Jan 29, 2003

eml2dsout.xsl is a stylesheet for converting eml-beta6 dataset+access docs to eml2 format. It is thus a test for converting the simplest emlbeta6 packages to eml2. The nrs and obfs packages on metacat are examples of these types of packages (i.e. no data in package).

The current is hard coded to use the files 'obfs.dsb6' and 'obfs.acb6' as input. Resulting eml2 doc ('eml2dsout.xml') will pass the eml2 parser validation.

current stylesheet is very preliminary! Tested using the XSLT Processor plugin in JEdit and Xalan


in beta6 obfs and nrs metadata:
  geographicCov/descgeog has " " data
  temporalCov/**/caldate has data in form (23July1987) format, not dd-mm-year (preliminary conversion template included)     
  in taxonomicCov, where does keywtax (required) map to in eml2???
  Under NumericDomainType, 'numberType' is one of 'natural(>0)', 'whole'(>=0), 'integer', or 'real'  Why not include positive-real (>0), nonnegative-real(>=0)?

  'exclusive' attribute of minimum and maximum elements always set to 'false' due to lack of information (?)

In access/allow or deny, both the principal and permission elements are seperately repeatable; does 3 principles and 2 permissions make any sense?

Question: Do we simply copy id? increment version?