/*   '$RCSfile: pisco.css,v $'                                              */
/*     Purpose: Default style sheet for PISCO project web pages             */
/*              Using this stylesheet rather than placing styles directly   */
/*              into PISCO web documents allows us to globally change the   */
/*              formatting styles of the entire site in one easy place.     */
/*              Versioning information for this document can be found at    */
/*              cvs.piscoweb.org.                                           */
/*   Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the        */
/*              Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans */
/*     Authors: Chris Jones, James Woods                                    */
/*                                                                          */
/*    '$Author: leinfelder $'                                                   */
/*      '$Date: 2011-01-13 15:01:00 -0800 (Thu, 13 Jan 2011) $'                                      */
/*  '$Revision: 5804 $'                                                      */
/*                                                                          */

/* Color Scheme:
 *	  blue:						  #0066CC
 * 	  turquoise					  #00A8CC
 * 	  orange					  #CC9600
 *    light blue				  #F1F5F8

@page { 
	size: 8.5in 11in;
	margin: 5%;

*  import eml css:

body {
    /* width:expression(document.body.clientWidth < 800? "800px": "auto");  */ /* hack for ie min width */

    margin:                     0px 0px 0px 0px;
    background-color:           #ffffff;
    padding:                    0px;
    border:                     0px;
/*  background-image:           url('images/bg.gif');
/*  background-position:        top left;     /* No NN4 */
/*  background-repeat:          repeat-y;     /* No NN4 */

    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    text-decoration:            none;
    max-width: 900px;
    color: #444;
tbody {
    max-width: 100%;
    display: block;
table, tbody, tr {
    max-width: 100%;

body>div img {
    padding:                    0px 0px 0px 0px;

#content_wrapper {
	margin:                     0px 10px 10px 10px;

#header {
  width:                        100%;
  min-width:			800px; 
  width:expression(document.documentElement.clientWidth < 800? "800px": "auto");   /* hack for ie min width */
   /* position:                   absolute;  
    top:                        0px;
    left:                       10px; 
    right:                      10px; */
/*  margin:                     0px 10px 0px 10px; /* T R B L */
    padding:                    0px;
    border:                     0px;
    background-color:           #ffffff;
/*  background-image:           url('images/data_catalog_header_bg.jpg'); */

    height:                     60px; /* begin hack for ie5win */
    width:                      100%;
    voice-family:               "\"}\"";
    voice-family:               inherit;
    height:                     60px;

html>body #header {
    height:                     60px; 
    width:                      auto;
    min-width:                  800px; /* end hack for ie5win */

/* div "content" should be sibling to div "header" */ 
/* top margin required to clear sibling (logo is 100px tall)*/

#content {
    /* margin:                     0px 0px 0px 0px ; */ 
    /* background-color:           #ffffff; */
    /* border:                     0px; */
    /* margin:                     0px 0px 0px 0px;
    width: 100%;

/* these elements positioned to be in header below */

#left_logo {
    position:                   absolute;
    top:                        5px;
    z-index:                    2;  /* stack on top of header menu */
    left:                       10px; /* we want the logo on the left */
    margin:                     0px 0px 0px 0px; /* T R B L */
    padding:                    0px;
    border:                     0px;
    background-image:           url('images/sbclter-logo.gif');
    background-position:        top left;     /* No NN4 */
    background-repeat:          no-repeat;         /* No NN4 */
    width:                      99px; /* begin hack for 1e5win */
    height:                     100px; 
    voice-family:               "\"}\"";
    voice-family:               inherit;
    width:                      99px;
    height:                     100px;

html>body #left_logo {
    width:                      99px;
    height:                     100px; /* end hack for ie5win */

#right_logo {
    position:                   absolute;
    top:                        0px;
    right:                      10px; /* we want the logo near the right */
    margin:                     0px 0px 0px 0px; /* T R B L */
    padding:                    0px;
    border:                     0px;
    background-image:           url('images/sbclter-coastal-header.jpg');
    background-position:        top right;     /* No NN4 */
    background-repeat:          no-repeat;         /* No NN4 */
    height:                     60px; /* begin hack for 1e5win */
    width:                      223px;
    voice-family:               "\"}\"";
    voice-family:               inherit;
    height:                     60px;
    width:                      223px;

html>body #right_logo {
    width:                      223px;
    height:                     60px; /* end hack for ie5win */

