In the Arctic region of Alaska, connections between salmon and people are in their infancy. Salmon are just one harbinger of change in this region. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 71.4396 degrees South: 67.7408 degrees East: -136.684 degrees West: -166.311 degrees A department within the government of Alaska with a mission to protect and improve the state's sport fishery resources. Working Group SASAP working group and project support Beginning in 2016, nine SASAP working groups formed – each composed of between 12 and 24 knowledge experts from a range of disciplines, backgrounds, and regions. Each participant brought his or her data and experiences for synthesis and analysis, while NCEAS provided logistical and technical support to facilitate each group’s innovative work. Each of the nine groups focused on specific issues related to salmon and people in Alaska: Four SASAP groups were tasked with integrating knowledge across multiple disciplines to understand the fundamental state of knowledge of Alaska’s salmon systems. The work of each group is presented for each of the major watersheds in Alaska in the Region section ( An additional five working groups were selected to focus on specific research questions that provide insight into the pressures on salmon and salmon communities, as well as options for response to those pressures. Their work is presented in the Special Topics section ( 2021-03-25T18:45:38Z Greg Roscicza 2021-04-20T15:49:34Z 2021-03-25T19:00:26Z An organization that this person is affiliated with. For example, a school/university, a club, or a team. isAffiliateOf The SASAP project and its associated working groups were made up of researchers from a variety of academic, govenmental, etc. organizations from across the United States. The 'affiliateOf' object property connects SASAP researchers with their respective employer(s)/home institution(s) (at least what was considered to be their employer/home institution during the time when they worked on the SASAP project). Matthew Catalano 2021-04-20T15:32:36Z American-based college or university 2021-04-21T17:33:35Z Jorge Cornejo-Donoso 2021-03-25T20:08:09Z Erika Gavenus 2021-04-19T23:48:58Z UC Berkeley Berkeley University of California, Berkeley UC Berkeley's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T16:38:19Z A department within the government of Alaska which manages commercial, subsistence, and personal use fisheries within the jurisdiction of the State of Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries The Division of Commercial Fisheries website is accessible at: 2021-03-25T18:03:36Z A community-based nonprofit organization that combines advocacy, education and science toward its mission to protect Alaska’s Cook Inlet watershed and the life it sustains. Inletkeeper’s monitoring and science work builds credibility with scientists and resource managers, its education and advocacy efforts enhance stewardship and citizen participation, and together, these efforts translate into Inletkeeper’s ability to effectively ensure a vibrant and healthy Cook Inlet watershed. Cook Inletkeeper The Cook Inletkeeper's website is accessible at: 2021-03-25T18:04:51Z Madeline Javonovich 2021-04-20T16:09:17Z,_Alaska The North Slope Borough is the northernmost borough in the US state of Alaska. Peter Westley 2021-03-25T18:58:18Z An institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects, and provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. College or university 2021-04-02T20:22:02Z Krista Oke 2021-04-20T16:08:39Z Jeanette Clark 2021-03-25T20:08:02Z Lamont Albertson 2021-04-20T15:48:56Z Kristen B. Gorman 2021-03-25T20:09:26Z Lewis Coggins 2021-04-20T15:29:14Z McGill McGill University McGill University's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T17:32:35Z UCSC University of California, Santa Cruz UCSC's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T16:34:58Z A bureau of the United States Department of the Interior whose mission is to work with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. A department within the government of Alaska which provides non-partisan budgetary and fiscal analysis to the Alaska Legislature. LFD Alaska Department of Legislative Finance LFD's webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-25T18:04:43Z The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides easy access to summary tables and time series of population, housing, agriculture, and economic data, along with GIS-compatible boundary files, for years from 1790 through the present and for all levels of U.S. census geography, including states, counties, tracts, and blocks. Patricial M. Clay 2021-04-19T23:53:46Z UBC The University of British Columbia UBC's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T16:40:45Z A department within the government of Alaska and a sub-division of the Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife, Division of Commercial Fisheries which manages the Central Region. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Central Region Central Region Alaska commercial fisheries are composed of four distinct management areas that include Bristol Bay, Prince William Sound and Copper River, Upper Cook Inlet, and Lower Cook Inlet. Although all 5 species of salmon are harvested in each area, sockeye and pink salmon are the most abundant and most valuable. This area encompasses some of the largest and most valuable salmon fisheries in the world. From Bristol Bay, home of the largest sockeye salmon fishery in the world, to the Copper River where sockeye and Chinook salmon fetch some of the highest prices per pound paid to commercial fishermen. Cook Inlet commercial fisheries occur near the largest population center in Alaska, providing salmon to numerous niche and local markets, as well as fresh salmon to markets in other states. Prince William Sound adds productive healthy pink, chum, and sockeye salmon fisheries to the region. Southcentral groundfish fisheries are small, yet diverse, targeting pollock, Pacific cod, rockfish, sablefish, lingcod, and skate while small shrimp and scallop fisheries in Prince William Sound cater predominately to local markets. Southcentral commercial fisheries are of tremendous importance and an integral part of many communities and local economies in the state. 