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The primary objective of this activity was to test the entry forms in preparation for their use in the upcoming Data Registry Open House to take place during the second half of February. As before, the comments are: Defects (software crashes or does not work properly). Typographical or grammatical errors in User Interface messages or documentation Suggestions for improving usability and enhancing user productivity We have kept the comments from Andrea and Rick separate so that the developers could have the benefit of two distinct user perspectives. Rick Reeves comments Defects: 1) When entering the metadata in the file �/nceas-wg-metadata/decaf/aust-phenandphys-dataset.xml�, the software generated a �Failure� screen and raised the following error: �error returning xpath: expression //dateTimeDomain. . . ../AdditionalMetatdata XML document structures must start and end with the same entity�. The error was fatal in that the metadata was not entered into the database. All required fields have been entered, and there are no visible errors in any of the data input fields when I saved the data. I have replicated this error four times over two days and have been so far unable to save this metadata to the repository. Note: I have traced this defect to placement of �<�,�>�, or �&� character appearing in one of the following text entry field: Data Set Title, Organization Name, Abstract, and Geographic Description fields. Other free-text data fields may present the sampe problem. (Bug 1323) 2) When attempting to update an existing metadata entry for the file: �/nceas-wg-metadata/decaf/meterologic/aust-met-dataset.xml�, the software generated a �Failure� screen and raised the following error: �The next revision number could not be less than or equal to 3�. (Not sure if this is a bug � looks like a user error - SG) 3) Within the �Spatial Coverage of Data� section, Coordinates entry fields, it is possible to enter numbers which are not valid for Latitude and Longitude: For example, 0, -1, numbers < -90 and > 90 (for latitude) and numbers < -180 or > 360 (for longitude). Suggest having these entry fields filter the inputs for valid Latitude/Longitude. (Bug 1309) 4) Note: A similar problem exists for the Phone number field in the Data Set Originator section, which allows non-numeric characters other than �-�. (I am not sure if this should be done as EML doesn�t require this. - SG) 5) In the DATA SET ORIGINATOR section, Organization Name field, if this field is left blank, then when the metadata is later displayed as the result of a Data Search, the selected NCEAS project name is displayed in the Organization display field. (Bug 1321) 6) Deleting an existing data package: After searching for and finding a data package to delete (the duplicate of another package), I pressed the Delete key. I negotiated the authentication screen (name/organization/password) with valid account data. Then, I received the error: �Failure: An error occurred. Most likely some required fields are missing. Please check the list of errors below and return to the previous form to fill in all required fields and submit the form again�. Sub errors: �null�. �Failed during deleting nceas.45.1 (the dataset ID) Please check if you are authorized to delete this document�. Do I need to get special authorization, and if so, how? (Fixed) Typographical Errors: Suggestions for Improving Usability: 1) For the following required data fields there are no default values that could be selected when there is no logical choice for that metadata set. In some cases, this can lead to erroneous values in the metadata. NCEAS Project(s): When there is no associated NCEAS project associated with a data set, should there be a �None� field for the user to select? (Or will there ALWAYS be an associated project?) (I think Matt said that this would not be the case at NCEAS - SG) Latitude / Longitude, for cases where geographic coordinates are not available for a data set. (Bug 1303) Data Set Abstract, for cases where there is no abstract (I have seen this in several of the WG datasets). (Bug 1303) 2) When selecting an NCEAS Project entry, it is tedious to scroll down through all of the entries to find the proper selection (if any). Suggest some sort of search mechanism or auto-field completion feature to help user drill down to the correct selection. (Bug 1299) 3) For each data package entry in the Search Results screen, the user can choose to Edit or Delete the data package. It would be helpful to have a Browse option, for read-only viewing of the data package. I realize that double-clicking the Title field brings up the Data Set Description; however, this feature is not obvious or documented, and an explicit one-button solution would be more convenient. (Bug 1304 � Done) 4) Entering metadata using the Data Repository screen can take 10 to 30 minutes or longer; sometimes Internet connections can fail or browsers crash, which leads to loss of data. It would be reassuring and productivity-enhancing if the screen had a �Commit� or �Save Work� button that wrote intermediate results to the metadata. I realize that this can be done by saving and then re-opening the (existing) data package for further entry; but a �one-button� solution would be even better. (Bug 1324) 5) Under the DATA SET CONTACT ADDRESS section: when the user checks the �use the same address as DATA SET ORIGNATOR� box, it would be reassuring if the corresponding data fields were populated with the values from the DATA SET ORIGINATOR section. (Bug 1325) 6) In the Basic Information screen, the user selects an NCEAS Project by double-clicking on an entry; the item selected is highlighted in blue. But the user would have more confidence that the selection had been confirmed if the selection is displayed in a separate, read-only text box. (Bug 1299) 7) When entering Additional Originators for one metadata set, I needed more than 10 available spots to enter all of the co-principal Investigators in the data package. Suggest doubling the number of available spots. (Bug 1301) Andrea Chadden comments Note: These comments are