Administering CN - CN Replication ================================= .. |MR| replace:: Metacat Replication .. |MN| replace:: Member Node .. |CN| replace:: Coordinating Node Metacat Replication ------------------- |MR| is used to copy objects that have been copied to |CN|s during the synchronization process. Currently (Version 1 and 2 ofthe infrastructure), this is limited to objects of type METADATA and RESOURCE. It will sometimes be necessary to trigger |MR| when it is noticed that content on a |CN| is not present. To trigger |MR|, visit the |CN| at the admin URL:: /metacat/admin then click on "Reconfigure Now" for "Replication Configuration". This should open the page:: /metacat/admin?configureType=replication .. image:: images/mc_replication.png Click on the "Get All" button to initiate |MR|. The only acknowledgement is a message "'Get All' Done" in the frame at the bottom of the page. In order to actually see what's going on it is necessary to take a look at the Metacat log on the respective CN. DataONE Replication ------------------- This is a CN service that manages MN to MN replication. LDAP Replication ---------------- TBD Postgres Replication -------------------- TBD Hazelcast Replication --------------------- TBD