/* banner holds the title and subtitle */
#banner {
    margin:                     0px 0px 0px 110px; /* T R B L */
    padding:                    0px;
    border:                     0px;
    background-color:           #ffffff;
/*  background-image:           url('images/data_catalog_header_search.jpg') */
    background-position:        top left;     /* No NN4 */
    background-repeat:          no-repeat;         /* No NN4 */
/*  height:                     60px; /* begin hack for ie5win */
    voice-family:               "\"}\"";
    voice-family:               inherit;
/*  height:                     60px;

html>body #banner {
/*  height:                     60px; /* end hack for ie5win */

/* Header Sub-Title Classes
 * title and subtitle in the left portion of the banner */

div.header-title {
    position:           absolute;
    top:                5px;
    left:               110px;
    color:              #003366;
/*  padding:            1px 4px 1px 100px;
    font-size:          26px;
    font-family:        serif;
    font-style:         normal;
    font-weight:        800;

div.header-subtitle {
    position:           absolute;
    top:                40px;
    left:               115px;
    color:              #006666;
/*  padding:            1px 4px 1px 110px; */
    font-size:          12px;

div.header-menu {
    position:           absolute;
    top:                60px;
    width:              100%;
    z-index:            1;       /* put menu underneath logos */
    border-top:         1px solid #006666;
    border-bottom:      1px solid #006666;                    
    color:              #666600;                                  
    background-color:   #CCCC99;                                  
    padding:            2px 2px 2px 110px;                        
    font-size:          14px;                                     

/* header doesnt currently accomodate this class  */
div.header-submenu {                                              
    color:              #003366;                                  
    background-color:   #FFFFFF;                                  
    padding:            2px 10px 2px 110px;                       
    font-size:          14px;                                     

#left_sidebar {
    position:                   absolute;
    top:                        0px;
    left:                       0px;
    margin:                     0px;
    padding:                    0px;
    border:                     0px;
    background-color:           #003366;
    width:                      10px; /* begin hack for 1e5win */
    voice-family:               "\"}\"";
    voice-family:               inherit;
    width:                      10px;

html>body #left_sidebar {
    width:                      10px; /* end hack for ie5win */

#right_sidebar {
    position:                   absolute;
    top:                        0px;
    right:                      0px;
    margin:                     0px;
    padding:                    0px;
    border:                     0px;
    background-color:           #003366;
    width:                      10px; /* begin hack for 1e5win */
    voice-family:               "\"}\"";
    voice-family:               inherit;
    width:                      10px;

html>body #right_sidebar {
    width:                      10px; /* end hack for ie5win */

/** Citation at the top of EML HTML page **/
.group .citation{
	background-color: #F1F5F8;
	padding: 1%;
	border-radius: 5px;
	border: 1px solid #D8DCE0;
	font-size: 1.2em;

/* these classes to be children of div "content" */

/* for the skip-to box */

 div.skipto-box {
      vertical-align:	  middle;
      text-align:         center;
      color:              #003366;
      background-color:   #CCCC99;
      /* turned off float, placed with a table cell */
      /*float:              left; */
      padding:            6px;
      /* set border for NN4 only change in advanced.css */
      border:             0.1px solid #006666;
      margin:             8px;
      /* width: 		  50%; */
      width:              300px; 
     /* height:             20px; */
      font-size:          12px;

div.r-box {
      vertical-align:     middle;
      text-align:         center;
      color:              #003366;
      background-color:   #CCCC99;
      float:              right;
      padding:            6px 6px;
      /* set border for NN4 only change in advanced.css */
      border:             0.1px solid #006666;
      margin:             0px;
      width:              50%;
   /*   height:             auto; */
      font-size:          12px;
   /*   clear:              both; */

div.content-area {
       /* for padding area within parent area */
    background-color:   #FFFFFF;
    color:              #003366;
    text-align:         left;
   padding:            30px 40px 15px 40px; 
   /*padding:            0px 0px 0px 0px; */


div.content-area-dense {
       /* for padding area within parent area */
    background-color:   #FFFFFF;
    color:              #003366;
    text-align:         left;
  /*  padding:            30px 40px 15px 40px; */
   padding:            0px 0px 0px 0px; 


div.hanging-paragraph {
	margin-left:	20px;
	text-indent:	-20px;


div.smaller-font {
    	font-size:		smaller;

div.bottom-padding {
/*	padding:		0px 0px 10px 0px; */
	padding-bottom:		10px;

div.left-padding {
	padding-left:		10px;

#search-box { 
  /* background and text style set by table .group */
  position:           relative;
  margin-left:        50%;
  /* top: 110px; */

#search-box_right {
    text-align:     right;

