cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(XBadding external spatial data made publically available through wmsqNXmetacat's use of geoserverqNX4configuring the layout of the html mapping interfaceqNXOconfiguring the visual portrayal of geospatial data (e.g., symbology and color)q NX0configuring the "select location" drop-down menuq NX,adding other spatial datasets to the web mapq NXinstalling and configuringq NX2configuring the size and initial extent of the mapq NXspatial queriesqNX"adding a map to a web page or skinqNuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]q(cdocutils.nodes system_message q)q}q(U rawsourceqUUparentqcdocutils.nodes section q)q}q(hUhh)q}q(hUhh)q}q(hUhhUsourceq XW/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/metacat-unstable/workspace/docs/user/metacat/source/geoserver.rstq!Utagnameq"Usectionq#U attributesq$}q%(Udupnamesq&]Uclassesq']Ubackrefsq(]Uidsq)]q*Umetacat-s-use-of-geoserverq+aUnamesq,]q-hauUlineq.KUdocumentq/hUchildrenq0]q1(cdocutils.nodes title q2)q3}q4(hXMetacat's Use of Geoserverq5hhh h!h"Utitleq6h$}q7(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]q8cdocutils.nodes Text q9XMetacat's Use of Geoserverq:q;}q<(hh5hh3ubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph q=)q>}q?(hXGeoServer 2.0.2, an open source Web Mapping Service (WMS) written in Java, is bundled with Metacat and can be used to render spatial data as web-deliverable maps. Metacat uses OpenLayers ( to provide a web-based user interface for interacting with the generated maps. You can use any WMS-compatible client (e.g., ArcGIS, QGIS, JUMP, UDig, OpenLayers, Mapbender, Map Builder).hhh h!h"U paragraphq@h$}qA(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qB(h9XGeoServer 2.0.2, an open source Web Mapping Service (WMS) written in Java, is bundled with Metacat and can be used to render spatial data as web-deliverable maps. Metacat uses OpenLayers (qCqD}qE(hXGeoServer 2.0.2, an open source Web Mapping Service (WMS) written in Java, is bundled with Metacat and can be used to render spatial data as web-deliverable maps. Metacat uses OpenLayers (hh>ubcdocutils.nodes reference qF)qG}qH(hX$}qJ(UrefurihIh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhh>h0]qKh9X}qN(hUhhGubah"U referenceqOubh9X) to provide a web-based user interface for interacting with the generated maps. You can use any WMS-compatible client (e.g., ArcGIS, QGIS, JUMP, UDig, OpenLayers, Mapbender, Map Builder).qPqQ}qR(hX) to provide a web-based user interface for interacting with the generated maps. You can use any WMS-compatible client (e.g., ArcGIS, QGIS, JUMP, UDig, OpenLayers, Mapbender, Map Builder).hh>ubeubh=)qS}qT(hXIMPORTANT: Regardless of whether you plan on using the mapping functionality you should, for security purposes, configure GeoServer so that it doesn't use the default password. For instructions, please see Geoserver Configuration.qUhhh h!h"h@h$}qV(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K h/hh0]qWh9XIMPORTANT: Regardless of whether you plan on using the mapping functionality you should, for security purposes, configure GeoServer so that it doesn't use the default password. For instructions, please see Geoserver Configuration.qXqY}qZ(hhUhhSubaubcdocutils.nodes figure q[)q\}q](hUhhh h!h"Ufigureq^h$}q_(Ualignq`Xcenterh)]qaUid1qbah(]h&]h']h,]uh.Nh/hh0]qc(cdocutils.nodes image qd)qe}qf(hX.. figure:: images/screenshots/image051.jpg :align: center A map generated by Metacat's GeoServer. Points and "bounding boxes" represent the geographic extent of datasets stored in the KNB Metacat repository. h$}qg(UuriXimages/screenshots/image051.jpgqhh)]h(]h&]h']U candidatesqi}qjU*hhsh,]uhh\h0]h"Uimageqkubcdocutils.nodes caption ql)qm}qn(hXA map generated by Metacat's GeoServer. Points and "bounding boxes" represent the geographic extent of datasets stored in the KNB Metacat repository.qohh\h h!h"Ucaptionqph$}qq(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]qrh9XA map generated by Metacat's GeoServer. Points and "bounding boxes" represent the geographic extent of datasets stored in the KNB Metacat repository.qsqt}qu(hhohhmubaubeubh=)qv}qw(hXGeoServer supports a wide variety of vector GIS data sources, which can be styled using Styled Layer Descriptors (SLDs) and output as images (the default) or raw vector data (GML or KML).qxhhh h!h"h@h$}qy(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qzh9XGeoServer supports a wide variety of vector GIS data sources, which can be styled using Styled Layer Descriptors (SLDs) and output as images (the default) or raw vector data (GML or KML).q{q|}q}(hhxhhvubaubh=)q~}q(hX@Currently, GeoServer can be used with the following limitations:qhhh h!h"h@h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qh9X@Currently, GeoServer can be used with the following limitations:qq}q(hhhh~ubaubcdocutils.nodes bullet_list q)q}q(hUhhh h!h"U bullet_listqh$}q(UbulletqX*h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qcdocutils.nodes list_item q)q}q(hXGeoServer will only map documents that are publicly available. This is because the mapping server's support for permissions