2021-03-25T18:04:02Z DFO Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T23:04:01Z A principle agency of the U.S. Federal Satistical System, whose responsibility and mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. United States Census Bureau The U.S. Census Bureau's website is accessible at: 2021-03-25T18:05:22Z Sociocultural working group Social and cultural dimensions of salmon systems working group Learn more about the Social and Cultural Dimensions of Salmon Systems Working Group here: The topics explored by the Sociocultural working group are (1) social and cultural values and relationships between people and salmon, (2) trends in human populations and communities and uses of salmon, and (3) key threads to salmon-dependent communities 2021-03-25T18:47:05Z Dan Rinella 2021-03-25T19:07:18Z A research center of the University of California, Santa Barbara which fosters collaborative synthesis research by assembling interdisciplinary teams to distill existing data, ideas, theories, or methods drawn from many sources, across multiple fields of inquiry, in order to accelerate the generation of new knowledge on a broad scale. Steve Munch 2021-04-20T16:11:15Z Kevin Whitworth The SASAP website lists Kevin Whitworth's affiliation as 'Up-River Stakeholder', but I've been unable to find information about that online to include as an 'Organization' instance. 2021-04-20T15:50:25Z Steve Fleischman 2021-04-20T15:34:26Z McGill Biology Department of Biology McGill's Department of Biology's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T17:36:24Z Straddling the Arctic Circle, the Kotzebue region is twice the size of West Virginia and categorized as among the driest areas of Alaska. Chum salmon is the primary species in this region and is harvested by local users in both subsistence and commercial fisheries. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 68.9178 degrees South: 65.3082 degrees East: 65.3082 degrees West: -169.0513 degrees 2021-03-25T18:04:57Z National Park Service An agency of the federal government of the United States that manages all national parks, many national monuments, and other conservation and hisotrical properties with various title designations. Visit the National Park Service's website at: NPS Ben Staton 2021-04-20T15:33:36Z Canadian-based college or university 2021-04-21T17:33:46Z A division within the government of Alaska's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) which maintains the department's land records repository and oversees DNR's computer systems and networks services. It provides for the department's data processing functions including development, training, operations, and maintenance. The Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) systems include the Land Administration System (LAS), the Geographic Information System, the Revenue and Billing System, and others. The section also produces and maintains the state's land status maps. Biophysical working group Learn more about the Biophysical Working Group here: The goal of the to Biophysical working group is to compare and contrast the status of Alaska salmon and their habitats across regions. 2021-03-25T18:46:55Z Caroline Brown 2021-04-19T23:51:22Z MSU Michigan State University MSU's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T16:39:46Z isLeadResearcherOf Each SASAP working group has an affiliated researcher(s) leading the working group's research efforts. The 'isLeadResearcherOf' object property connects lead researchers to their respective working groups. 2021-03-25T19:00:44Z The Division of Sport Fisheries provides the following core services: (a) fisheries management, (b) fisheries research, (c) fisheries enhancement, (d) protection and restoration of fish habitats for the ebefit of fish and sport anglers, (e) communication and outreach, and (f) providing leadership and administrative support for the Division's core functions. NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T22:59:58Z Courtney Carothers 2021-03-25T20:08:16Z Neala Kendall 2021-04-20T16:10:15Z A department within the government of Alaska and a sub-division of the Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife, Division of Commercial Fisheries which manages the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Region. 2021-03-25T18:03:57Z Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Region AYK The Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (AYK) Region encompasses the coastal waters of Alaska and includes the rivers and streams that drain into the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. It stretches from its boundary at Cape Newenham with the Bristol Bay area to the border with Canada on the Arctic Ocean. The Yukon River, with the fifth largest drainage in North America, lies within this management region, as do many other major rivers; the Kuskokwim being second in size next to the Yukon. With the exception of Fairbanks, Bethel, and Nome, this is a region of villages. Salmon and herring are the most important fisheries resources in this region. Large numbers of salmon are taken for subsistence and subsistence harvests can equal or surpass the numbers of fish harvested in commercial fisheries, especially Chinook salmon. King crab is harvested near Nome