/** * '$RCSfile$' * Purpose: A Class that represents a structured query, and can be * constructed from an XML serialization conforming to * pathquery.dtd. The printSQL() method can be used to print * a SQL serialization of the query. * Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Authors: Matt Jones * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * '$Revision$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.MetacatUtilException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.SystemUtil; /** a utility class that represents a group of terms in a query */ public class QueryGroup { private String operator = null; // indicates how query terms are combined private Vector children = null; // the list of query terms and groups private int countPercentageSearchItem = 0; private Vector queryTermsWithSameValue = null;//this two dimension vectors. //will hold query terms which has same search value. private Vector queryTermsInPathIndex = null; //this vector holds query terms without same value // and search path is in path index. private Vector queryTerms = null;//this vector only holds query terms without same search value. // and search path is NOT in path index. private Vector queryGroupsChildren = null; private static Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(QueryGroup.class); public static String UNION = "UNION"; public static String INTERSECT = "INTERSECT"; /** * construct a new QueryGroup * * @param operator the boolean conector used to connect query terms * in this query group */ public QueryGroup(String operator) { this.operator = operator; children = new Vector(); queryTermsWithSameValue = new Vector(); queryTermsInPathIndex = new Vector(); queryTerms = new Vector(); queryGroupsChildren = new Vector(); } /** * Add a child QueryGroup to this QueryGroup * * @param qgroup the query group to be added to the list of terms */ public void addChild(QueryGroup qgroup) { children.add((Object)qgroup); queryGroupsChildren.add(qgroup); } /** * Add a child QueryTerm to this QueryGroup * * @param qterm the query term to be added to the list of terms */ public void addChild(QueryTerm qterm) { children.add((Object)qterm); handleNewQueryTerms(qterm); } /* * Retrieve an Enumeration of query terms for this QueryGroup */ private Enumeration getChildren() { return children.elements(); } public int getPercentageSymbolCount() { return countPercentageSearchItem; } /** * create a SQL serialization of the query that this instance represents */ public String printSQL(boolean useXMLIndex, List parameterValues) { StringBuffer self = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; if (!queryTermsWithSameValue.isEmpty() || !queryTermsInPathIndex.isEmpty()) { // keep track of the values we add as prepared statement question marks (?) List groupValues = new ArrayList(); String pathIndexQueryString = printSQLStringInPathIndex(groupValues); parameterValues.addAll(groupValues); queryString.append(pathIndexQueryString); if (queryString != null) { first = false; } } for (int i=0; i childrenValues = new ArrayList(); // get the group QueryGroup qg = (QueryGroup) queryGroupsChildren.elementAt(i); String queryGroupSQL = qg.printSQL(useXMLIndex, childrenValues); logMetacat.info("In QueryGroup.printSQL.. found a QueryGroup: " + queryGroupSQL); if (first) { first = false; } else { if(!queryString.toString().equals("") && queryGroupSQL != null &&!queryGroupSQL.equals("")){ queryString.append(" " + operator + " "); } } // add the sql queryString.append(queryGroupSQL); // add the parameter values parameterValues.addAll(childrenValues); // count percentage number int count = qg.getPercentageSymbolCount(); countPercentageSearchItem = countPercentageSearchItem + count; } for (int i=0; i termValues = new ArrayList(); // get the term QueryTerm qt = (QueryTerm)queryTerms.elementAt(i); String termQueryString = qt.printSQL(useXMLIndex, termValues); logMetacat.info("In QueryGroup.printSQL.. found a QueryGroup: " + termQueryString); if (!