----------------------- Preliminary steps ----------------------- 1. Place .shp file and related files in /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/shp/ directory (or another dir under /data...this is specified when creating datastore) 1.1 Add a layer description to the map frame config xml before deploying - saves you the trouble after the map layer is configured in geoserver (nice for testing immediately) 2. [Re]Install metacat webapp so that these spatial files are included in deployment ----------------------- GeoServer steps For (HELPFUL!!!) details, see: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOSDOC/1.2+Add+a+Dataset ----------------------- 3. login to geoserver (DEPLOYED_CONTEXT/geoserver.jsp) 4. create new namespace (optional since you can use an existing one ("metacat") if that makes sense) 5. create new datastore -- point to shapefile in data directory using file://... 6. create new FeatureType (use the common SRS of 4326) 7. create new style (SLD) - may want to manually edit it after initial creation. It will be in the styles folder under geoserver. 8. 'generate', 'submit' 9. 'apply', then 'save' ----------------------- Repository steps (to keep it around for subsequent installations/deployments) ----------------------- 10. Copy GeoServer-generated files from webapp installation location to /metacat checkout area: -DEPLOYED_CONTEXT/data/featureTypes/NEW_LAYER_FOLDER (includes one info.xml file) --> /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/featureTypes/ -DEPLOYED_CONTEXT/data/styles/NEW_LAYER_STYLE.sld --> /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/styles/ 11. Edit /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/WEB-INF/catalog.xml to include the new <datastore>, <namespace>, and <style> for the new layer ----------------------- Reinstall/deploy ----------------------- 12. Try it out!