1 Database Database Configuration Values. 2 Server Configuration Server Configuration Values. 3 Application Configuration Application Configuration Values. 4 Data Manager Configuration Data Manager Configuration Values. 5 Handler Plugin Configuration Register Handler Plugin extensions 6 application.default-style 0 0 hidden Default skin type. Not shown on config page but we want it to backup. docs/metacat-properties.html#application-default-style database.user 1 1 Name of database user to own all tables. docs/metacat-properties.html#database-user database.password 1 2 password Password for database user. docs/metacat-properties.html#database-password database.type 1 3 select What kind of database is running. docs/metacat-properties.html#database-type database.driver 1 4 select Which driver is required. This should conform to your database type. docs/metacat-properties.html#database-driver database.adapter 1 5 select Which adapter is required. This should conform to your database type. docs/metacat-properties.html#database-adapter database.connectionURI 1 6 Database connection string. docs/metacat-properties.html#database-connectionURI server.name 2 1 Name of the server where Metacat will be available. docs/metacat-properties.html#server-name server.httpPort 2 2 Non secure port where Metacat will be available. docs/metacat-properties.html#server-httpPort server.httpSSLPort 2 3 Secure port where Metacat will be available. docs/metacat-properties.html#server-httpSSLPort server.internalName 2 4 Local name of the server. Usually it is localhost. docs/metacat-properties.html#server-internalName server.internalPort 2 5 Internal port where Metacat will be available when the server local name is used. docs/metacat-properties.html#server-internalPort application.deployDir 2 4 The directory where the application is deployed. docs/metacat-properties.html#application-deployDir auth.allowedSubmitters 3 1 Allowed Submitters docs/metacat-properties.html#auth-allowedSubmitters auth.deniedSubmitters 3 2 Denied Submitters docs/metacat-properties.html#auth-deniedSubmitters application.context 3 3 Name of the context under which Metacat will run. This is the directory in which the Metacat war file is deployed. docs/metacat-properties.html#application-context application.knbSiteURL 3 4 Location of KNB website. Usually left as http://knb.ecoinformatics.org docs/metacat-properties.html#application-knbSiteURL application.datafilepath 3 5 Where to store data. This should be some location outside the knb install direcories. docs/metacat-properties.html#application-datafilepath application.inlinedatafilepath 3 6 Where to store inline data. This should be some location outside the knb install direcories. docs/metacat-properties.html#application-inlinedatafilepath application.documentfilepath 3 7 Where to store metadata documents. This should be some location outside the knb install direcories. docs/metacat-properties.html#application-documentfilepath application.tempDir 3 8 Where to store temporary documents. This is primarily used by the data registry code. <font color="red"> Note: this must be set to a directory that is dedicated solely to temporary data, since the contents may be deleted programatically.</font> docs/metacat-properties.html#application-tempDir replication.logdir 3 9 The directory where replication log should be located. docs/metacat-properties.html#replication-logdir index.context 3 10 The context name for the deployed Metacat index webapp. docs/metacat-properties.html#index-context solr.homeDir 3 11 The directory where replication log should be located. docs/metacat-properties.html#solr-homeDir ui.context 3 12 The context name for the deployed Metacat UI webapp. docs/metacat-properties.html#ui-context datamanager.server 4 1 Host or IP of database server docs/metacat-properties.html#datamanager-server datamanager.database 4 2 Name of the data manager database docs/metacat-properties.html#datamanager-database datamanager.user 4 3 Name of database user to own all tables. docs/metacat-properties.html#datamanager-user datamanager.password 4 4 password Password for database user. docs/metacat-properties.html#datamanager-password plugin.handlers 5 1 Comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names that implement MetacatHandlerPlugin interface docs/metacat-properties.html#plugin-handlers D1Client.CN_URL 6 1 hidden dataone.nodeName 6 2 hidden dataone.nodeDescription 6 3 hidden dataone.nodeId 6 4 hidden dataone.subject 6 5 hidden dataone.nodeSynchronize 6 6 hidden dataone.nodeReplicate 6 7 hidden D1Client.certificate.file 6 8 hidden dataone.ore.generated 6 9 hidden dataone.systemmetadata.generated 6 10 hidden dataone.mn.services.enabled 6 11 hidden dataone.mn.registration.submitted 6 12 hidden D1Client.resourcesDir 6 13 hidden dataone.contactSubject 6 14 hidden guid.ezid.enabled 6 15 hidden guid.ezid.username 6 16 hidden guid.ezid.baseurl 6 17 hidden guid.ezid.doishoulder.1 6 18 hidden