define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", 'gmaps', 'nGeohash', "text!templates/maps.html"], function($, _, Backbone, gmaps, nGeohash, mapsTemplate){ /* * @class MapsView * @classdesc The mapsView is the area where the the geographic coverage of the datasets that comprise the portal * are displayed. The mapsView will update to match the search results when they are filtered. * @classcategory Views */ var mapsView = Backbone.View.extend({ /* The Portal Logos Element */ el: "#maps", /* TODO: Decide if we need this */ type: "maps", /* Renders the compiled template into HTML */ template: _.template(mapsTemplate), /* The events that this view listens to */ events: { }, /* Construct a new instance of mapsView */ initialize: function() { }, /* Render the view */ render: function() { }, /* Close and destroy the view */ onClose: function() { } }); return mapsView; });