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Basic Information

[% IF cfg == 'nceas' %] [% FOREACH group = wg %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF cfg == 'esa' %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %]
Title[%- title -%]
NCEAS Project[%- group -%]
Organization Name[%- site -%]
[%- | ucfirst -%] Name[%- site -%]
Award Number[%- funding -%]

People and Organizations

[% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt <= partyCount %] [% SET partyId = "partyId${cnt}" %] [% SET partyFirstName = "partyFirstName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyLastName = "partyLastName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyRole = "partyRole${cnt}" %] [% SET partyPositionName = "partyPositionName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyOrgName = "partyOrgName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyEmail = "partyEmail${cnt}" %] [% SET partyURL = "partyURL${cnt}" %] [% SET partyPhone = "partyPhone${cnt}" %] [% SET partyFAX = "partyFAX${cnt}" %] [% SET partyDelivery = "partyDelivery${cnt}" %] [% SET partyCity = "partyCity${cnt}" %] [% SET partyState = "partyState${cnt}" %] [% SET partyStateOther = "partyStateOthe${cnt}" %] [% SET partyZIP = "partyZIP${cnt}" %] [% SET partyCountry = "partyCountry${cnt}" %] [% SET roles = { principalInvestigator => 'Principal Investigator', coPrincipalInvestigator => 'Co-Principal Investigator', collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator => 'Collaborating-Principal Investigator', creator => 'Creator (Author/Owner/Originator)', contact => 'Contact', metadataProvider => 'Metadata Provider', custodianSteward => 'Custodian/Steward', publisher => 'Publisher', user => 'User'} %] [% IF $partyRole != '' %] [% IF $partyFirstName != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyLastName != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyOrgName != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyPositionName != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyRole != '' %] [%- pRole = $partyRole -%] [% END %] [% IF $partyEmail != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyURL != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyPhone != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyFAX != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyDelivery != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyCity != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyState != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyStateOther != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyZIP != '' %] [% END %] [% IF $partyCountry != '' %] [% END %] [% END %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]
First Name[%- $partyFirstName -%]
Last Name[%- $partyLastName -%]
Organization Name[%- $partyOrgName -%]
Position Name[%- $partyPositionName -%]
Role[%- roles.$pRole -%]
Email[%- $partyEmail -%]
Online Link[%- $partyURL -%]
Phone[%- $partyPhone -%]
FAX[%- $partyFAX -%]
Address[%- $partyDelivery -%]
City[%- $partyCity -%]
State[%- $partyState -%]
Other Province[%- $partyStateOther -%]
Postal Code[%- $partyZIP -%]
Country[%- $partyCountry -%]

Data Set Abstract

[%- abstract -%]

[% IF modules.keyword == 'true' %]

Keyword Information

[% numKey = 0 %] [% IF keyCount > 1 %] [% numKey = keyCount %] [% END %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numKey %] [% SET key = "keyword${cnt}" %] [% SET keyType = "kwType${cnt}" %] [% SET keyTh = "kwTh${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]
Keyword Keyword Type Keyword Thesaurus
[%- $key -%] [%- $keyType -%] [%- $keyTh -%]
[% END %] [% IF modules.temporal == 'true' %]

Temporal Coverage of Data

Start Date: [%beginningYear%][%IF beginningMonth != ''%]-[% END%][%beginningMonth%][%IF beginningDay != ''%]-[% END%][%beginningDay%]
Stop Date: [%endingYear%][%IF endingMonth != ''%]-[% END%][%endingMonth%][%IF endingDay != ''%]-[% END%][%endingDay%]
[% END %] [% IF modules.spatial == 'true' %]

Spatial Coverage of Data

[% IF latDeg2 %] [% END %]
Geographic Description: [%- geogdesc -%]
First lat/long pair:
Latitude North/South Longitude West/East
[%latDeg1%] [%latMin1%]' [%latSec1%]" [%hemisphLat1%] [%longDeg1%] [%longMin1%]' [%longSec1%]" [%hemisphLong1%]
The second lat/long pair:
Latitude North/South Longitude West/East
[%latDeg2%] [%latMin2%]' [%latSec2%]" [%hemisphLat2%] [%longDeg2%] [%longMin2%]' [%longSec2%]" [%hemisphLong2%]
[% END %] [% IF modules.taxonomic == 'true' %] [% numTaxa = 0 %] [% IF taxaCount > 0 %] [% numTaxa = taxaCount %] [% END %]

