#!/usr/bin/perl # # '$RCSfile: transfer_emldocs_from_metacat1_to_metacat2.pl,v $' # Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California # # '$Author: sgarg $' # '$Date: 2004/04/09 23:12:46 $' # '$Revision: 1.1 $' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # This is a CGI application for inserting metadata documents into # the Metacat database. It utilizes the Metacat.pm module for most work. # You can specify two metacats and a list of documents. This script will # copy documents from one metacat to another. use Metacat; my $metacat1; my $docid; my $rev; my $error = 0; my $xmldoc; my $xa; my $response; my $listname = "kruger_docids"; my $metacat1_url = "http://dataknp.sanparks.org/sanparks/metacat"; my $username = "uid=judithk,o=SANParks,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org"; my $password = "xxxxxx"; #my $metacat1_url = "http://fred.msi.ucsb.edu/metacat/metacat"; #my $username = "uid=leinfelder,o=NCEAS,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org"; #my $password = "xxxxxx"; #used for inserting xml in the appropriate location my $updatedcount = 0; my $insertionindex; #my $insertionmarker = "</abstract>"; my $insertionmarker = "</keywordSet>"; my $xmlsnippet = ""; $xmlsnippet .= "<keywordSet>"; #$xmlsnippet .= "<keywordThesaurus>location</keywordThesaurus>"; $xmlsnippet .= "<keyword>SANParks, South Africa</keyword>"; $xmlsnippet .= "<keyword>Kruger National Park, South Africa</keyword>"; $xmlsnippet .= "</keywordSet>"; $metacat1 = Metacat->new(); if ($metacat1) { $metacat1->set_options( metacatUrl => $metacat1_url); } else { #die "failed during metacat creation\n"; print "Failed during metacat1 creation."; $error = 1; } # Login to metacat print "Connecting to metacat1..........\n"; my $response1 = $metacat1->login($username, $password); if (! $response1) { print $metacat1->getMessage(); print "Failed during login: metacat1.\n"; $error = 2; } else { print "Connected to metacat1\n"; } if($error == 0){ open(file,$listname) || die ("Couldn't open the file"); while(<file>) { chomp(); $docid = $_; print "Original docid: $docid\n"; #get the document $xmldoc = $metacat1->read($docid); $xa = $xmldoc->content; #construct the next docid revision #three parts to the docid: scope.id.rev @docidparts = split(/\./, $docid); $rev = @docidparts[2]; $rev = $rev + 1; print "next rev: $rev\n"; @docidparts[2] = $rev; $docid = join('.', @docidparts); print "Revised docid: $docid\n"; #check for the inserted data (maybe we did it already) $insertionindex = index($xa, $xmlsnippet); if ($insertionindex > 0) { print "Already added the xml snippet to this doc\n"; next; } #insert the snippet $insertionindex = index($xa, $insertionmarker); if ($insertionindex > 0) { #we want it after the end of the marker $insertionindex += length($insertionmarker); #construct the new xml with inserted elements $xa = substr($xa, 0, $insertionindex) . $xmlsnippet . substr($xa, $insertionindex); print "\n----------\n"; #print $xa; #print "\n----------\n"; #send the updated document $response = $metacat1->update($docid, $xa); print $metacat1->getMessage(); $updatedcount++; } } print "Updated $updatedcount documents\n"; } else { print $error; }