control is not as fine-grained as Metacat's. hhh h!h"U list_itemqh$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]qh=)q}q(hXGeoServer will only map documents that are publicly available. This is because the mapping server's support for permissions control is not as fine-grained as Metacat's.qhhh h!h"h@h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]qh9XGeoServer will only map documents that are publicly available. This is because the mapping server's support for permissions control is not as fine-grained as Metacat's.qq}q(hhhhubaubaubaubh=)q}q(hXOMetacat developers plan to continue extending and improving Metacat's mapping capabilities. If you are interested in contributing to those efforts, or if you are interested in learning more about the architecture and future plans for the mapping software, please contact the Metacat development team ( h!h"h@h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K h/hh0]q(h9X/Metacat developers plan to continue extending and improving Metacat's mapping capabilities. If you are interested in contributing to those efforts, or if you are interested in learning more about the architecture and future plans for the mapping software, please contact the Metacat development team (qq}q(hX/Metacat developers plan to continue extending and improving Metacat's mapping capabilities. If you are interested in contributing to those efforts, or if you are interested in learning more about the architecture and future plans for the mapping software, please contact the Metacat development team (hhubhF)q}q(hXmetacat-dev@ecoinformatics.orgh$}q(UrefuriX%mailto:metacat-dev@ecoinformatics.orgh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhhh0]qh9Xmetacat-dev@ecoinformatics.orgqq}q(hUhhubah"hOubh9X).qq}q(hX).hhubeubhh)q}q(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]qUspatial-queriesqah,]qhauh.Kh/hh0]q(h2)q}q(hXSpatial Queriesqhhh h!h"h6h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qh9XSpatial Queriesqq}q(hhhhubaubh=)q}q(hXTo find out which documents in the Metacat repository lie in a specified geographic region, query the spatial cache using Metacat's spatial_query action. Metacat can perform any query supported by the WFS/WMS standards.qhhh h!h"h@h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qh9XTo find out which documents in the Metacat repository lie in a specified geographic region, query the spatial cache using Metacat's spatial_query action. Metacat can perform any query supported by the WFS/WMS standards.qq}q(hhhhubaubh=)q}q(hX)An example of a spatial query string is::qhhh h!h"h@h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qh9X(An example of a spatial query string is:qȅq}q(hX(An example of a spatial query string is:hhubaubcdocutils.nodes literal_block q)q}q(hXfhttp://localhost/metacat/metacat?action=spatial_query&xmin=-117.5&xmax=-64&ymin=3&ymax=46&skin=defaulthhh h!h"U literal_blockqh$}q(U xml:spaceqUpreserveqh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qh9Xfhttp://localhost/metacat/metacat?action=spatial_query&xmin=-117.5&xmax=-64&ymin=3&ymax=46&skin=defaultqӅq}q(hUhhubaubh=)q}q(hXWhere ``xmin``, ``xmax``, ``ymin`` and ``ymax`` represent the western, eastern, southern and northern bounding coordinates (the "bounding box"), respectively. The spatial query action returns all documents that overlap or that are contained inside the specified spatial coordinates. The result set is returned as HTML using the style of the specified skin (in this example, default).hhh h!h"h@h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]q(h9XWhere qڅq}q(hXWhere hhubcdocutils.nodes literal q)q}q(hX``xmin``h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]qh9Xxminq⅁q}q(hUhhubah"Uliteralqubh9X, q慁q}q(hX, hhubh)q}q(hX``xmax``h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]qh9Xxmaxq텁q}q(hUhhubah"hubh9X, qq}q(hX, hhubh)q}q(hX``ymin``h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]qh9Xyminqq}q(hUhhubah"hubh9X and qq}q(hX and hhubh)q}q(hX``ymax``h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]rh9Xymaxrr}r(hUhhubah"hubh9XP represent the western, eastern, southern and northern bounding coordinates (the "bounding box"), respectively. The spatial query action returns all documents that overlap or that are contained inside the specified spatial coordinates. The result set is returned as HTML using the style of the specified skin (in this example, default).rr}r(hXP represent the western, eastern, southern and northern bounding coordinates (the "bounding box"), respectively. The spatial query action returns all documents that overlap or that are contained inside the specified spatial coordinates. The result set is returned as HTML using the style of the specified skin (in this example, default).hhubeubeubeubh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]rUinstalling-and-configuringr ah,]r h auh.K'h/hh0]r (h2)r }r (hXInstalling and Configuringrhhh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K'h/hh0]rh9XInstalling and Configuringrr}r(hjhj ubaubh=)r}r(hX The GeoServer webapp should be installed as a sibling of Metacat. If you do NOT