Operations Overview =================== This document describes the operational aspects of the DataONE infrastructure. `System design and architecture documentation`_ is also available. Interesting targets: Hardware map (NOTE 2010-09-07: this needs to be updated): .. graphviz:: graph hardware { fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; rankdir=LR; fontsize = 8; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 color = "#888888" arrowhead = "none" arrowsize = 0.5 len = 0.2 ]; node [ shape = "record" fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 8 color = "#444444" fontcolor = "black"]; host1 [label="UNM VM Host|host-unm-1.dataone.org"]; host2 [label="NCEAS VM Host|host-ucsb-1.dataone.org"]; host3 [label="ORC VM Host|orcvm1.utk.edu"]; vmwhost [label="UNM VMWare hypervisor|"]; epad [label="etherpad|epad.dataone.org"]; mule1 [label="Mule1|mule1.dataone.org"]; monitor [label="Monitor|monitor.dataone.org"]; fedoradev [label="Fedora Dev|"]; dryad [label="Dryad Dev GMN|"]; cndev [label="CN Development|cn-dev.dataone.org"]; daac [label="ORNL/DAAC MN|daacmn.ornl.gov"]; subgraph cluster_unm { label="UNM"; host1 -- epad [arrowhead=normal dir=back]; host1 -- dryad [arrowhead=normal dir=back]; host1 -- monitor [arrowhead=normal dir=back]; host1 -- fedoradev [arrowhead=normal dir=back]; vmwhost -- mule1 [arrowhead=normal dir=back]; } subgraph cluster_orc { label="ORC"; host3; daac; } subgraph cluster_ucsb { label="NCEAS"; host2; cndev; } monitor -- monitor [color="red"]; monitor -- cndev [color="red"]; monitor -- host1 [color="red"]; monitor -- host2 [color="red"]; monitor -- host3 [color="red"]; monitor -- dryad [color="red"]; monitor -- daac [color="red"]; monitor -- fedoradev [color="red"]; } .. _System design and architecture documentation: http://mule1.dataone.org/ArchitectureDocs/index.html