in both commercial and subsistence fisheries. Whitefish are also important to the residents of this region. Nick Kameroff 2021-04-20T15:50:03Z A federally recognized governing body for the community of Bethel, Alaska whose mission is to promote the general welfare, enhance independence, encourage self-sufficiency/self-motivation, enhance quality of life, and preserve cultural and traditional values of the Tribe, and to exercise tribal authority over resources through educational, economic, and social development opportunities. Organization 2021-03-25T21:14:05Z Consulting firm Consultancy 2021-04-06T17:24:47Z Holly Kindsvter 2021-04-20T15:55:31Z Zach Liller 2021-04-20T15:46:53Z A federally recognized governing body for the community of Bethel, Alaska whose mission is to promote the general welfare, enhance independence, encourage self-sufficiency/self-motivation, enhance quality of life, and preserve cultural and traditional values of the Tribe, and to exercise tribal authority over resources through educational, economic, and social development opportunities. ONC Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council The ONC website is accessible at: 2021-03-25T18:06:45Z Kenai lowlands working group 2021-03-25T18:47:37Z Ian Dutton 2021-03-25T20:07:45Z Rachel Donkersloot 2021-03-25T20:09:04Z Andrew P. Hendry 2021-04-20T15:54:54Z Community engagement working group Community based monitoring working group Comunity monitoring working group Community based monitoring working group 2021-03-25T18:47:30Z Eric P. Palkovacs 2021-03-25T20:08:54Z Indigenous-led organization 2021-03-25T21:04:36Z A large island on the south coast of the State of Alaska, separated from the Alaska mainland by the Shelikof Strait. An essential component of the SASAP working group process is the support each group received from a stellar group of “data wranglers”, a team of geospatial analysis experts from NCEAS known as the Data Task Force. The Task Force coordinated hundreds of data requests from Alaska Department of Fish and Game and other agencies and organizations, then worked to reformat, integrate, and run quality control on millions of lines of data in over 125 data sets. The graphs, figures, and infograms generated by the Task Force greatly enhanced the ability of users to visualize often complex information about Alaska salmon. Jared Kibele 2021-03-25T20:07:56Z Robert W. Campbell 2021-03-25T20:09:14Z Katie Kobayashi 2021-04-20T16:07:08Z Stephanie Quinn-Davidson 2021-04-20T15:48:32Z Redpath Museum The Redpath Museum's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T17:31:49Z An organization whose primary objective is to support some issue or matter of private interest or public concern for non-commercial purposes. Nonprofits generally do not operate to generate profit, and this characteristic is popularly considered to be the defining characterisitic of such organizations. However, a non-profit organization may accept, hold and disburse money and other things of value. It may also legally and ethically trade at a profit. The extent to which it can generate income may be constrained, or the use of those profits may be restricted.,the%20number%20of%20participating%20fishers. A department within the government of Alaska which helps to conserve and maintain the economic health of Alaska’s commercial fisheries by limiting the number of participating fishers. The Commission issues permits and vessel licenses to qualified individuals in both limited and unlimited fisheries, and provides due process hearings and appeal processes for disputes related to limitations on fishery participation. A division wihtin Alaska's Department of Public Safety with a mission to protect Alaska's Natural Resources through the enfrocement wildlife statutes and regulations. AWT Alaska Department of Public Safety, Division of Alaska Wildlife Troopers 2021-03-25T18:04:39Z Person 2021-03-25T18:48:44Z This URI does not appear to dereference to the term. Including this URL,, to ensure findability. The State of Alaska's Salmon and People (SASAP) project is a collaboration of researchers, cultural leaders, and others working to bring together integrated, accurate, and up-to-date information that will help to support better salmon decision-making. Peter S. Rand 2021-03-25T20:09:09Z John Reynolds 2021-04-20T16:06:12Z Nick Smith 2021-04-20T15:47:30Z Smithsonian SI Smithsonian Institution The Smithsonian's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T17:30:23Z The Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (AYK) Region encompasses the coastal waters of Alaska and includes the rivers and streams that drain into the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. It stretches from its boundary at Cape Newenham with the Bristol Bay area to the border with Canada on the Arctic Ocean. The Yukon River, with the fifth largest drainage in North America, lies within this management region, as do many other major rivers; the Kuskokwim being second in size next to the Yukon. With the exception of Fairbanks, Bethel, and Nome, this is a region of villages. Salmon and herring are the most important fisheries resources in this region. Large numbers of salmon are taken for subsistence and subsistence harvests can equal or surpass the numbers of fish harvested in commercial fisheries, especially Chinook salmon. King crab is harvested near Nome in both commercial and subsistence fisheries. Whitefish are also important to the residents of this region. An agency of the federal government of the United States that manages all national parks, many national monuments, and other conservation and hisotrical properties with various title designations. An entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest. Well-being working group Well-being and salmon systems working