wish to run GeoServer, the deployment can be skipped, but any skins that use maps will not render correctly. (NOTE: Geoserver recommends using a PermGen space setting of at least 128MB.).rhhh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K(h/hh0]rh9X The GeoServer webapp should be installed as a sibling of Metacat. If you do NOT wish to run GeoServer, the deployment can be skipped, but any skins that use maps will not render correctly. (NOTE: Geoserver recommends using a PermGen space setting of at least 128MB.).rr}r(hjhjubaubh=)r}r(hXMetacat comes with a pre-configured data directory to be used by GeoServer. This includes a world-countries base layer and a default configuration that is already aware of Metacat's spatial cache. The Metacat configuration interface is used to configure GeoServer to use this shared data directory. To further configure GeoServer, use the Web-based configuration utility, which is available at: (e.g., h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K-h/hh0]r(h9XMetacat comes with a pre-configured data directory to be used by GeoServer. This includes a world-countries base layer and a default configuration that is already aware of Metacat's spatial cache. The Metacat configuration interface is used to configure GeoServer to use this shared data directory. To further configure GeoServer, use the Web-based configuration utility, which is available at: r r!}r"(hXMetacat comes with a pre-configured data directory to be used by GeoServer. This includes a world-countries base layer and a default configuration that is already aware of Metacat's spatial cache. The Metacat configuration interface is used to configure GeoServer to use this shared data directory. To further configure GeoServer, use the Web-based configuration utility, which is available at: hjubhF)r#}r$(hXhttp://your.server.comr%h$}r&(Urefurij%h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhjh0]r'h9Xhttp://your.server.comr(r)}r*(hUhj#ubah"hOubh9X/ (e.g., r+r,}r-(hX/ (e.g., hjubhF)r.}r/(hX'$}r1(Urefurij0h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhjh0]r2h9X'}r5(hUhj.ubah"hOubh9X).r6r7}r8(hX).hjubeubh=)r9}r:(hX#Common configuration tasks include:r;hhh h!h"h@h$}r<(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K5h/hh0]r=h9X#Common configuration tasks include:r>r?}r@(hj;hj9ubaubh)rA}rB(hUhhh h!h"hh$}rC(hX*h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.K7h/hh0]rD(h)rE}rF(hX"Adding a Map to a Web Page or SkinrGhjAh h!h"hh$}rH(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rIh=)rJ}rK(hjGhjEh h!h"h@h$}rL(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K7h0]rMh9X"Adding a Map to a Web Page or SkinrNrO}rP(hjGhjJubaubaubh)rQ}rR(hX2Configuring the Size and Initial Extent of the MaprShjAh h!h"hh$}rT(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rUh=)rV}rW(hjShjQh h!h"h@h$}rX(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K8h0]rYh9X2Configuring the Size and Initial Extent of the MaprZr[}r\(hjShjVubaubaubh)r]}r^(hX4Configuring the Layout of the HTML Mapping Interfacer_hjAh h!h"hh$}r`(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rah=)rb}rc(hj_hj]h h!h"h@h$}rd(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K9h0]reh9X4Configuring the Layout of the HTML Mapping Interfacerfrg}rh(hj_hjbubaubaubh)ri}rj(hX/Configuring the "Select Location Drop-down MenurkhjAh h!h"hh$}rl(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rmh=)rn}ro(hjkhjih h!h"h@h$}rp(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K:h0]rqh9X/Configuring the "Select Location Drop-down Menurrrs}rt(hjkhjnubaubaubh)ru}rv(hXOConfiguring the Visual Portrayal of Geospatial Data (e.g., symbology and color)rwhjAh h!h"hh$}rx(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]ryh=)rz}r{(hjwhjuh h!h"h@h$}r|(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K;h0]r}h9XOConfiguring the Visual Portrayal of Geospatial Data (e.g., symbology and color)r~r}r(hjwhjzubaubaubh)r}r(hX-Adding Other Spatial Datasets to the Web Map hjAh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hX,Adding Other Spatial Datasets to the Web Maprhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KUh0]r?h9XMain map rendering functionsr@rA}rB(hj=hj;ubaubah"jubj)rC}rD(hUh$}rE(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj3h0]rFh=)rG}rH(hXmaps.jsrIhjCh h!h"h@h$}rJ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KUh0]rKh9Xmaps.jsrLrM}rN(hjIhjGubaubah"jubj)rO}rP(hUh$}rQ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj3h0]rRh=)rS}rT(hX+Defines the map, widgets and their behaviorrUhjOh h!h"h@h$}rV(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KUh0]rWh9X+Defines the map, widgets and their behaviorrXrY}rZ(hjUhjSubaubah"jubeh"jubj)r[}r\(hUh$}r](h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r^(j)r_}r`(hUh$}ra(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj[h0]rbh=)rc}rd(hX The rendered map and page layoutrehj_h h!h"h@h$}rf(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KWh0]rgh9X The rendered map and page layoutrhri}rj(hjehjcubaubah"jubj)rk}rl(hUh$}rm(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj[h0]rnh=)ro}rp(hXmap.jsprqhjkh