]> OBOE SBC Domain Extension Version 1.0 Extension for Santa Barbara Coastal LTER. OBOE 1.0. A concentration is a measurement of how much of a given substance (solute) is mixed with another substance (solvent). Concentrations will have 2 dimensions: SOLUTE [mole-amounts, mass, ionic charge, volume] PER SOLUTION [volume, mass]. Other numerators or denominators may also be possible (tbd) The denominator (solution) is most commonly a volume. But for natural water bodies (e.g. ocean), mass may be used to remove the effects of temperature and pressure on volume when these are significant. Accurate conversions between units are not always straightforward, and must take into account temperature and pressure at which the sample was collected. When solute mass or ionic charge is used (numerator), unit conversions need access to other information e.g, the periodic table of elements, or valence states. Concentrations also include the mixtures of suspended particulates or their components in a volume (e.g. of water). These are non-homogeneous solutions. The protocol should make clear how mixtures are defined. Measurement of Ammonium is conducted differently for different types of water media; at SBC, those media are fresh and salt water. If another medium is added requiring another protocol (e.g., anoxic porewater with high concentrations of HS) we may add a child measurement. TO DO MOB: redefine the measurements using DiscreteSample, then remove Sample_SBC and children A discrete sample is one where some of the entity is removed. Usually, the sample is processed further in a laboratory. Examples include a bottle of water from a stream or the ocean, or a leaf core or sediment core. Dissolved organic carbon reported as amount of substance (moles) of Carbon atoms. The term 'organic' refers to the fact that the dissolved Carbor was in compounds with other carbon atoms and probably also to other (unreported) elements (e.g, oxygen, hydrogen). Dissolved organic nitrogen reported as amount of substance (moles) of nitrogen atoms. The term 'organic' refers to the fact that the dissolved nitrogen was in compounds with carbon atoms and probably also to other (unreported) elements (e.g, oxygen, hydrogen). Dissolved organic Phosphorus reported as amount of substance (moles) of Phosphorus atoms. The term 'organic' refers to the fact that the dissolved Phosphorus was in compounds with carbon atoms and probably also to other (unreported) elements (e.g, oxygen, hydrogen). Ecosystem Process An Estuary is the part of a stream that meets an ocean, and fresh water and saline water mix. luminescence that is caused by the absorption of radiation at one wavelength followed by nearly immediate reradiation usually at a different wavelength and that ceases almost at once when the incident radiation stops; also : the radiation emitted (from Merriam-Webster) Fresh water is water where the dissolved substances do not typically include significnat quantities of the elements Sodium, Chlorine and Magnesium (check on Mg, or others). Other dissolved solids may be present in significant in significant quantities. GiantKelp Hydrosphere Physical Feature Hydrosphere Physical Process Interstitial water is found in spaces between soil or sediment particles, or between rocks or gravel. might have problems. Are aquifers interstitial? or any underground water? Common name for large algae from the taxonomic class Phaeophyceae. Some would limit it to Laminariales, others woul say it is synomous with seaweed. Gas-filled pnuematocysts or bladders are attached to blades at the stipe and keep the kelp floating upward One or more kelp blades are attached along the jkelp stipe. A kelp frond is composed of a stipe and one or more blades A Kelp holdfast anchors one or more kelp fronds to the substrate. A kelp body is technically called the thallus, or sometimes "plant". It has these parts: stem-like structures (stipes), leaf-like structures (blades). The blades contain gas-filled bladders or pneumatocysts, which float upward. It is fastened to the substrate with a holdfast that might resemble roots. exposed water in a basin on a continental sfc of the earth The protocol for measuring Nitrate + nitrite concentration using cadmium reduction and colorimetry Ocean Water found in basins between continents, and assumed to contain accumulated salts from continental runnoff. A Ocean Bight is a body of water formed by a wide bend or curve of a coastline. A bight has a relatively wide outlet to the sea. An example is the Southern California Bight, formed by the bend near Pt Conception (north) and extending toward Baja California in the South. This meaning is distuingished from the alternate geographic definition: a bend or curve in the line between land and water. Ocean Current Eulerian measurements are made at a fixed geographic location. Lagrangian measurements are made by "tagging" the entity and allowing the sensor to move along with it. In this case, the water is tagged with a float. An Ocean Gulf is a large bay or area of an ocean partially enclosed by land. It might be nearly landlocked Examples are the Gulf of Mexico. Gulfs may differ from the ajoining sea in water or other properties. Physical Feature Physical Process TO DO MOB: redefine measurements using this class to use oboe-ecol community/phytoplankton instead. Primary Production Process Respiration .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 The common name of the Kelp Bed Bed number designations in Central and Southern California are those assigned by the California Department of Fish and Game; bed number designations in Baja California were assigned by ISP Alginates (formerly Kelpco). Bed numbers are distinct only within each region. Geographic region of kelp bed. Central refers to central California (Halfmoon Bay to Purisima Point), Southern refers to southern California (Point Arguello to the United States/Mexico border including the Channel Islands) and Baja refers to the Baja California (points south of the United States/Mexico border including several offshore islands). An sampling event that has been named by SBC. These include 1. oceanographic cruises, 2. individual sampling casts, which may be sub-events of a named cruise (implying subsumption), or as part of regular sampling 3. Ad hoc events, e.g., following a storm A site name given by Santa Barbara Coastal LTER. Saline water is water on which one might want to measure salinity. At the simplest level, salinity is the total amount of dissolved material in grams in one kilogram of sea water. Thus salinity is a dimensionless quantity (Texas A&M Univ, Dept of Oceanography online textbook http://oceanworld.tamu.edu). Accuracy and practicality are heavily considered in it measurement, and must be clearly defined. TO DO MOB: redefine the measurements using DiscreteSample, then remove Sample_SBC and children General term for macroscopic algae found in the ocean. Usually a collective noun. Silica is a general term for silicon found in compounds and in "hard parts". It can be lithogenic, (ie, from a rocky source) or biogenic (created by an organism) Biogenic Silica is "hard parts" of organism made from silicon atoms. Other atoms are present in the compounds; e.g., oxgen. Biogenic silica is created by diatoms, radiolarians and some plants, and deposited in their cell walls. Lithogenic silica is hard silicon compounds originating from rocks. Compare to biogenic silica. Colorimetric method Solid Earth Physical Feature Solid Earth Physical Process Spatial Location Stream water flowing over a continent or land usually in catchments or watersheds. Includes waterways, rivers, creeks; intermittent or continuous. Stream Flow Particulates suspended in water are collected on a filter. Solid material suspended in natural water. Usually, this is a mixture of inorganic and organic material, living and dead. Suspended solids are not dissolved. They are particles of various sizes and buoyancy. Usually, the material is collected from a volume of water, and the collection protocol should specify the size or type of filter used to separate the suspended material from the water and dissolved material. An individual tagged frond Dates, date-parts or date-times which are recorded in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), which is defined as UTC - 7 hours. TO DO MOB: this would be better as a measurement, entity= time instant, std=time zone. characteristic= Dates, date-parts or date-times which are recorded in Pacific Standard Time (PST), which is UTC -8 hours Dates, date-parts or date-times which are recorded in Coordinated Universal Time. This term is also in the SWEET ontology, where it is defined in the "EarthRealm" as a subclass of "atmosphere" where elevation is between 0 and 15 km. Water, naturally occurring. Usually a mixture of H2O and other materials. Nitrogen is a chemical element that has the symbol N, atomic number of 7 and atomic mass 14.00674 u.