group 2021-03-25T18:47:41Z Matthew Jones 2021-03-25T20:07:50Z An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim. The eastern-most arm of the Bering Sea. It is located between the southwest part of the Alaska mainland to its north, and the Alaska Peninsula to its south and east. Bristol Bay is 400 km long and 290 km wide at its mouth. A number of rivers flow into the bay, including the Cinder, Igushik, Kvichak, Meshik, Nushagak, Naknek, Togiak, and Ugashik. A department within the government of Alaska with a mission to scientifically gather, quantify, evaluate, and report information about customary and traditional uses of Alaska's fish and wildlife resources.,operate%20under%20their%20own%20authority. A research institute which is not part of a university, government, hospital or corporation. An independent research institute may have a close relationship with a larger institution such as a university, but is not part of the larger insitution and operates under its own authority. Steven J. Langdon 2021-03-25T20:08:34Z Charles A. Simenstad 2021-03-25T20:09:56Z Willy Dunne 2021-04-20T16:21:59Z Tobias Schworer 2021-03-25T20:08:28Z Mark Rains 2021-03-25T20:09:48Z contributedDataTo 2021-04-22T03:47:22Z Using skos:closeMatch rather than skos:exactMatch because does not provide an inverse property to We define the inverse of 'affiliateOf' as 'hasAffiliate'. The southeastern portion of the coast of the State of Alaska, which lies just west of the northern half of the Canadian province of British Columbia. The majority of the panhandle's area is part of the Tongass National Forest, the United States's largest national forest. In many places, the international border runs along the crest of the Boundary Ranges of the Coast Mountains. Larger than the state of Texas and home to the third longest river in the United States, the Yukon region is a governance mosaic of state and federal fisheries management. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 69.0792 degrees South: 58.8686 degrees East: -129.1775 degrees West: -166.281 degrees A peninsula extending about 800 km to the southwest from the mainland of Alaska and ending in the Aleutian Islands. The peninsula separates the Pacific Ocean from Bristol Bay, an arm of the Bering Sea. An inlet of the Bering Sea on the western coast of the State of Alaska, south of the Seward Peninsula. It is about 240 km long and 200 km wide. The Yukon River delta forms a portion of the south shore and water from the Yukon influences this body of water. The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides easy access to summary tables and time series of population, housing, agriculture, and economic data, along with GIS-compatible boundary files, for years from 1790 through the present and for all levels of U.S. census geography, including states, counties, tracts, and blocks. A historical GIS project to create and freely disseminate a database incorporating all available aggregate census information for the United States between 1790 and 2010. NHGIS **Unsure how to classify this** 2021-04-05T20:19:55Z National Historic Geographic Information System Stephanie M. Carlson 2021-04-20T15:54:16Z Ocean climate working group Changing ocean working group 2021-03-25T18:47:23Z Frank Davis 2021-03-25T19:55:01Z James Fall 2021-03-25T20:08:46Z An Organization (or ProgramMembership) to which this Person or Organization belongs. memberOf In the United States, an American Indian tribe, Native American tribe, Alaska Native village, tribal nation, or similar concept is any extant or historical clan, tribe, band, nation, or other group or community of Native Americans in the United States. A department within the government of Alaska which manages approximately 750 active fisheries, 26 game management units, and 32 special areas, with a mission, "To protect, maintain, and improve the fish, game, and aquatic plant resources of the state, and manage their use and development in the best interest of the economy and the well-being of the people of the state, consistent with the sustained yield principle." The Alaska Native Policy Center (Policy Center) is a project of the First Alaskans Institute created to support the Native voice and perspective in the public policy-making process. The Policy Center connects people and ideas producing knowledge that can be used to understand and improve the lives of Alaska Natives and all Alaskans. The Policy Center uses a proactive and forward- thinking approach, a focus that is statewide, and a relationship with the Native community that helps Alaska Native leaders and other policy makers access information they can use to help achieve healthy, thriving communities. Chistochina Enterprises is a wholly owned Section 17 Corporation authorized by the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act, formed under a Federal charter to represent the business interests of Cheesh'na and as a means of investing in the future of the Tribe. Chistochina Enterprises is governed by a five member Board of Director initially appointed by Cheesh'na Tribal Council. The main office is located in Chistochina, Alaska, and the enterprise is licensed to conduct business in the State of Alaska and nationally as outlined in its Federal charter. SALMoN A community-based ecological monitoring program initiated by the Stika Conservation Society and the Sitka Sound Science Center, and with close coordination with the USFS Tongass National Forest, and whose purpose is to engage community members in credible ecological monitoring and adaptive management that supports both the health of the environment of Southeast Alaska and the communities living there. This program implements ecological monitoring projects that provide substantive opportunities for community members, especially