h!h"h@h$}rr(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KWh0]rsh9Xmap.jsprtru}rv(hjqhjoubaubah"jubj)rw}rx(hUh$}ry(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj[h0]rzh=)r{}r|(hX:Loads the map and controls the HTML layout of the widgets.r}hjwh h!h"h@h$}r~(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KWh0]rh9X:Loads the map and controls the HTML layout of the widgets.rr}r(hj}hj{ubaubah"jubeh"jubeh"Utbodyrubeh"Utgrouprubaubh=)r}r(hXNOTE: By default, the first time Metacat is restarted, it generates a "spatial cache" containing geographic information about documents in its repository. This default behavior is specified in lib/, where the regenerateCacheOnRestart parameter is set to true. The information in the spatial cache is stored in a GIS-compatible format (the ESRI Shapefile) and consists of the document name and its geographic coverage. When documents are inserted, deleted, and updated in the Metacat repository, Metacat automatically syncs the spatial cache to reflect the changes. Because generating the cache can take a considerable amount of time (several minutes in the case of a few thousand documents), Metacat resets the regenerateCacheOnRestart property to false after the spatial cache has been generated. Note that if you upgrade or reinstall Metacat, the spatial cache will be regenerated again.rhhh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KZh/hh0]rh9XNOTE: By default, the first time Metacat is restarted, it generates a "spatial cache" containing geographic information about documents in its repository. This default behavior is specified in lib/, where the regenerateCacheOnRestart parameter is set to true. The information in the spatial cache is stored in a GIS-compatible format (the ESRI Shapefile) and consists of the document name and its geographic coverage. When documents are inserted, deleted, and updated in the Metacat repository, Metacat automatically syncs the spatial cache to reflect the changes. Because generating the cache can take a considerable amount of time (several minutes in the case of a few thousand documents), Metacat resets the regenerateCacheOnRestart property to false after the spatial cache has been generated. Note that if you upgrade or reinstall Metacat, the spatial cache will be regenerated again.rr}r(hjhjubaubh)r}r(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]rU"adding-a-map-to-a-web-page-or-skinrah,]rhauh.Kih/hh0]r(h2)r}r(hX"Adding a Map to a Web Page or Skinrhjh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kih/hh0]rh9X"Adding a Map to a Web Page or Skinrr}r(hjhjubaubh=)r}r(hXNTo add a map to a Web page, simply include the map interface using an iframe::rhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kjh/hh0]rh9XMTo add a map to a Web page, simply include the map interface using an iframe:rr}r(hXMTo add a map to a Web page, simply include the map interface using an iframe:hjubaubh)r}r(hX~hjh h!h"hh$}r(hhh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Klh/hh0]rh9X~rr}r(hUhjubaubh=)r}r(hXThe map URL, ``/metacat/style/common/spatial/map.jsp``, is the default map interface. If you plan to customize the map interface, copy the map.jsp file into your skin's directory (either the default or customized skin directory).hjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kph/hh0]r(h9X The map URL, rr}r(hX The map URL, hjubh)r}r(hX)``/metacat/style/common/spatial/map.jsp``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X%/metacat/style/common/spatial/map.jsprr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9X, is the default map interface. If you plan to customize the map interface, copy the map.jsp file into your skin's directory (either the default or customized skin directory).rr}r(hX, is the default map interface. If you plan to customize the map interface, copy the map.jsp file into your skin's directory (either the default or customized skin directory).hjubeubh)r}r(hX@cp -r style/common/spatial/map.jsp /style/skins//spatialhjh h!h"hh$}r(hhh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kwh/hh0]rh9X@cp -r style/common/spatial/map.jsp /style/skins//spatialrr}r(hUhjubaubh=)r}r(hXaYou can access the customized map with the URL: ``/metacat/style/skins//spatial/map.jsp``rhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kyh/hh0]r(h9X0You can access the customized map with the URL: rr}r(hX0You can access the customized map with the URL: hjubh)r}r(hX1``/metacat/style/skins//spatial/map.jsp``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X-/metacat/style/skins//spatial/map.jsprr}r(hUhjubah"hubeubeubh)r}r(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]rU2configuring-the-size-and-initial-extent-of-the-maprah,]rh auh.K|h/hh0]r(h2)r}r(hX2Configuring the Size and Initial Extent of the Maprhjh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K|h/hh0]rh9X2Configuring the Size and Initial Extent of the Maprr}r(hjhjubaubh=)r}r(hX!Before you configure the size and initial extent of the map, make sure that you have copied the map layout page into your skin's directory (See :doc:`configuration` for