Taxonomic Coverage of Data

[% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numTaxa %] [% SET trn = "taxonRankName${cnt}" %] [% SET trv = "taxonRankValue${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]
Taxon:[%- $trn -%][% $trv %]
[% IF taxaAuth %]

Taxonomic Reference: [%- taxaAuth -%]

[% END %] [% END %] [% IF modules.method == 'true' %]

Data Collection Methods

Method Title: [%- methodTitle -%]
[% FOREACH para = methodPara %]

[%- para -%]

[% END %]
Extent of Study Description:

[%- studyExtentDescription -%]

Sampling Description:

[%- samplingDescription -%]

[% END %] [% IF modules.upload == 'true' && upCount %]

Upload Data

[% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt < upCount %] [% SET fileName = "uploadname_${cnt}" %] [% SET filePerm = "uploadperm_${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]
File #[% cnt %]: [% $fileName %] [% $filePerm %] access [% dCount = 0 %] [% IF delCount > 0 %] [% dCount = delCount %] [% END %] [% cntd = 0 %] [% WHILE cntd < dCount %] [% SET delfile = "deletefile_${cntd}" %] [% IF $delfile == fileName %] to be removed [% END %] [% cntd = cntd + 1 %] [% END %]
[% END %]

Distribution Information

[% IF identifierCount > 0 %]
Data Set Identifiers:
[% numIdentifier = 0 %] [% numIdentifier = identifierCount %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numIdentifier %] [% SET id = "identifierValue${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]
Identifier:[% $id %]
[% END %]

Data Medium: [%dataMedium%]

Other Data Medium: [%- dataMediumOther -%]

Usage Constraints: [%- useConstraints -%]

Other Usage Constraints: [%- useConstraintsOther -%]

URL: [%url%]

Additional Information: [%addComments%]

All data and metadata are released under either the CC-0 Public Domain Dedication or the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License . As a repository dedicated to helping researchers increase collaboration and the pace of science, this repository needs certain rights to copy, store, and redistribute data. By uploading data, metadata, and any other content to this repository, you warrant that you own any rights to the content and are authorized to do so under copyright or any other right that might pertain to the content. Data and facts themselves are not covered under copyright in the US and most countries, since facts in and of themselves are not eligible for copyright. That said, some associated metadata and some particular compilations of data could potentially be covered by copyright in some jurisdictions. By uploading content, you grant this repository and UCSB all rights needed to copy, store, redistribute, and share data, metadata, and any other content. By marking content as publicly available, you grant this repository, UCSB, and any other users the right to copy the content and redistribute it to the public without restriction under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License or the CC-0 Public Domain Dedication, depending on which you choose at the time of upload.

[% IF cfg == 'nceas' %] [% FOREACH group = wg %] [% END %] [% END %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numIdentifier %] [% SET id = "identifierValue${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %] [% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt <= partyCount %] [% SET partyId = "partyId${cnt}" %] [% SET partyFirstName = "partyFirstName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyLastName = "partyLastName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyRole = "partyRole${cnt}" %] [% SET partyOrgName = "partyOrgName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyPositionName = "partyPositionName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyEmail = "partyEmail${cnt}" %] [% SET partyURL = "partyURL${cnt}" %] [% SET partyPhone = "partyPhone${cnt}" %] [% SET partyFAX = "partyFAX${cnt}" %] [% SET partyDelivery = "partyDelivery${cnt}" %] [% SET partyCity = "partyCity${cnt}" %] [% SET partyState = "partyState${cnt}" %] [% SET partyStateOther = "partyStateOther${cnt}" %] [% SET partyZIP = "partyZIP${cnt}" %] [% SET partyCountry = "partyCountry${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numKey %] [% SET kyd = "keyword${cnt}" %] [% SET keyType = "kwType${cnt}" %] [% SET keyTh = "kwTh${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numTaxa %] [% SET trn = "taxonRankName${cnt}" %] [% SET trv = "taxonRankValue${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %] [% FOREACH para = methodPara %] [% END %] [% dCount = 0 %] [% IF delCount > 0 %] [% dCount = delCount %] [% END %] [% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt < dCount %] [% SET delfile = "deletefile_${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %] [% fCount = 0 %] [% IF upCount > 0 %] [% fCount = upCount %] [% END %] [% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt < fCount %] [% SET fileSum = "upload_${cnt}" %] [% SET fileName = "uploadname_${cnt}" %] [% SET fileType = "uploadtype_${cnt}" %] [% SET filePerm = "uploadperm_${cnt}" %] [% IF fileSum %] [% END %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]

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