students, to practice natural resource stewardship, supports management needs, and informs decision-making. Southeast Alaska Long-term Monitoring Network The SALMoN website is accessible at: 2021-04-05T20:06:49Z **Unsure how to classify this** Arctic Alaska or Far North Alaska is a region of the U.S. state of Alaska generally referring to the northern areas on or close to the Arctic Ocean. hasLeadResearcher 2021-03-25T19:45:52Z Taylor Brelsford 2021-03-25T20:08:42Z Dennis Whigham 2021-03-25T20:10:04Z Greg Ruggerone 2021-04-20T16:32:58Z Ginny Litchfield 2021-04-20T16:19:46Z Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium (Kelt’aeni) is a tribal consortium of two federally recognized Tribal Councils of Chistochina and Mentasta Lake. The consortium was established on June 26, 1992 under a joint effort by Chistochina Village and Mentasta Village to advance and protect common interests of the descendants of the Upper Ahtna indigenous people. Michael L. Jones 2021-03-25T20:09:31Z A department within the government of Alaska, which aims to provide fisheries managers and researchers with timely, current, and historical biological data to help them manage, preserve, protect, and perpetuate Alaska's fishery resources. The MTA lab refines and develops diverse methods and means for providing critical data, develops new applications to address management issues and fosters a broad information exchange. Andrea Akalleq Sanders 2021-04-20T17:06:17Z Ed Farley 2021-04-20T16:30:47Z Steve Baird 2021-04-20T16:18:46Z A collection of datasets. An organization that this person is affiliated with. For example, a school/university, a club, or a team. A community-based nonprofit organization that combines advocacy, education and science toward its mission to protect Alaska’s Cook Inlet watershed and the life it sustains. Inletkeeper’s monitoring and science work builds credibility with scientists and resource managers, its education and advocacy efforts enhance stewardship and citizen participation, and together, these efforts translate into Inletkeeper’s ability to effectively ensure a vibrant and healthy Cook Inlet watershed. Karyn DeCino 2021-04-20T16:21:17Z Jessica Black 2021-03-25T20:08:20Z Ryan King 2021-03-25T20:09:43Z 2021-04-20T16:33:31Z Brendan Connors Brian Blossom 2021-04-20T16:20:28Z A financial institution principally engaged in investing in securites (i.e. a tradable financial asset). A division wihtin Alaska's Department of Public Safety with a mission to protect Alaska's Natural Resources through the enfrocement wildlife statutes and regulations. This URI does not appear to dereference to the term. Including this URL,, to ensure findability. A permanent or semi-permanent federal govenrment organization which is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions. Coowe Walker 2021-03-25T20:09:38Z Home to over 60% of Alaska’s residents, the Cook Inlet region may provide a glimpse of the future. Issues of urbanization, road building, and the rise of invasive species are increasingly prominent here. These changes are set within a context of a changing climate and increased conflict among user groups for limited salmon resources. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 63.638 degrees South: 58.6157 degrees East: -146.1503 degrees West: -154.7415 degrees The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) is a tribal government representing over 32,000 Tlingit and Haida Indians worldwide. The are a sovereign entity and have a government to government relationship with the United States. Tlingit & Haida's headquarters are in Juneau, Alaska but their commitment to serving the Tlingit and Haida people extends throughout the United States. The NMFS website is accessible at: NMFS NOAA Fisheries National Marine Fisheries Service 2021-04-20T17:24:33Z Ann Fienup Riordon 2021-04-20T17:03:34Z Smithsonian Environmental Research Center **Unsure how to classify this** The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center website is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:59:15Z Old Harbor Native Corporation (OHNC) was established in 1971 under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). OHNC’s mission is to preserve and protect the culture, values and traditions of its community, shareholders and descendants; and to work together to create economic and educational opportunities while promoting self-determination and pride. Christian Zimmerman 2021-04-20T16:41:34Z Mandy Bernard 2021-04-20T16:26:12Z Rich Brenner 2021-04-20T16:13:20Z containsDataFrom 2021-04-22T03:47:36Z An average of two million pink salmon and 250,000 chum salmon return to the sub-Arctic region of Norton Sound, an area approximately twice the size of Massachusetts. The bounding coordinates of this SASAP region are: North: 65.8544 degrees South: 62.8268 degrees East: -159.1906 degrees West: -171.9762 degrees Bechtol Research Some information about Bechtol Research may be found at: 2021-04-20T20:04:29Z IRES The IRES webpage is accessible at: Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability 2021-04-20T17:21:43Z Since its establishment, the Center has been a member of UW EarthLab—a new environmental institute housing other groups such as the Climate Impacts Group, the Center for Health and the Global Environment, and the Washington Ocean Acidification Center. EarthLab’s inaugural Executive Director, Ben Packard, has been working over the past year to clarify the vision, priorities and strategic outcomes for EarthLab. As this vision has taken shape, it has become clear that the activities of the Center are a key element of EarthLab. Rather than duplicating the efforts of C3 at the EarthLab level, we have decided to integrate the Center for Creative Conservation into EarthLab. School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences The UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Science webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:58:06Z A bureau of the United Sates Departement of the Interior, which provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods, the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on, the health of our ecosystems and environment, and the impacts of climate and land-use change. The Kuskokwim region is the 4th largest of Alaska, and at 154,168 km² is comparable in size to the state of Georgia. The region drains the Kuskokwim – one of the great rivers of the world. The salmon-producing habitat of the Kuskokwim region is diverse and productive. Drier than the neighboring Bristol Bay region, the Kuskokwim region has a larger amount of burn area from forest fires than all other regions but the Yukon. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 64.4166 degrees South: 58.6262 degrees East: -151.5105 degrees West: -173.2164 degrees The abundance of salmon returning to the largest island in Alaska remain high, though sociocultural challenges loom as large as the 925 glaciers that cling to the island’s coastal and interior mountains. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 59.0261 degrees South: 56.3492 degrees East: -151.6884 degrees West: -156.7838 degrees University of Alaska Fairbanks UAF The University of Alaska Fairbanks website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T17:17:00Z Trent Sutton 2021-04-20T16:40:42Z Michael Opheim 2021-04-20T16:25:39Z Vadim Karatayev 2021-04-20T16:12:35Z A distinct, usually specialized educational unit within an educational organization. Although relatively small in landmass (4th smallest region) the total expanse of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Island region is enormous, spanning over 1600 km (1000 miles) and 10 degrees of longitude. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 57.2997 degrees South: 51.1568 degrees East: -153.6282 degrees West: 179.8567 degrees Melissa Poe 2021-04-20T17:05:18Z A distinct, usually specialized educational unit within an educational organization. Academic department 2021-04-12T23:49:48Z Andrew Gray 2021-04-20T16:30:06Z Chris Guo 2021-04-20T16:17:58Z SASAP 0.1.1 The State of Alaska's Salmon and People Ontology 2021-04-19T12:45:10-07:00 An ontology which represents information about the State of Alaska's Salmon and People (SASAP) project, as well as knowledge about salmon, features of their habitats, salmon stakeholders, and related entities. A department within the government of Alaska whose mission is to "Promote a healthy economy, strong communities, and protect consumers in Alaska." An international inter-governmental organization established by the Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean whose primary objective is to promote the conservation of anadromous stocks in the Convention Area. The Convention Area is the international waters of the North Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas north of 33° North beyond the 200-mile zones (exclusive economic zones) of the coastal States. Syverine Bentz 2021-04-20T16:17:09Z Kawerak, Inc. Kawerak Inc.'s website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T17:45:08Z Sara Jo Breslow 2021-04-20T17:04:16Z Jacob Argueta 2021-04-20T16:27:25Z A sound of the Gulf of Alaska on the south coast of the State of Alaska. It is located on the east side of the Kenai Peninsula. Quatitative Fisheries Center Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Quantitative Fisheries Center The Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Quantitative Fisheries Center webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:59:25Z Alice Rademacher 2021-04-20T16:26:39Z Gale Vick 2021-04-20T16:14:25Z Prince William Sound is a region of rain, icefields, and glaciers. Only two (Whittier and Valdez) of Prince William Sound’s largest human communities are connected via road. The terminus of the Alaska oil pipeline ends in this region and results in a fairly high footprint of human activity in a relatively small region. Pink salmon, chum salmon, and sockeye salmon fisheries are current mainstays of local communities with hatchery enhancement of these species (particularly pink salmon) a fundamental dynamic in the region. The bounding coordinates of this SASAP region are: North: 61.5189 degrees South: 59.357 degrees East: -145.1013 degrees West: -149.1761 degrees Central Region Alaska commercial fisheries are composed of four distinct management areas that include Bristol Bay, Prince William Sound and Copper River, Upper Cook Inlet, and Lower Cook Inlet. Although all 5 species of salmon are harvested in each area, sockeye and pink salmon are the most abundant and most valuable. This area encompasses some of the largest and most valuable salmon fisheries in the world. From Bristol Bay, home of the largest sockeye salmon fishery in the world, to the Copper River where sockeye and Chinook salmon fetch some of the highest prices per pound paid to commercial fishermen. Cook Inlet commercial fisheries occur near the largest population center in Alaska, providing salmon to numerous niche and local markets, as well as fresh salmon to markets in other states. Prince William Sound adds productive healthy pink, chum, and sockeye salmon fisheries to the region. Southcentral groundfish fisheries are small, yet diverse, targeting pollock, Pacific cod, rockfish, sablefish, lingcod, and skate while small shrimp and scallop fisheries in Prince William Sound cater predominately to local markets. Southcentral commercial fisheries are of tremendous importance and an integral part of many communities and local economies in the state. A river in south-central Alaska in the United States. It drains a large