directions). Once the file has been copied, you can modify the map's initial extent in: ``${skin.dir}/spatial/map.jsp``.hjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K}h/hh0]r(h9XBefore you configure the size and initial extent of the map, make sure that you have copied the map layout page into your skin's directory (See rr}r(hXBefore you configure the size and initial extent of the map, make sure that you have copied the map layout page into your skin's directory (See hjubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref r)r}r(hX:doc:`configuration`rhjh h!h"U pending_xrefrh$}r(UreftypeXdocrUrefwarnrU reftargetrX configurationU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]UrefdocrX geoserverruh.K}h0]rh)r}r(hjh$}r(h&]h']r(Uxrefrjeh(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X configurationrr}r(hUhjubah"hubaubh9X] for directions). Once the file has been copied, you can modify the map's initial extent in: rr}r(hX] for directions). Once the file has been copied, you can modify the map's initial extent in: hjubh)r}r(hX``${skin.dir}/spatial/map.jsp``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X${skin.dir}/spatial/map.jsprr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9X.r}r(hX.hjubeubh=)r }r (hXTo change the map's initial extent, edit the bounding box. The default is to show the entire globe. The ``initMap()`` function should also be given the skin name so that spatial search results can be correctly styled.hjh h!h"h@h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r (h9XhTo change the map's initial extent, edit the bounding box. The default is to show the entire globe. The r r}r(hXhTo change the map's initial extent, edit the bounding box. The default is to show the entire globe. The hj ubh)r}r(hX ``initMap()``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj h0]rh9X initMap()rr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9Xd function should also be given the skin name so that spatial search results can be correctly styled.rr}r(hXd function should also be given the skin name so that spatial search results can be correctly styled.hj ubeubh)r}r(hXhjh h!h"hh$}r(hhh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9Xrr}r (hUhjubaubh=)r!}r"(hXpThe size (height/width) of the map can be controlled by the ``#map`` CSS entry included in the ``map.jsp`` page.hjh h!h"h@h$}r#(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r$(h9X<The size (height/width) of the map can be controlled by the r%r&}r'(hX<The size (height/width) of the map can be controlled by the hj!ubh)r(}r)(hX``#map``h$}r*(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj!h0]r+h9X#mapr,r-}r.(hUhj(ubah"hubh9X CSS entry included in the r/r0}r1(hX CSS entry included in the hj!ubh)r2}r3(hX ``map.jsp``h$}r4(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj!h0]r5h9Xmap.jspr6r7}r8(hUhj2ubah"hubh9X page.r9r:}r;(hX page.hj!ubeubeubh)r<}r=(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r>(h&]h']h(]h)]r?U4configuring-the-layout-of-the-html-mapping-interfacer@ah,]rAhauh.Kh/hh0]rB(h2)rC}rD(hX4Configuring the Layout of the HTML Mapping InterfacerEhj<h h!h"h6h$}rF(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rGh9X4Configuring the Layout of the HTML Mapping InterfacerHrI}rJ(hjEhjCubaubh=)rK}rL(hXVThe size and initial extent of the map can be edited in : ${skin.dir}/spatial/map.jsp.rMhj<h h!h"h@h$}rN(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rOh9XVThe size and initial extent of the map can be edited in : ${skin.dir}/spatial/map.jsp.rPrQ}rR(hjMhjKubaubh=)rS}rT(hXThe map.jsp is a simple container that can be included in other more complex pages if desired. It contains the map, widgets and location dropdown list.rUhj<h h!h"h@h$}rV(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rWh9XThe map.jsp is a simple container that can be included in other more complex pages if desired. It contains the map, widgets and location dropdown list.rXrY}rZ(hjUhjSubaubeubh)r[}r\(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r](h&]h']h(]h)]r^U.configuring-the-select-location-drop-down-menur_ah,]r`h auh.Kh/hh0]ra(h2)rb}rc(hX0Configuring the "Select Location" Drop-down Menurdhj[h h!h"h6h$}re(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rfh9X0Configuring the "Select Location" Drop-down Menurgrh}ri(hjdhjbubaubh=)rj}rk(hX7The locations that appear in the "Select Location" drop-down menu are specified in the ``locations.jsp`` file. The locations.jsp can be copied from the common spatial template into your skin directory. Each location is defined as an HTML ``hj[h h!h"hh$}r(hhh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9XLrr}r(hUhjubaubeubh)r}r(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]rUKconfiguring-the-visual-portrayal-of-geospatial-data-e-g-symbology-and-colorrah,]rh auh.Kh/hh0]r(h2)r}r(hXOConfiguring the Visual Portrayal of Geospatial Data (e.g., symbology and color)rhjh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9XOConfiguring the Visual Portrayal of Geospatial Data (e.g., symbology and color)rr}r(hjhjubaubh=)r}r(hXGeospatial data sets are styled