Information about the date and time of an event. Means of encoding a single date and time. The year (and optionally month, or month and day). The hour (and optionally minute, or minute and second) of the day. Means of encoding multiple individual dates and times. Means of encoding a range of dates and times. The first year (and optionally month, or month and day) of the event. The first hour (and optionally minute, or minute and second) of the day for the event. The last year (and optionally month, or month and day) for the event. The last hour (and optionally minute, or minute and second) of the day for the event. A name, code, or date describing an event or period in geologic time, expressed either as an absolute date calculated using a named dating method, or as a relative date that is drawn from stratigraphy or biostratigraphy. Name of a recognized geologic time scale. This includes 'Absolute' as the name of the time scale for measuring geologic dates before the present and names of geologic dating systems that are arrangements of symbols or names in order of relative geologic time. Either an absolute geologic date or a relative geologic age name describing an event or period in geologic time based on the Geologic Time Scale. The error estimate for the geologic time. This should include the units of measure, a description of what the error estimate represents and how it was calculated. The name and/or description of the method used to calculate the Geologic Age Estimate. Detailed information about the method may be provided through references contained in the Geologic Citation. Citation for works providing detailed information about any element of the Geologic Age. For example, a publication describing the methodology used for carbon dating or describing the basic geologic time scale in more detail could be cited here. A name, code, or date for the beginning of an event or period in geologic time. A name, code, or date for the end of an event or period in geologic dates relevant to a data set.