#loginbox {
    border:                     0px;
    position:                   absolute;
    top:                        55px;
    right:                      65px;

#footer {
    position:                   absolute;
    right:                      10px;
    bottom:                     0;
    left:                       167px;
    margin:                     0px 10px 10px 177px;

#debug {
    position:                   absolute;
    right:                      20px;
    bottom:                     0;
    left:                       167px;
    margin:                     0px 10px 10px 177px;

p,ul,ol,dl,li,dt {
    color:                      #555555;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    text-decoration:            none;
p ol,p ul, p dl, ol ul {
    color:                      #555555;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    text-decoration:            none; 

ul,ol {
    padding:                    0px;
    margin-left:				20px;
    list-style:					circle;

.ol-lower-alpha { 
    list-style-type: lower-alpha;
    margin-top:       2px;


.ul-bulleted-list { 
    list-style-type:  disc;
    margin-top:       2px;
    margin-bottom:    10px;
    margin-left:      15px;

/* add a little space before items in a list ?*/
/* ol li { margin-top : 5px; } */
/* ul li { margin-top : 5px; } */

div {
    /* color:                      #003366; */
    /* font-style:                 normal; */
    /* font-weight:                normal; */
    /* text-decoration:            none; */

/* NN 4.xx needs the font weight reset for b and strong tags */ 
strong, b {
    font-weight:                800;

/* to emphasize words, use it inline with a <span> class*/ 
big {
    font-size:                  larger;

/* to shrink words, use it inline with a <span> class*/
small {
    font-size:                  smaller;
/* for pre-formated text: adds a small padding around it
 * font is set to the default style, 
 * but could be changed for different effect
pre {
    padding:                    10px;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    text-decoration:            none;
    overflow-wrap:				break-word;
pre.inline {
    padding: 0px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;

/* for creating block quotes. 
 * set off with a slight indent to the left & right margins
 * font is set to default style,
 * but could be changed for different effect
blockquote {
    color:                      #003366;
    padding:                    0;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    text-decoration:            none;

/* Headings Tags : 
 * Headings are used to break up straight text. 
 * They are used to present topics, or subsections, chapters, etc.
 * There are 6 headings tag which can be styled as we wish.
 * All of our headings will be rendered in the same font and color as the
 * default settings.

/* h1: very large font, set bold */
h1 {
    color:                      #003366;
    background-color:           #ffffff;
    padding:                    0;
    font-size:                  18pt;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                bold;
    text-decoration:            none;

/* large font, set bold */
h2 {
    color:                      #003366;
    background-color:           #ffffff;
    padding:                    0;
    font-size:                  16pt;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                bold;
    text-decoration:            none;

/* slightly larger font, set bold */
h3 {
    padding:                    0;
    font-size:                  1.3em;
    line-height:				1.5em;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                700;
    text-decoration:            none;
    margin-bottom:              0px;

/* an italic header w border */
h3 {
  border-bottom:                #94c1d4 solid 1px;
  color:                        #003366;
  padding:                      0;
  font-size:                    14pt;
  margin:                       3px;
  text-align:                   left;
  font-style:                   italic;
  font-weight:                  200;

/* slightly larger, no bold */  
/* make margins around h4 all the same, and a little larger than h5 */
h4 {
    padding:                    0;
    font-size:                  12pt;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                600;
    text-decoration:            none;
    margin-top:					0px;
    margin-bottom:              0px;


/* Us for subtitles*/  
h5 {
	color:						#666666;
    padding:                    0;
    font-size:                  1em;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                400;
    text-decoration:            none;
    margin:						0px;
    line-height:				1em;

/* very small font */  
h6 {
    background-color:           #FFFFFF;
    padding:                    0;
    font-size:                  10pt;
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    text-decoration:            none;

/* Old style hr command - will be depreciated
 * Netscape 4.x does not like this
 * should use new style below
 * used anywhere? remove?
hr {
    border-top:                 #003366 0px solid;
    width:                      450px;
    height:                     2px;
    background-color:           #003366;
    /*border-width:               none;
    border-color:               #003366; */

/* New horizontal rule. Netscape 4.x should render this fine.
 * apply this class to a <div> tag for the desired effect.
 * the rule is 1px wide, blue with a slight margin on the left and right.
.rule {
    border-top-width:           2px;
    border-top-style:           solid;
    border-color:               #003366; 
    margin:                     4px 4px
 /* Default link properties
 * currently set the links to the dark tan
 * with no additional decorations
 * except underline on hover
a:link {
    color:                      #0066CC;
    background:                 transparent;
/*    background-color:           #FFFFFF; */
    text-decoration:            none;
a:hover {
    color:                      #00A8CC;
a:active { 
    color:                      #CC9600;

