# = Ruby Ecoinformatics Library # == What is it? # A tool for accessing ecological datasets and their metadata in ruby. # It's a way to do this: # squery = '<pathquery version="1.2">...</pathquery>' # looks for all pisco-subtidal data # Metacat.new('http://data.piscoweb.org/catalog/metacat') do |metacat| # eml_docs = metacat.find(:squery => squery) # eml_docs.each do |eml| # puts eml.docid # eml.data_tables.each do |data_table| # puts "\t --#{data_table.entity_name}" # end # end # end # Spits out : # pisco_subtidal.40.1 # --quad_taxon_lookup_table.csv # --pisco_quad_data.csv # pisco_subtidal.12.4 # --fish_taxon_lookup_table.csv # --pisco_fish_data.csv # pisco_subtidal.21.7 # --swath_taxon_lookup_table.csv # --pisco_swath_data.csv # pisco_subtidal.30.2 # --upc_taxon_lookup_table.csv # --pisco_upc_data.csv # For now, this library is for dealing with EML metadata and data coming out of # the Metacat data catalog (http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software/metacat). # The Metacat client class will generally return Eml objects representing their # corresponding EML document. This object can then be used to access document-wide # metadata. Furthermore, each Eml object contains DataTable objects representing # their corresponding DataTable elements. For now, Eml and DataTable are mostly # a wrapper for a REXML:Document DOM representation of the XML data. In the future # they may contain more functionality. # # One very important feature of classes Metacat and DataTable is the ability to # read plain-text data tables by passing a block(closure) that handles fragments # of the file. This way data can be read without the costs of loading a huge dataset # directly into RAM. # == Status # The Metacat client library is very usable and I'm happy with the current documentation # # The Eml and even worse, DataTable classes are minimally functional. They also still # contain fragments of the original application that inspired them which should be removed # as they are not generally applicable. Documentation is also not up to par. # # I would recommend using the REXML:Document contained within both Eml and DataTable # where their methods are lacking to access metadata attributes. DataTable.read() is # in a usable state and handles blocks the same way as Metacat.read. # # Where documentation is lacking check the unit tests under ./tests. These sometimes # give a clearer picture of intended usage. # # == Examples # See classes Metacat, Eml, and DataTable for more examples # == Author # Chad Burt # # Marine Science Institude # # University of California, Santa Barbara # # chad@underbluewaters.net