through the use of Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD). The default SLDs used for the data points and data bounding boxes are in ``/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/styles/`` and are named data_points_style.sld and data_bounds_style.sld, respectively.hjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r(h9XGeospatial data sets are styled through the use of Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD). The default SLDs used for the data points and data bounding boxes are in rr}r(hXGeospatial data sets are styled through the use of Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD). The default SLDs used for the data points and data bounding boxes are in hjubh)r}r(hX'``/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/styles/``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X#/lib/spatial/geoserver/data/styles/rr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9XM and are named data_points_style.sld and data_bounds_style.sld, respectively.rr}r(hXM and are named data_points_style.sld and data_bounds_style.sld, respectively.hjubeubh=)r}r(hXbYou can find a more detailed tutorial on using SLD with GeoServer in the GeoServer documentation::rhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9XaYou can find a more detailed tutorial on using SLD with GeoServer in the GeoServer documentation:rr}r(hXaYou can find a more detailed tutorial on using SLD with GeoServer in the GeoServer documentation:hjubaubh)r}r(hX h!h"hh$}r(hhh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9X}r(hUhjubaubeubhh)r}r(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]rUBadding-external-spatial-data-made-publically-available-through-wmsrah,]rhauh.Kh/hh0]r(h2)r}r(hXBAdding External Spatial Data Made Publically Available through WMSrhjh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9XBAdding External Spatial Data Made Publically Available through WMSrr}r(hjhjubaubh=)r}r(hXThere are hundreds of sources of spatial data made publically available through WMS (check out for a good catalog). To add these data sources to your map, add the layers in your skin's ``spatial/map.js`` file.hjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r(h9X_There are hundreds of sources of spatial data made publically available through WMS (check out rr}r(hX_There are hundreds of sources of spatial data made publically available through WMS (check out hjubhF)r}r(hXhttp://wms-sites.comrh$}r(Urefurijh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhjh0]rh9Xhttp://wms-sites.comrr}r(hUhjubah"hOubh9X[ for a good catalog). To add these data sources to your map, add the layers in your skin's rr}r(hX[ for a good catalog). To add these data sources to your map, add the layers in your skin's hjubh)r}r(hX``spatial/map.js``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9Xspatial/map.jsrr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9X file.rr}r(hX file.hjubeubeubeubh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]rU,adding-other-spatial-datasets-to-the-web-maprah,]rh auh.Kh/hh0]r(h2)r}r(hX,Adding Other Spatial Datasets to the Web Maprhhh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9X,Adding Other Spatial Datasets to the Web Maprr}r(hjhjubaubh=)r}r(hX!If you have vector GIS data sets, such as weather or topographical information, on your server that you'd like to include in the interactive map, you must first register the data set with GeoServer. After the data set has been registered, you can add the layer to the map. You can also add spatial layers that have been made publically available through WMS (There are hundreds of spatial data sets available. Check out for good catalog). Instructions for adding publically available layers are included at the end of this section.rhhh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9X!If you have vector GIS data sets, such as weather or topographical information, on your server that you'd like to include in the interactive map, you must first register the data set with GeoServer. After the data set has been registered, you can add the layer to the map. You can also add spatial layers that have been made publically available through WMS (There are hundreds of spatial data sets available. Check out for good catalog). Instructions for adding publically available layers are included at the end of this section.rr}r(hjhjubaubh=)r}r(hX/To register the data set and add it to the map:rhhh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9X/To register the data set and add it to the map:rr}r(hjhjubaubcdocutils.nodes enumerated_list r)r}r(hUhhh h!h"Uenumerated_listrh$}r(UsuffixrU.h)]h(]h&]Uprefixr Uh']h,]Uenumtyper Uarabicr uh.Kh/hh0]r (h)r }r(hXPoint your browser to ``http://your.server/geoserver``, log in to GeoServer, and navigate to the "Data Stores" configuration page under ``Data > Stores``.hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hXPoint your browser to ``http://your.server/geoserver``, log in to GeoServer, and navigate to the "Data Stores" configuration page under ``Data > Stores``.hj h h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(h9XPoint your browser to rr}r(hXPoint your browser to hjubh)r}r(hX ``http://your.server/geoserver``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9Xhttp://your.server/geoserverrr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9XR, log in to GeoServer, and navigate to the "Data Stores" configuration page under rr }r!