in addition to those already mentioned during the meeting held on 1/28/04. Defects: 1) This was already mentioned to you at one of the meetings this week, but in case you didn�t record it: After entering information into the form at the NCEAS Data Repository web page, and clicking �Submit Entry�, I was informed that I missed some required information and should go back. I went back (using my browser�s Back button), and all the information I had already entered had disappeared. (Bug 1326) 2) After filling in all required info (and some fields that were not required), I clicked submit entry, got the summary page, entered my username and password, and clicked the button that says I don�t want to change anything. I then received this error message: Failure An error occurred. Most likely some required fields were missing. Please check the list of errors below and return to the previous form to fill in all required fields and submit the form again. Error running xpath expression: //dateTimeDomain|//nonNumericDomain|//numericDomain|//access|//attributeList|//constraint|//coverage|//temporalCoverage|//geographicCoverage|//taxonomicCoverage|/dataset|/eml/dataset|//dataSource|//dataTable|//otherEntity|//citation|//address|//conferenceLocation|//party|//originator|//creator|//contact|//publisher|//editor|//recipient|//performer|//institution|//metadataProvider|//associatedParty|//personnel|//physical|//connectionDefinition|//distribution|//researchProject|//project|//relatedProject|//software|//spatialRaster|//spatialReference|//spatialVector|//storedProcedure|//view|//protocol|//additionalMetadata : XML document structures must start and end within the same entity. Thankfully this time when I returned to edit the page all of my entries were still there. But, I was stuck and unable to complete the submittal of the metadata (since I didn�t know what the problem was). (Bug 1323) 3) in the Data Set Abstract field and ALL the other fields on the form where paragraphs can be pasted in and a scroll-bar will appear, the scrollbar on the right side of the field malfunctions. When you click the down arrow to scroll down one line, the bar skips to the very bottom of the paragraph. When you are at the bottom of the paragraph, it does not allow the user to click the up arrow to go up one line � instead it keeps forcing you to stay at the bottom line of the paragraph. (I didn�t understand this one � SG) Coordinate values were displayed with too many decimal places (see example below): (Bug 1309) Geographic Description:Flakaliden experimental site, SwedenBounding Coordinates: West: � 19.45� degrees East: � 19.45� degrees North: � 64.1166666666667� degrees South: � 64.1166666666667� degrees  4) When displaying results of a search, quite often the organization column lists information that is not the organization. For example, it displayed this: �Prince: Global Primary Production Data Initiative (NCEAS 2017)� when the organization was actually entered for that data set as Dept. for Production Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (Bug 1321) Typographical/Grammatical Errors: (Bug 1322) 1) Instead of ZIP it should say �Postal Code� because I don�t think they are called zip codes in all countries. 2) In the Data Repository Guide/Info page, �Data Set Abstract� should be in caps and in blue like the other headings because it is its own section in the repository form, just as the other headings in caps and in blue are also their own section in the repository form. 3) The following are typos and grammatical problems found in the Data Repository Guide/Info page: Meterological � should be Meteorological �e.g Principal Investigator. � should be e.g. Principal Investigator If your dataset is open-ended, leave the ending date open, provide no ending date at all. � should be �leave the ending date open (provide no ending date at all). Enter both lat./long pairs to indicate... � should be Enter both lat./long. pairs� You can add mutliple taxa to the list � should be multiple �method (e.g., Zooplankton abundance using radial quadrat subsampling). � should be sub-sampling This guide provides information and help how to fill in the NCEAS Data Registry Form. � should be �information and help on how to� Suggestions for Improving Usability: 1) After clicking on the �NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD))� hyperlink, the page comes up in the same window, so when you close the window you actually close the data repository form you were working on, and the work you did is lost. The link should open up in a new window to avoid this blunder. (Bug 1311) 2) It is not clear to me why some of the empty fields in the repository entry form are white and some are yellow. (This is a happens due to Google bar. This is not because of the form � SG) 3) If the Data Repository Guide/Info Page is already open in a window because you clicked on a heading to read about it, and then you go back to the metadata entry form and click on another heading, the window with the Guide remains hidden behind the repository form window, instead of it coming to the front. (Bug 1311) ';IY[d���   2 i l m � � �   � � � � �  ) 0 = q � L DENXY\a��f�����������������۴��۫�ߧ����������~zs����� hr]�h�~h|t�h�~h�5�h�C� hr]�6�hr]�hr]�6�h��h��5�h��hr]�hF� h�K�5�h?�he�h�I�hDrh��hbJ�5�6�h��h� ;h�K� hbJ�5�hbJ� hbJ�5�6� h�K�5�6�hbJ�5�CJaJh�K�5�CJaJ,;YZ[d 5 m �   � � � � � �����������������h��^�h & F$a$ $�(a$gd?� $�h�(^�ha$gd?� $ & F�(a$gd?� & F�(gdDr$ & F���(]��a$gd��$��a$ & F��$a$�5�� EY�����������;/����������������� $�h��^�ha$gd6O� $�h��^�ha$gd�A2 $ & F��a$gdF� $�h��^�ha$gdF� �h��^�hgdY $�h��^�ha$gd� �h��^�hgdF� $�h��^�ha$gd��fh����������������X�s�����c�gi����� ^{}��/������������������������ǿ������陎�������靂~�h d;h��h|t�B*ph3f�h|t�h|t�B*ph3f�h|t�h�A2 hDr5�6� hF�hL'h>0tB*ph333h2B^B*ph333h�B*ph333h�h�B*ph333h�hL' hF�hF�h��hV�hF�hbJ�h>0th>0tB*ph3f�h>0t0�):<>"-/02��%014VP Z [ 3!=!>!?!W!X!�!�!�!S#]#_#b#d$e$f$n$0%((��������������������������Ƽ����ժզ՛�|i%h�{�h�}�B*CJOJQJaJph�h�}�B*CJOJQJaJph�hM0,h�}�CJOJQJaJhM0,h�}�OJQJh>0th� �h�j�hM0,h�}�5�6�h�}�h�}�5�6� h�(85�6�hM0,h�}�5� 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