/* Menu Link properties
 * the Menu is currently identical to the dafault
 * but this may change so it is defined here                      
a.menu:link {                                                     
    color:                      #003366;                          
    background:                 transparent;                      
    /*background-color:           #CCCC9A;*/                      
    text-decoration:            none;                             
a.menu:visited {                                                  
    color:                      #003366;                          
    background:                 transparent;                      
    /*background-color:           #CCCC9A;*/
    text-decoration:            none;                             
a.menu:hover {                                                    
    color:                      #003366;                          
    background:                 transparent;                      
   /* background-color:           #CCCC9A;*/                      
    text-decoration:            underline;                        
a.menu:active {                                                   
    color:                      #003366;                          
    background:                 transparent;                      
   /* background-color:           #CCCC9A; */                     
    text-decoration:            none;                             
/* SubMenu Link Properties                                        
 * Set the color to dark tan with underline on hover              
a.submenu:link {                                                  
    color:                      #003366;                          
/*  color:                      #003366; */                       
    background:                 transparent;                      
    /*background-color:           #CCCC9A;*/                      
    text-decoration:            none;                             
a.submenu:visited {                                               
    color:                      #003366;                          
/*  color:                      #003366; */                       
    background:                 transparent;                      
    /*background-color:           #CCCC9A;*/                      
    text-decoration:            none;                             
a.submenu:hover {                                                 
    color:                      #003366;                          
/*  color:                      #003366; */                       
    background:                 transparent;                      
   /* background-color:           #CCCC9A;*/                      
    text-decoration:            underline;                        
a.submenu:active {                                                
    color:                      #003366;                          
/*  color:                      #003366; */                       
    background:                 transparent;                      
   /* background-color:           #CCCC9A; */                     
    text-decoration:            none;                             

/* image styles */
/* no padding or border around images by default */
img {
    border:                     0px; 
    border-style:               none;
    border-width:               0px;
    padding:                    0px;
    text-decoration:            none;

/* this class is needed to remove some extra space along the top of images
 * this attribute can not be put into default img class because it prevents
 * text from wrapping correctly
img.vtop {  
    vertical-align:             top;

/* Add a blue border around an image */

img.border {
    border:                     medium;
    border-style:               solid;
    border-color:               #003366;
    padding:                    0px;

/* Format the headshot images in the who section */

img.headshot {
    margin-right:               20px;
    margin-bottom:              40px;

/* Format the headshot images in the who section 
 * that have alot of text aligned to the right */
img.headshot_long {
    margin-right:               20px;
    margin-bottom:              80px;
/* Format inline images justified to the left in the text*/

img.inlineleft {
    border:                     medium;
    border-style:               solid;
    border-color:               #003366;
    margin-right:               8px;
    margin-top:                 8px;
    margin-bottom:              8px;

/* Format inline images justified to the right in the text*/

img.inlineright {
    border:                     medium;
    border-style:               solid;
    border-color:               #003366;
    margin-left:                8px;
    margin-top:                 8px;
    margin-bottom:              8px;
/* Default behavior for linked images 
 * no border, no padding, aligned to the top

a img {
    border:                     0px; 
    border-style:               none;
    border-width:               0px;
    padding:                    0px;
    vertical-align:             top;
    text-decoration:            none;

/* Default for table cells. 
 * No border or padding. 
 * Keep the relative font size and set color to blue

 td {
    /* color:                      #003366; */
    /* font-style:                 normal; */
    /* font-size:                  95%; */
    /* font-weight:                normal; */
    text-decoration:            none;    
    border:                     0px;
    padding:                    0px;
    vertical-align:             top; 
    max-width: 900px;
    /* display: inline-block; */
/* Classes for the footer area */
/* Basic footer class to get the correct font size
 * default footer style.
 * colors are the same, but font size is smaller
.footer {
    color:                      #003366;
    background-color:           #FFFFFF;
    margin-top:                 20px;
    margin-bottom:              20px;
    margin-left:                5px;
    margin-right:               0px;
    font-size:                  75%;      /* No EM in NN4 */
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    text-decoration:            none;
    text-align:                 center;
/* extra class to handle the small table in the footer */ 
.tblfooter {
    color:                      #003366;
    background-color:           #FFFFFF;
    font-size:                  75%;      /* No EM in NN4 */
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                normal;
    text-decoration:            none;

