that it's destroyed when the dialog is destroyed. It won't be called // if the user presses cancel. var view = this;'click'); dialogOkBtn.on('click', function insertText(event) { var tableMarkdown = tableEditor.getMarkdown(); view.markdownEditor.runCommand( function(chunks, mode){ chunks.before = chunksClone.before; chunks.after = chunksClone.after; chunks.selection = tableMarkdown; }); }); }, /** * addMdImage - The function that gets called when a user clicks the custom * add image button added to the markdown editor. It uses the UI created by * the ImageUploaderView to allow a user to select & upload an image to the * repository, and uses Woofmark's built-in add image functionality to * insert the correct markdown into the textarea. This function must be * called such that "this" is the markdownEditor view. */ addMdImage: function() { try { var view = this; // Show woofmark's default image upload dialog, inserted at the end of body view.markdownEditor.showImageDialog(); // Select the image upload dialog elements so that we can customize it var imageDialog = $(".wk-prompt"), imageDialogInput = imageDialog.find(".wk-prompt-input"), imageDialogDescription = imageDialog.find(".wk-prompt-description"), imageDialogOkBtn = imageDialog.find(".wk-prompt-ok"), // Save the inner HTML of the button for when we replace it // temporarily during image upload imageDialogOkBtnTxt = imageDialogOkBtn.html(); // Create an ImageUploaderView and insert into this view. mdImageUploader = new ImageUploader({ uploadInstructions: "Drag & drop an image here or click to upload", imageTagName: "img", height: "175", width: "300", // TODO: shrink very large images ? // maxHeight: 10000, // maxWidth: 10000; }); // Show when image is uploading; temporarily disable the OK button view.stopListening(mdImageUploader, "addedfile"); view.listenTo(mdImageUploader, "addedfile", function(){ // Disable the button during upload; imageDialogOkBtn.prop('disabled', true); imageDialogOkBtn.css({"opacity":"0.5", "cursor":"not-allowed"}); imageDialogOkBtn.html( " "+ "Uploading..." ); }); // Update the image input URL when the image is successfully uploaded view.stopListening(mdImageUploader, "successSaving"); view.listenTo(mdImageUploader, "successSaving", function(dataONEObject){ //Execute the DataONEObject function that performs various functions after // a successful save dataONEObject.onSuccessfulSave(); // Re-enable the button imageDialogOkBtn.prop('disabled', false); imageDialogOkBtn.html(imageDialogOkBtnTxt); imageDialogOkBtn.css({"opacity":"1", "cursor":"pointer"}); // Get the uploaded image's url. //var url = dataONEObject.url(); var url = ""; if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("isCN") ){ var sourceRepo; //Use the object service URL from the origin MN/datasource if( dataONEObject.get("datasource") ){ sourceRepo = MetacatUI.nodeModel.getMember(dataONEObject.get("datasource")); } //Use the object service URL from the alt repo if( !sourceRepo ){ sourceRepo = MetacatUI.appModel.getActiveAltRepo(); } if( sourceRepo ){ url = sourceRepo.objectServiceUrl; } } //If this MetacatUI deployment is pointing to a MN, use the meta service URL from the AppModel if( !url ){ url = MetacatUI.appModel.get("objectServiceUrl") || MetacatUI.appModel.get("resolveServiceUrl"); } url = url + dataONEObject.get("id"); // Create title out of file name without extension. var title = dataONEObject.get("fileName"); if(title && title.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } // Add the url + title to the input imageDialogInput.val(url + ' "' + title + '"' ); }); // Clear the input when the image is removed view.stopListening(mdImageUploader, "removedfile"); view.listenTo(mdImageUploader, "removedfile", function(){ imageDialogInput.val(""); }); // Render the image uploader and insert it just after the upload // instructions in the image upload dialog box. mdImageUploader.render(); // The instructions for uploading in image that displays in the prompt/dialog imageDialogDescription.text("Click or drag & drop to upload an image") $(mdImageUploader.el).insertAfter(imageDialogDescription); // Hide the input box for now, to keep the uploader simple imageDialogInput.hide(); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load the UI for adding markdown images. Error: " + e); } }, /** * strikethrough - Add or remove the markdown syntax for strike through to * the textarea. If there is text selected, then strike through formatting * will be added or removed from that selection. If no selection, * some placeholder text will be added surrounded by the strikethrough * delimiters. * * @param {event} e is the original event object * @param {string} mode can be markdown, html, or wysiwyg * @param {object} chunks is a chunks object, describing the current state of the editor, see */ strikethrough: function(e, mode, chunks){ try { var markup = "~~"; // exactly two tiles var tildes = '\\~{2}'; // 2 tildes at the start of a string var rleading = /^(\~{2})/; // 2 tildes at the end of a string var rtrailing = /(\~{2}$)/; // 0-1 spaces at the end of a string var rtrailingspace = /(\s?)$/; // 2+ line breaks var rnewlines = /\n{2,}/g; // the text to add when no text is selected var placeholder = "strikethrough text"; // Remove leading & trailing white space from selection // (but do not remove from the user's text) chunks.trim(); // Replace 2+ consecutive line breaks with 1 linebreak, otherwise // strikethrough syntax is incorrect and won't render HTML as expected chunks.selection = chunks.selection.replace(rnewlines, '\n'); // See if the text before or after already contains ~~ at the start/end var leadTildes = rtrailing.exec(chunks.before); var trailTildes = rleading.exec(chunks.after); // See if the selected text already contains ~~ at start or end var selectLeadTildes = rleading.exec(chunks.selection); var selectTrailTildes = rtrailing.exec(chunks.selection); // If the selection is already surrounded by ~~, remove them if(leadTildes && trailTildes){ chunks.before = chunks.before.replace(rtrailing, ""); chunks.after = chunks.after.replace(rleading, ""); // If the selection starts & ends with ~~, remove them } else if (selectLeadTildes && selectTrailTildes) { chunks.selection = chunks.selection.replace(rleading, ""); chunks.selection = chunks.selection.replace(rtrailing, ""); // Otherwise, add a set of ~~ } else { chunks.before = chunks.before + markup; chunks.after = markup + chunks.after; // Add the placeholder text if there was no selection if (chunks.selection.length <= 0){ chunks.selection = placeholder } } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to add or remove strikethrough formatting from markdown. Error: " + e ); } }, /** * updateMarkdown - Update the markdown attribute in this view using the * value of the markdown textarea */ updateMarkdown: function(){ try { newMarkdown = this.$(this.textarea).val(); // The markdown attribute in the model may be a string or an array of strings. // Although EML211 can comprise an array of markdown elements, // this view will only edit the first if there are multiple. if(Array.isArray(this.model.get("markdown")) && markdown.length){ // Clone then update arary before setting it on the model // so that the backbone "change" event is fired. // See var newMarkdownArray = _.clone(this.model.get("markdown")); newMarkdownArray[0] = newMarkdown; this.model.set("markdown", newMarkdownArray); } else { this.model.set("markdown", newMarkdown) } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to the view's markdown attribute, error: " + e); } }, /** * previewMarkdown - render the markdown preview. */ previewMarkdown: function(){ try{ var markdown = this.model.get("markdown") if(Array.isArray(markdown)){ markdown = markdown[0] } var markdownPreview = new MarkdownView({ markdown: markdown || this.previewPlaceholder, showTOC: this.showTOC || false }); // Render the preview markdownPreview.render(); // Add the rendered markdown to the preview tab this.$("#markdown-preview-"+this.cid).html(markdownPreview.el); } catch(e){ console.log("Failed to preview markdown content. Error message: " + e); } }, }); return MarkdownEditorView; });