CN Purge and Installation Instructions --Version 858 ---------------------------------------------------- :: cn-ucsb-1, cn-unm-1, apt-get --purge remove dataone-cn-metacat dataone-cn-mercury dataone-cn-rest-service dataone-cn-mnsynchronization rm -rf /var/mercury rm -rf /var/metacat rm -rf /var/lib/dataone rm /etc/init.d/mn-synchronize rm /etc/init.d/mercury-indexer rm -rf /var/log/dataone rm /usr/share/java/cn-batchscheduler.jar rm /usr/share/java/cn-mercuryscheduler.jar rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/* rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat6/logs/* mkdir /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps mkdir /var/lib/tomcat6/logs mkdir /var/lib/dataone mkdir /var/log/dataone chown tomcat6.tomcat6 /var/log/dataone cd /var/lib chown tomcat6 tomcat6/webapps tomcat6/logs dataone chgrp tomcat6 tomcat6/webapps tomcat6/logs dataone cp /home/waltz/dataone/nodeList.xml /var/lib/dataone chown tomcat6.tomcat6 /var/lib/dataone/nodeList.xml cd /home/waltz/bin/ ./reset apt-get update apt-get install dataone-cn-metacat dataone-cn-mercury dataone-cn-rest-service dataone-cn-mnsynchronization (takes a couple minutes) http://(cn-host-name)/knb/admin (make sure all items are configured, including the database) Global - ensure username password Ignore Skins Specific Properties Database Installation/Upgrade - run scripts Geoserver - bypass vi /etc/dataone/mn-synchronize/ (edit the string 'NEED_TO_SET'. each cn has its own mn that it syncronizes, you will have to change that string to appear as the below depending on which cn you are editing cn-ucsb-1 = '' cn-unm-1 = '' = '' ) ./postConfigure ensure that the cert exists ls /etc/ssl/certs/ http://(cn-host-name)/knb/style/skins/dev/replControl.html In the 'Servers' box, click 'Add this server' (cn-host-name)/knb/servlet/replication Replicate xml doc To server (1 or 0)? 1 Replicate data file To server (1 or 0)?: 1 Localhost is a hub to server (1 or 0)?: 0 Download certificate from (leave empty) CN Reset and/or Upgrade --Version 3268 -------------------------------------- :: cd /home/waltz/bin/ ./reset apt-get update apt-get upgrade (at this point if there is an upgrade to dataone-cn-os-core, then after the upgrade you will need to cp /var/lib/dataone/nodeList.xml /home/waltz/bin/nodeList.xml to make certain the lastest version of the nodeList will be installed properly) Configure Metacat http://(cn-host-name)/knb/admin (make sure all items are configured, including the database) Global - ensure username password Ignore Skins Specific Properties - check Knb, 'Show Site List', 'Show Work Group List', 'Make knb default', and then push Save Database Installation/Upgrade - run scripts Geoserver - Set to Bypass Configure Synchronize vi or pico /etc/dataone/mn-synchronize/ (edit the string 'NEED_TO_SET'. each cn has its own mn that it syncronizes, you will have to change that string to appear as the below depending on which cn you are editing cn-ucsb-1 = '' cn-unm-1 = '' = '' ) Finish Configuration of Mercury ./postConfigure Set up Replication between 2 or more servers: http://(cn-host-name)/knb/style/skins/dev/replControl.html In the 'Servers' box, click 'Add this server' (cn-host-name)/knb/servlet/replication Replicate xml doc To server (1 or 0)? 1 Replicate data file To server (1 or 0)?: 1 Localhost is a hub to server (1 or 0)?: 0 Download certificate from (leave empty) CN KNB Service Update Instructions --Version 0 ---------------------------------------------- :: cn-ucsb-1, cn-unm-1, These are the steps that I followed to update metacat without deleting the database :: sftp put knb.war quit ssh sudo -s /etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop cd /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ rm knb.war.current rm -rf knb cp /home/waltz/knb.war . mkdir knb cd knb jar -xvf ../knb.war > /dev/null cd WEB-INF HOSTNAME=`/usr/bin/perl -nle 'if (/^([\d\.]+)\s+(cn[^\s]+)\s*/) {$hostname= $2;exit;} END{print $hostname}' /etc/hosts` sed -i.bak 's/\(server\.name\=\)localhost/\1'${HOSTNAME}'/; s/\(application\.deployDir\=\)/\1\/var\/lib\/tomcat6\/webapps/; s/\(application\.backupDir\=\)/\1\/var\/metacat\/\.knb/; s/\(application\.context=\)/\1knb/; s/\(application\.debugOutputFile\=\)\/tmp\/metacat\.debug/\1\/var\/metacat\/temporary\/metacat.debug/; s/\(application\.delimiteredOutputFile\=\)\/tmp\/metacat\.debug\.delimitered/\1\/var\/metacat\/temporary\/metacat\.debug\.delimitered/; s/\(database\.user\=\)/\1metacat/; s/\(database\.password\=\)/\1metacat/; s/\(database\.type\=\)/\1postgres/; s/\(database\.driver\=\)/\1org\.postgresql\.Driver/; s/\(database\.adapter\=\)/\1edu\.ucsb\.nceas\.dbadapter\.PostgresqlAdapter/; s/\(auth\.administrators\=\)/\1uid\=dataone\_cn\_metacat\,o\=DATAONE\,dc\=ecoinformatics\,dc\=org/; s/\(replication\.logdir\=\)/\1\/var\/metacat\/logs/;' \ cp /usr/share/metacat/debian/ . cd ../.. chown -R tomcat6.tomcat6 knb mv knb.war knb.war.current /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start Configure Metacat http://(cn-host-name)/knb/admin Authentication Configuration -- check values, click Save login (make sure all items are configured, including the database) Global - Configure, ensure username password Skins Specific Properties - Configure, check Default, and then push Save Database Installation/Upgrade - Should not have to run scripts,if you do you failed updating Geoserver - Set to Bypass