/* Classes for positioning: use with div tags for desired effect */
.indent1 {
    white-space:                nowrap;
    padding-left:               10px;

.indent2 {
    padding-left:               15px;

.indent3 {
    padding-left:               50px;

/* Classes for the <em> tag (emphasis) */
.italic {
    font-style:                 italic;
    font-weight:                normal;

.italics {
    font-style:                 italic;
    font-weight:                normal;

.bold {
    font-style:                 normal;
    font-weight:                bold;

.waybold {
    font-style:                 italic;
    font-weight:                bolder;

/* Additions for the data catalog pages */

/* Define a border for groups of elements.  This uses the 
   -moz-border-radius (Mozilla, Netscape, Opera only) 
   attribute for the time being.  Once
   browsers support the CSS3 border-radius attribute, this 
   should be switched.*/
.group {
    /* padding:                    0; */
    /* color:                      #003366; */
    /* min-width:                  800px; */
    voice-family:               "\"}\""; /* begin ie5win hack */
    voice-family:               inherit;
    -moz-border-radius:         10px; /* end ie5win hack */
/* Children of the group get some padding */
.group * {
    padding: 2px;
.group_border {
    /* aqua-green border */
    /* border:                     #006666 solid 1px; */
    max-width: 100%;
    display: block;

.subGroup {
    /* padding:                    3px; */
    /* color:                      #003366; */
    voice-family:               "\"}\""; /* begin ie5win hack */
    voice-family:               inherit;
    -moz-border-radius:         10px; /* end ie5win hack */
.subGroup_border {
    border: #DDD solid 1px;
	border-radius: 5px;

/* This selector causes the 'section' tables to indent under the overarching div
 * tags */
div>table.subGroup {
    padding-left:               15px;
    padding-right:              15px;

div.left {
    position:                   absolute;
    left:                       20px;
    clear:                      right;

div.right {
    position:                   absolute;
    right:                      20px;
    clear:                      left;

table.left {
    position:                   absolute;
    left:                       20px;

table.right {
    float:                      right;
    margin-right:               10px;
    clear:                      left;

.group th {
    /* border-bottom:              #006666 solid 1px; */
    /* color:                      #003366; */
    padding: 2px;
    /* margin:                     0; */
    text-align:                 left;
    /* font-style:                 normal; */
    /* font-weight:                700; */
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: .9em;

th.rowheader {
    background:                 #f1f8f8;
    border-right:               #94c1d4 solid 1px;

.rowodd {
    /* border-bottom:              #94c1d4 dotted 1px; */
    /* border-top:                 #94c1d4 dotted 1px; */
    background-color:           #F1F5F8;
    /* padding:                    0; */
    /* margin:                     0; */

.coleven {
    border-right:               #BAC4CF solid 1px;
    background-color:           #F1F5F8;

.innercolodd {
    font-size:                  .75em;
    padding-left:               2px;
    padding-right:              2px;
    text-align:                 left;

.innercoleven {
    background-color:           #f1f8f8;
    font-size:                  .75em;
    padding-left:               2px;
    padding-right:              2px;
    text-align:                 left;

.onehundred_percent {
     width:                      100%; 

.eighty_percent {
    width:                      80%;

.seventyfive_percent {
    width:                      75%;

.seventy_percent {
    width:                      70%;

.fifty_percent {
    width:                      50%;

.fortyfive_percent {
    /* width:                      45%; */
    display: block;

.forty_percent {
    width:                      40%;

.twentyfive_percent {
    width:                      25%;

.twenty_percent {
    width:                      20%;

.fifteen_percent {
    width:                      15%;

input, select, textarea {
    color:                      #003366;
    border:                     1px solid #94c1d4;
    margin:                     5px;
input.submit {
    margin-left:                5px;
    border:                     #94c1d4 dotted 1px;
    background-color:           #f1f8f8;
    font-size:                  85%;

label {
    text-align:                 right;
    vertical-align:             middle;
    color:                      #94c1d4;

.login {
    font-size:                  85%;
    width:                      6em;
 /*  color:		#666600; */
   font-size:		1.25em;
 /*  font-weight:		bold; */
   text-decoration:		underline;
   background:		#ffffff;


iframe classes
.iframeheaderclass {
    height:   85px; 
    width:    100%;
    border:   0px;
    /*margin-bottom:   10px;*/
    margin: 10px;

.iframesearchboxclass {
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 *  NOTE: these styles apply only to each 
 *  container frame, *NOT* to the document in
 *  the iframe within it!
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* For EML spec styling
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div.book a:link {
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/** For attributes table **/
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