(qt.getSearchMode().equals("contains") && qt.getValue().equals("%"))){ if (first) { first = false; } else { if(!queryString.toString().equals("")){ queryString.append(" " + operator + " "); } } // include the sql queryString.append(termQueryString); // include the parameter values parameterValues.addAll(termValues); // count percerntage number int count = qt.getPercentageSymbolCount(); countPercentageSearchItem = countPercentageSearchItem + count; } } if(!queryString.toString().equals("")){ self.append("("); self.append(queryString.toString()); self.append(")"); } logMetacat.info("In QueryGroup.printSQL.. final query returned is: " + self.toString()); return self.toString(); } /* * If every query term in a queryGroup share a search value and search path * is in xml_path_index, we should use a new query to replace the original query term query in order to * improve performance. Also if even the term doesn't share any value with other term * we still use "OR" to replace UNION action (we only handle union operator in the query group). * */ private String printSQLStringInPathIndex(List parameterValues) { String sql =""; String value =""; StringBuffer sqlBuff = new StringBuffer(); int index =0; if (queryTermsWithSameValue != null && queryTermsInPathIndex != null) { sqlBuff.append("SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM xml_path_index WHERE "); if (!queryTermsWithSameValue.isEmpty()) { boolean firstVector = true; for (int j=0; j searchValues = new ArrayList(); // get the general search criteria (no path info) String searchTermSQL = term1.printSearchExprSQL(searchValues); // add the SQL sqlBuff.append(searchTermSQL); // add parameter values parameterValues.addAll(searchValues); sqlBuff.append("AND path IN ( "); //gets every path in query term object for (int i=0; i 0) { sqlBuff.append(" "+"OR"+" "); } sqlBuff.append("("); // keep track of the parameter values for this sql List termParameterValues = new ArrayList(); String termSQL = term.printSQL(true, termParameterValues); sqlBuff.append(termSQL); sqlBuff.append(")"); // add the param values parameterValues.addAll(termParameterValues); index++; } } } } if (index >0) { sql = sqlBuff.toString(); } return sql; } /** * create a String description of the query that this instance represents. * This should become a way to get the XML serialization of the query. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer self = new StringBuffer(); self.append(" (Query group operator=" + operator + "\n"); Enumeration en= getChildren(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Object qobject = en.nextElement(); self.append(qobject); } self.append(" )\n"); return self.toString(); } /* * When a new QueryTerm come, first we need to compare it to * the queryTerm vector, which contains queryTerm that doesn't * have same search value to any other queryTerm. Here is algorithm. * 1) If new QueryTerm find a QueryTerm in queryTerms which has same search value, * them create a new vector which contain both QueryTerms and add the new vector * to two-dimention vector queryTermsWithSameValue, and remove the QueryTerm which * was in queryTerm. * 2) If new QueryTerm couldn't find a QueryTerm in queryTerms which has same search value, * then search queryTermsWithSameValue, to see if this vector already has the search value. * 2.1) if has the search value, add the new QueryTerm to the queryTermsWithSameValue. * 2.2) if hasn't, add the new QueryTerm to queryTerms vector. */ private void handleNewQueryTerms(QueryTerm newTerm) { // currently we only handle UNION group if (newTerm != null ) { //System.out.println("new term is not null branch in handle new query term"); //we only handle union operator now. try { if (operator != null && operator.equalsIgnoreCase(UNION) && SystemUtil.getPathsForIndexing().contains( newTerm.getPathExpression())) { // System.out.println("in only union branch in handle new // query term"); for (int i = 0; i < queryTermsInPathIndex.size(); i++) { QueryTerm term = (QueryTerm) queryTermsInPathIndex.elementAt(i); if (term != null && term.hasSameSearchValue(newTerm)) { // System.out.println("1Move a query term and add a // new query term into search value in handle new // query term"); // find a target which has same search value Vector newSameValueVector = new Vector(); newSameValueVector.add(term); newSameValueVector.addElement(newTerm); queryTermsWithSameValue.add(newSameValueVector); queryTermsInPathIndex.remove(i); return; } } // no same search value was found in queryTerms. // then we need search queryTermsWithSameValue for (int i = 0; i < queryTermsWithSameValue.size(); i++) { Vector sameValueVec = (Vector) queryTermsWithSameValue.elementAt(i); // we only compare the first query term QueryTerm term = (QueryTerm) sameValueVec.elementAt(0); if (term != null && term.hasSameSearchValue(newTerm)) { // System.out.println("2add a new query term into // search value in handle new query term"); sameValueVec.add(newTerm); return; } } // nothing found, but the search path is still in // xml_path_index, // save it into queryTermsInPathIndex vector queryTermsInPathIndex.add(newTerm); return; } } catch (MetacatUtilException ue) { logMetacat.warn("Could not get index paths: " + ue.getMessage()); } // add this newTerm to queryTerms since we couldn't find it in xml_path_index queryTerms.add(newTerm); } } }