region of the Wrangell Mountains and Chugach Mountains into the Gulf of Alaska. The Copper River rises out of the Copper Glacier, which lies on the northeast side of Mount Wrangell, in the Wrangell Mountains, within Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park. It begins by flowing almost due north in a valley that lies on the east side of Mount Sanford, and then turns west, forming the northwest edge of the Wrangell Mountains and separating them from the Mentasta Mountains to the northeast. It continues to turn southeast, through a wide marshy plain to Chitina, where it is joined from the southeast by the Chitina River. Downstream from its confluence with the Chitina it flows southwest, passing through a narrow glacier-lined gap in the Chugach Mountains east of Cordova Peak. There is an extensive area of sand dunes between the Copper and Bremner Rivers. Both Miles Glacier and Child's Glacier calve directly into the river. Copper River Fewer than 2500 people live permanently in the Copper River region, an area comparable in size to the state of West Virginia. Sockeye salmon are dominant here, given the multiple large lakes available for rearing juvenile salmon. Though less abundant than sockeye, king salmon are deeply important to all salmon-connected people. Kings have declined in number since 2007. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 63.3227 degrees South: 59.7112 degrees East: -139.6942 degrees West: -147.8251 degrees 2021-03-24T21:28:12Z Data Task Force An essential component of the SASAP working group process is the support each group received from a stellar group of “data wranglers”, a team of geospatial analysis experts from NCEAS known as the Data Task Force. The Task Force coordinated hundreds of data requests from Alaska Department of Fish and Game and other agencies and organizations, then worked to reformat, integrate, and run quality control on millions of lines of data in over 125 data sets. The graphs, figures, and infograms generated by the Task Force greatly enhanced the ability of users to visualize often complex information about Alaska salmon. 2021-03-29T18:12:03Z Department of Anthropology The UAA Department of Anthropology webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T23:00:42Z A large estuary stretching 180 miles from the Gulf of Alaska to Anchorage in south-central Alaska. It separates the Kenai Peninsula from mainland Alaska and branches into the Knik Arm and Turnagain Arm at its northern end, almost surrounding Anchorage. The watershed covers about 100,000 km2 of southern Alaska, east of the Aleutian Range and south of the Alaska Range, receiving water from its tributaries the Knik River, the Little Susitna River, and the Susitna and Matanuska rivers. The watershed includes the drainage areas of Mount McKinley. Within the watershed there are several national parks and four historically active volcanoes. Cook Inlet Home to over 60% of Alaska’s residents, the Cook Inlet region may provide a glimpse of the future. Issues of urbanization, road building, and the rise of invasive species are increasingly prominent here. These changes are set within a context of a changing climate and increased conflict among user groups for limited salmon resources. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 63.638 degrees South: 58.6157 degrees East: -146.1503 degrees West: -154.7415 degrees 2021-03-24T21:28:08Z The North Slope Borough is the northernmost borough in the US state of Alaska. North Slope Borough The North Slope Borough's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T22:56:53Z Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group **Unsure how to classify this** The Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group (KRSMWG) was formed in 1988 by the Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) in response to requests from stakeholders in the Kuskokwim Area who sought a more active role in the management of salmon fishery resources. The Working Group is made up of 14 member seats representing elders, subsistence fishermen, processors, commercial fishermen, sport fishermen, Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, member at large, federal subsistence regional advisory committees, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Non-agency members participate on a voluntary basis and receive no compensation. Participation in the Working Group process requires a great deal of time from its members and agency staff. The relationship among Working Group members, research planners, project leaders, and policy makers is fostered, and these interactions are critical to the aim of the Working Group. This relationship ensures that participants remain up-to-date on new information and maintain their direct involvement in management of Kuskokwim River salmon fisheries. 2021-04-20T21:05:05Z ESSA Technologies, Ltd. ESSA Technologies website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T19:34:57Z A department within the government of Alaska which provides non-partisan budgetary and fiscal analysis to the Alaska Legislature. Freddie Christiansen 2021-04-20T17:09:25Z Karen Dunmall 2021-04-20T16:35:58Z,_Alaska Kenai Peninsula Borough (Russian: Кенай боро, Kenay boro) is a borough of the U.S. state of Alaska. Populates the SASAP Data Portal ( faceted search field, 'Working Group' Working Group The topics explored by the Sociocultural working group are (1) social and cultural values and relationships between people and salmon, (2) trends in human populations and communities and uses of salmon, and (3) key threads to salmon-dependent communities A permanent or semi-permanent state govenrment organization which is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions. The Southeast Alaska/Yakutat Region (Region I) consists of Alaska waters between Cape Suckling on the north and Dixon Entrance on the south. Salmon are commercially harvested in Southeast Alaska with purse seines and drift gillnets; in Yakutat with set gillnets; and in both areas with hand and power troll gear. Herring are harvested in winter bait, sac roe, spawn-on-kelp, and bait pound fisheries. Miscellaneous shellfish (sea cucumber, sea urchins, and geoduck clams) are harvested in dive fisheries in the region. