/** * '$RCSfile$' * Copyright: 2004 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Purpose: To test the Access Controls in metacat by JUnit * * '$Author: daigle $' * '$Date: 2008-07-18 10:06:00 -0700 (Fri, 18 Jul 2008) $' * '$Revision: 4146 $' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacattest; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import edu.ucsb.nceas.MCTestCase; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.properties.PropertyService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; /** * A JUnit test for testing Access Control in Metacat */ public class PropertyServiceTest extends MCTestCase { /** * Constructor to build the test * * @param name the name of the test method */ public PropertyServiceTest(String name) { super(name); } /** * Establish a testing framework by initializing appropriate objects */ public void setUp() { } /** * Release any objects after tests are complete */ public void tearDown() { } /** * Create a suite of tests to be run together */ public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.addTest(new PropertyServiceTest("initialize")); // Test basic functions suite.addTest(new PropertyServiceTest("mainPropertiesTest")); return suite; } /** * Run an initial test that always passes to check that the test * harness is working. */ public void initialize() { assertTrue(1 == 1); } /** * Tests reading and writing from properties using the PropertyService class *1. read a single property from the properties file that should exist * Read a test property from the PropertyService. The value should be read * successfully. If PropertyNotFoundException is thrown, the test case fails. * Also, if the value returned is null, the test case fails. Strictly speaking, * it is not a failure for getProperty to return null, but we know that * 'test.mcUser' should have a value. *2. read a single property from the main properties that shouldn't exist * Expect a PropertyNotFoundException here. If the exception is not thrown, * the test case fails. *3. read group property names from the main properties * read an existing group of property names. If the result set is zero * length, the test case fails. *4. read group properties from the main properties * Get the property values for the group names retrieved in test case 3. If * the properties map retrieved is empty, the test case fails. *5. write property to main properties * Write a property that already exists to the metacat.properties file. The * value is randomly generated. The value is then retrieved from the * metacat.properties file. If the retrieved value does not match the * generated value, or if an exception is thrown, the test case fails. *6. set property and persist to main properties * This does the same as test case 5, but instead of using setProperty which * sets the property in memory and persists it to file, this case uses * setPropertyNoPersist and persistProperties to do the set and persist * atomically. *7. try to write property to main properties that doesn't exist * Attempt to set a property that doesn't exist in the properties * file. This should throw a PropertyNotFoundException. Anything else * causes the test case to fail. *8. try to write property nonPersistant to main properties that doesn't exist * This does the same as test case 7, but uses the setPropertyNoPersist method. */ public void mainPropertiesTest() { Random random = new Random(); try { debug("\nRunning: mainPropertiesTest test"); //====1 read a single property from the properties file that should exist debug("Test 1: read a single property from the properties file that should exist"); try { String user = PropertyService.getProperty("test.mcUser"); if (user == null || user.equals("")) { fail("Test 1: Reading property 'test.mcUser' returned no value."); } debug("Test 1: read property 'test.mcUser': " + user); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { fail("Test 1: Could not read property 'test.mcUser' : " + pnfe.getMessage()); } //====2 read a single property from the main properties that shouldn't exist debug("Test 2: read a single property from the main properties that shouldn't exist"); try { String metacatURL = PropertyService.getProperty("test.this.doesn't.exist"); fail("Test 2: shouldn't have successfully read property: test.this.doesn't.exist : " + metacatURL); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { debug("Test 2: expected failure reading property:'test.this.doesn't.exist' : " + pnfe.getMessage()); } //====3 read group property names from the main properties debug("Test 3: read property group names 'organization.org'"); Vector orgList = PropertyService.getPropertyNamesByGroup("organization.org"); if (orgList == null || orgList.size() == 0) { fail("Test 3: Empty vector returned when reading property group names 'organization.org'"); } // ====4 read group properties from the main properties try { debug("Test 4: read property group 'organization.org'"); Map metacatProps = PropertyService.getPropertiesByGroup("organization.org"); if (metacatProps == null || metacatProps.size() == 0) { fail("Test 4: Empty map returned when reading property group names 'organization.org'"); } } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { fail("Test 4: Could not read property group names 'organization.org': " + pnfe.getMessage()); } // ====5 write property to main properties try { String testValue = "testing" + random.nextInt(); debug("Test 5: set property 'test.testProperty' : " + testValue); PropertyService.setProperty("test.testProperty", testValue); String testValue2 = PropertyService.getProperty("test.testProperty"); if (!testValue.equals(testValue2)) { fail("Test 5: couldn't set 'test.testProperty' to " + testValue); } } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { fail("Test 5: Could not set property 'test.testProperty' : " + pnfe.getMessage()); } // ====6 set property and persist to main properties try { String testValue = "testing" + random.nextInt(); debug("Test 6: set property 'test.testProperty' : " + testValue); PropertyService.setPropertyNoPersist("test.testProperty", testValue); PropertyService.persistProperties(); String testValue2 = PropertyService.getProperty("test.testProperty"); if (!testValue.equals(testValue2)) { fail("Test 6: couldn't set 'test.testProperty' to " + testValue); } } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { fail("Test 6: Could not set property 'test.testProperty' : " + pnfe.getMessage()); } // ====7 try to write property to main properties that doesn't exist String testValue; try { testValue = "testing" + random.nextInt(); debug("Test 7: set property 'test.property.nonexistant' : " + testValue); PropertyService.setProperty("test.property.nonexistant", testValue); fail("Test 7: shouldn't have been able to set 'test.property.nonexistant' to " + testValue + " since 'test.property.nonexistant' doesn't exist."); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { debug("Test 7: expected failure writing to property:'test.property.nonexistant' : " + pnfe.getMessage()); } // ====8 try to write property nonPersistant to main properties that doesn't exist try { testValue = "testing" + random.nextInt(); debug("Test 8: set property 'test.property.nonexistant' : " + testValue); PropertyService.setPropertyNoPersist("test.property.nonexistant", testValue); fail("Test 8: shouldn't have been able to set 'test.property.nonexistant' to " + testValue + " since 'test.property.nonexistant' doesn't exist."); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { debug("Test 8: expected failure writing to property:'test.property.nonexistant' : " + pnfe.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { fail("General exception:\n" + e.getMessage()); } } }