WebAppDeployer: Deployer for startup deployment of webapps contexts: MObject: The ContextHandlerCollection to which the deployer deploys allowDuplicates: Object:RO: Whether or not duplicate deployments are allowed setAllowDuplicates(boolean):ACTION: Whether or not duplicate deployments are allowed setAllowDuplicates(boolean)[0]:allowDuplicates: True allows duplicate webapps to be deployed while false does not defaultsDescriptor: Object: The webdefault.xml descriptor to use for all webapps deployed by the deployer configurationClasses: Object: The set of configuration classes to apply to the deployment of each webapp webAppDir: Object: The directory where the webapps are to be found to deploy extract: Object:RO: Whether or not to extract war files on deployment setExtract(boolean):ACTION:Set whether or not to extract war files setExtract(boolean)[0]:extract: True will extract war files while false will not parentLoaderPriority: Object:RO: Whether to use j2se classloading order or servlet spec classloading order setParentLoaderPriority(boolean):ACTION: Set which classloading paradigm to use setParentLoaderPriority(boolean)[0]:parentPriorityClassLoading: True uses j2se classloading order while false uses servlet spec order