This file describes how to use the sql scripts in the /metacat/test/tools directory
to create different versions of the metacat database schema.  This is useful for testing
the metacat auto-upgrade functionality.  

These scripts were extracted from the ddl for metacat using code tags.  The scripts 
were retrieved back to version 1.4.  For earlier scripts, you will need to go to the 
SVN repository.

Note that database scripts currently only support postgresql and oracle databases.

You will find three major categories of sql scripts in this directory.  Here we list
their usage and naming conventions. 

1) xmltables scripts - these are used to create a database schema for a particluar 
version of metacat.  The naming format is:

2) loaddtdschema scripts - these are use to populate eml schema information into 
the database.  The nameing format is:

Note that there is no qualification for database type.  Currently, all database types
use the same eml schema scripts.  If this should change in the future, we would need
to add the database type qualification.

3) cleanall scripts -  these clear out all data and metacat schema information.  This 
should remove all tables, sequences and triggers for the given version.  The naming 
format is:


If you are testing against a postgresql database, you should start with an empty
database.  You will run the xmltables script first and then the loaddtdschema script.
Change to the postgres user and run the script by typing:

		psql -f <file_name> <database_name>
So for instance, if you have an empty postgres database named "metacat" and you wanted
to install the 1.4 metacat schema, you would type:

		sudo su - postgres
		psql -f 1.4_xmltables-postgres.sql
		psql -f 1.4_loaddtdschema.sql

If you are testing against an oracle database, you should log into the database 
using sqlplus.  A typical scenario is that you have downloaded and installed the 
development XE version of oracle.  You may need to 'locate sqlplus' to find the sqlplus

the command to log into sqlplus looks like:
		sqlplus <db_user_name>@<db_sid>
Once you are at the sqlplus command line, you can run a sript by referencing it with a
"@" and the script name.  So if you have an empty oracle XE development license database 
with a "metacat" user, that you want to install with the 1.4 metacat schema, you would 
run the scripts by typing:

		sqlplus metacat@XE
		SQL> @1.4_xmltables-oracle.sql
		SQL> @1.4_loaddtdschema.sql

Whatever version your database schema is at, you can get it back to an empty state
by running the script named:

Follow the same steps shown above to run the script depending on which database 
you have installed.