(hXR, log in to GeoServer, and navigate to the "Data Stores" configuration page under hjubh)r"}r#(hX``Data > Stores``h$}r$(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r%h9X Data > Storesr&r'}r((hUhj"ubah"hubh9X.r)}r*(hX.hjubeubaubh)r+}r,(hXMCreate a new vector data source from a Shapefile in the "metacat" workspace. hjh h!h"hh$}r-(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r.h=)r/}r0(hXLCreate a new vector data source from a Shapefile in the "metacat" workspace.r1hj+h h!h"h@h$}r2(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r3h9XLCreate a new vector data source from a Shapefile in the "metacat" workspace.r4r5}r6(hj1hj/ubaubaubeubh[)r7}r8(hUhhh h!h"h^h$}r9(h`Xcenterh)]r:Uid3r;ah(]h&]h']h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r<(hd)r=}r>(hX.. figure:: images/screenshots/image055.png :align: center Creating a new shapefile using GeoServers web-based administrative interface. h$}r?(UuriXimages/screenshots/image055.pngr@h)]h(]h&]h']hi}rAU*j@sh,]uhj7h0]h"hkubhl)rB}rC(hXMCreating a new shapefile using GeoServers web-based administrative interface.rDhj7h h!h"hph$}rE(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rFh9XMCreating a new shapefile using GeoServers web-based administrative interface.rGrH}rI(hjDhjBubaubeubj)rJ}rK(hUhhh h!h"jh$}rL(jU.UstartrMKh)]h(]h&]j Uh']h,]j j uh.Kh/hh0]rN(h)rO}rP(hXThe Description, if specified, is mostly used internally to provide other administrators with information about the DataStore. Click Submit.hjJh h!h"hh$}rQ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rRh=)rS}rT(hXThe Description, if specified, is mostly used internally to provide other administrators with information about the DataStore. Click Submit.rUhjOh h!h"h@h$}rV(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rWh9XThe Description, if specified, is mostly used internally to provide other administrators with information about the DataStore. Click Submit.rXrY}rZ(hjUhjSubaubaubh)r[}r\(hXkNavigate to the "Layers" configuration page under Data > Layers. Add a new Layer from your new data source.hjJh h!h"hh$}r](h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r^h=)r_}r`(hXkNavigate to the "Layers" configuration page under Data > Layers. Add a new Layer from your new data source.rahj[h h!h"h@h$}rb(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rch9XkNavigate to the "Layers" configuration page under Data > Layers. Add a new Layer from your new data source.rdre}rf(hjahj_ubaubaubh)rg}rh(hXYou should also define a spatial reference system (SRS) number for the new layer. Most lat/long data is "4326". If your data is in another projection, determine its spatial reference system using the help links provided. hjJh h!h"hh$}ri(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rjh=)rk}rl(hXYou should also define a spatial reference system (SRS) number for the new layer. Most lat/long data is "4326". If your data is in another projection, determine its spatial reference system using the help links provided.rmhjgh h!h"h@h$}rn(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]roh9XYou should also define a spatial reference system (SRS) number for the new layer. Most lat/long data is "4326". If your data is in another projection, determine its spatial reference system using the help links provided.rprq}rr(hjmhjkubaubaubeubh[)rs}rt(hUhhh h!h"h^h$}ru(h`Xcenterh)]rvUid4rwah(]h&]h']h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rx(hd)ry}rz(hX.. figure:: images/screenshots/image057.png :align: center GeoServer's FeatureType configuration. The SRS settings discussed in step 5 are highlighted. h$}r{(UuriXimages/screenshots/image057.pngr|h)]h(]h&]h']hi}r}U*j|sh,]uhjsh0]h"hkubhl)r~}r(hX\GeoServer's FeatureType configuration. The SRS settings discussed in step 5 are highlighted.rhjsh h!h"hph$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X\GeoServer's FeatureType configuration. The SRS settings discussed in step 5 are highlighted.rr}r(hjhj~ubaubeubj)r}r(hUhhh h!h"jh$}r(jU.jMKh)]h(]h&]j Uh']h,]j j uh.Kh/hh0]r(h)r}r(hXStyle the layer using a style from the drop-down menu on the Publishing tab, or create a new SLD to create a new style object and corresponding SLD (this option provides more control over the style).hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hXStyle the layer using a style from the drop-down menu on the Publishing tab, or create a new SLD to create a new style object and corresponding SLD (this option provides more control over the style).rhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XStyle the layer using a style from the drop-down menu on the Publishing tab, or create a new SLD to create a new style object and corresponding SLD (this option provides more control over the style).rr}r(hjhjubaubaubh)r}r(hXFTry