
Before beginning an installation or upgrade, especially if timing is important, test to make sure you have the following:

  1. SSH access to each CN (virtual) machine you will be working on.
  2. sudo privileges on each machine you will be working on.

  3. ability to read the systems’ password file located at:

    • you need to have:
      • gpg set up on your local machine
      • a secure gpg key generated and imported into the GPG keyring
      • your public key submitted to svn in the pw/publicskeys directory, so your key can be used by others when they re-encrypt the SystemPW file.

      (see PWInstructions.txt in ./pw )

  4. Make sure you will be able to have someone on-hand to adjust the round robin DNS - only DataONE Admins can do this. You will need them at the beginning, middle, and end of the install / upgrade.