Preliminary steps
1.  Place .shp file and related files in /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/shp/ directory (or another dir under /data...this is specified when creating datastore)
	1.1  Add a layer description to the map frame config xml before deploying - saves you the trouble after the map layer is configured in geoserver (nice for testing immediately)
2.  [Re]Install metacat webapp so that these spatial files are included in deployment

GeoServer steps
For (HELPFUL!!!) details, see: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOSDOC/1.2+Add+a+Dataset
3.  login to geoserver (DEPLOYED_CONTEXT/geoserver.jsp)
4.  create new namespace (optional since you can use an existing one ("metacat") if that makes sense)
5.  create new datastore -- point to shapefile in data directory using file://...
6.  create new FeatureType (use the common SRS of 4326)
7.  create new style (SLD) - may want to manually edit it after initial creation.  It will be in the styles folder under geoserver.
8.  'generate', 'submit'
9.  'apply', then 'save'

Repository steps (to keep it around for subsequent installations/deployments)
10.  Copy GeoServer-generated files from webapp installation location to /metacat checkout area:
	-DEPLOYED_CONTEXT/data/featureTypes/NEW_LAYER_FOLDER (includes one info.xml file) --> /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/featureTypes/
	-DEPLOYED_CONTEXT/data/styles/NEW_LAYER_STYLE.sld --> /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/styles/
11.  Edit /metacat/lib/spatial/geoserver/WEB-INF/catalog.xml to include the new <datastore>, <namespace>, and <style> for the new layer

12.  Try it out!