out the styled data set as a WMS layer using a the Layer Preview. hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hXETry out the styled data set as a WMS layer using a the Layer Preview.rhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XETry out the styled data set as a WMS layer using a the Layer Preview.rr}r(hjhjubaubaubeubh[)r}r(hUhhh h!h"h^h$}r(h`Xcenterh)]rUid5rah(]h&]h']h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r(hd)r}r(hX.. figure:: images/screenshots/image058.png :align: center GeoServer's Layer Preview allows you to see an OpenLayer rendering of the new layer. h$}r(UuriXimages/screenshots/image058.pngrh)]h(]h&]h']hi}rU*jsh,]uhjh0]h"hkubhl)r}r(hXTGeoServer's Layer Preview allows you to see an OpenLayer rendering of the new layer.rhjh h!h"hph$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XTGeoServer's Layer Preview allows you to see an OpenLayer rendering of the new layer.rr}r(hjhjubaubeubj)r}r(hUhhh h!h"jh$}r(jU.jMKh)]h(]h&]j Uh']h,]j j uh.Kh/hh0]r(h)r}r(hXCopy the default ``map.js`` file that assembles the map in OpenLayers (``style/common/spatial/map.js``) to your skin's spatial directory.hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hXCopy the default ``map.js`` file that assembles the map in OpenLayers (``style/common/spatial/map.js``) to your skin's spatial directory.hjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(h9XCopy the default rr}r(hXCopy the default hjubh)r}r(hX ``map.js``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9Xmap.jsrr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9X, file that assembles the map in OpenLayers (rr}r(hX, file that assembles the map in OpenLayers (hjubh)r}r(hX``style/common/spatial/map.js``h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9Xstyle/common/spatial/map.jsrr}r(hUhjubah"hubh9X#) to your skin's spatial directory.rr}r(hX#) to your skin's spatial directory.hjubeubaubh)r}r(hXfEdit the init() method to include your new layer in the map - either as an overlay or as a base layer.hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hXfEdit the init() method to include your new layer in the map - either as an overlay or as a base layer.rhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XfEdit the init() method to include your new layer in the map - either as an overlay or as a base layer.rr}r(hjhjubaubaubh)r}r(hX^Point your browser to the map interface. Your new layer should appear with the existing ones. hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hX]Point your browser to the map interface. Your new layer should appear with the existing ones.rhjh h!h"h@h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X]Point your browser to the map interface. Your new layer should appear with the existing ones.rr}r(hjhjubaubaubeubeubh h!h"Usystem_messagerh$}r(h&]UlevelKh)]h(]Usourceh!h']h,]UlineKUtypeUINFOruh.Kh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hX:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]rh9X:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)rr}r(hUhjubah"h@ubaubh)r}r(hUhhh h!h"jh$}r(h&]UlevelKh)]h(]Usourceh!h']h,]UlineKUtypejuh.Kh/hh0]rh=)r}r(hX:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)rr}r(hUhjubah"h@ubaubh)r}r(hUhhh h!h"jh$}r(h&]UlevelKh)]h(]Usourceh!h']h,]UlineKUtypejuh.Kh/hh0]r h=)r }r (hX:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "8" (ordinal 8)h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r h9X:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "8" (ordinal 8)rr}r(hUhj ubah"h@ubaubeUcurrent_sourcerNU decorationrNUautofootnote_startrKUnameidsr}r(hjhh+hj@h jh j_h jh j h jhhhjuh0]rhahUU transformerrNU footnote_refsr}rUrefnamesr}rUsymbol_footnotesr]rUautofootnote_refsr]rUsymbol_footnote_refsr ]r!U citationsr"]r#h/hU current_liner$NUtransform_messagesr%]r&Ureporterr'NUid_startr(KU autofootnotesr)]r*U citation_refsr+}r,Uindirect_targetsr-]r.Usettingsr/(cdocutils.frontend Values r0or1}r2(Ufootnote_backlinksr3KUrecord_dependenciesr4NU rfc_base_urlr5U tracebackr7Upep_referencesr8NUstrip_commentsr9NU toc_backlinksr:jU language_coder;Uenr<U datestampr=NU report_levelr>KU _destinationr?NU halt_levelr@KU strip_classesrANh6NUerror_encoding_error_handlerrBUbackslashreplacerCUdebugrDNUembed_stylesheetrEUoutput_encoding_error_handlerrFUstrictrGU sectnum_xformrHKUdump_transformsrINU docinfo_xformrJKUwarning_streamrKNUpep_file_url_templaterLUpep-%04drMUexit_status_levelrNKUconfigrONUstrict_visitorrPNUcloak_email_addressesrQUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerRUenvrSNUdump_pseudo_xmlrTNUexpose_internalsrUNUsectsubtitle_xformrVU source_linkrWNUrfc_referencesrXNUoutput_encodingrYUutf-8rZU source_urlr[NUinput_encodingr\U utf-8-sigr]U_disable_configr^NU id_prefixr_UU tab_widthr`KUerror_encodingraUUTF-8rbU_sourcerch!Ugettext_compactrdU generatorreNUdump_internalsrfNU smart_quotesrgU pep_base_urlrhU _config_filesrq]rrUfile_insertion_enabledrsU raw_enabledrtKU dump_settingsruNubUsymbol_footnote_startrvKh)}rw(jjjhhhjjjwjsjjjjj;j7hbh\jjj hh+hj@j<jjj_j[uUsubstitution_namesrx}ryh"h/h$}rz(h&]h)]h(]Usourceh!h']h,]uU footnotesr{]r|Urefidsr}}r~ub.