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has management jurisdiction over all groundfish resources within state waters in Region I. In addition, the State has management authority for Demersal Shelf Rockfish, ling cod, and black and blue rock fish in both state and federal waters. There are several commercially important shellfish species in Southeast Alaska. They include golden and red king crab, Dungeness crab, Tanner crab, and pandalid shrimp. A collection of datasets and their metadata which were curated in support of the State of Alaska's Salmon and People (SASAP) Project and accessible at the URL, SASAP Data Portal State of Alaska's Salmon and People Data Portal The State of Alaska's Salmon and People (SASAP) project is a collaboration of researchers, cultural leaders, and others working to bring together integrated, accurate, and up-to-date information that will help to support better salmon decision-making. 2021-03-29T17:34:06Z EEB UCSC EEB Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology The UCSC Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T23:00:02Z Chignik Despite being the smallest salmon-people region of Alaska (6,587 km²), Chignik is remarkably rich in habitat diversity–which translates into biological diversity of its salmon. The Chignik region is home to multiple dispersed communities such as Chignik Lake, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Bay, Perryville, and Ivanof Bay. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 57.142 degrees South: 55.5261 degrees East: -155.4645 degrees West: -159.6479 degrees 2021-03-24T21:27:57Z Danielle Ringer 2021-04-19T23:48:38Z Calista Education and Culture, Inc. Calista Elders Council The Calista Elders Council was established in 1991 as a non-profit organization representing 1,300 Yup'ik traditional bearers of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in Southwest Alaska. The Calista Elders Council was formed to help protect and preserve the Yup’ik, Cup’ik and Athabascan cultures. In 2014, after a 20 year history of interacting and working together, the Calista Elders Council, Inc. merged with the former Calista Heritage Foundation to form what is now Calista Education and Culture, Inc. 2021-04-20T22:49:17Z Rutgers University Rutgers RU Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey RU's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T20:32:34Z Mike Williams 2021-04-20T17:08:50Z Jim Irvine 2021-04-20T16:34:39Z UW University of Washington Learn more about UW at their website: 2021-04-20T19:46:36Z School of Geosciences The USF School of Geosciences webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:57:58Z Nautilus Impact Investing, LLC 2021-03-29T23:05:25Z Kotzebue Straddling the Arctic Circle, the Kotzebue region is twice the size of West Virginia and categorized as among the driest areas of Alaska. Chum salmon is the primary species in this region and is harvested by local users in both subsistence and commercial fisheries. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 68.9178 degrees South: 65.3082 degrees East: 65.3082 degrees West: -169.0513 degrees 2021-03-24T21:28:35Z Baylor University The Baylor University website is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:57:21Z AYK SSI AYK Sustainable Salmon Initiative Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Sustainable Salmon Initiative In response to salmon declines, Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association and regional Native organizations (Association of Village Council Presidents, Kawerak, Inc., and Tanana Chiefs Conference) joined with state and federal agencies to create the AYK SSI, a proactive science-based program working cooperatively to identify and address the critical salmon research needs facing this region. The AYK SSI is the largest example of co-management of research-funding addressing salmon within the Pacific Rim and one of the largest, most successful programs of its kind in North America. The AYK SSI website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T19:43:45Z Carrie Stevens 2021-04-20T17:11:42Z Todd Sformo 2021-04-20T16:39:25Z Katie McCafferty 2021-04-20T16:24:20Z Despite being the smallest salmon-people region of Alaska (6,587 km²), Chignik is remarkably rich in habitat diversity–which translates into biological diversity of its salmon. The Chignik region is home to multiple dispersed communities such as Chignik Lake, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Bay, Perryville, and Ivanof Bay. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 57.142 degrees South: 55.5261 degrees East: -155.4645 degrees West: -159.6479 degrees DESP Department of Environmental Science & Policy DESP's webpage is accessible at: 2021-04-20T21:10:29Z Institute of Social and Economic Research The UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T23:01:04Z A large island on the south coast of the State of Alaska, separated from the Alaska mainland by the Shelikof Strait. Kodiak The abundance of salmon returning to the largest island in Alaska remain high, though sociocultural challenges loom as large as the 925 glaciers that cling to the island’s coastal and interior mountains. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 59.0261 degrees South: 56.3492 degrees East: -151.6884 degrees West: -156.7838 degrees 2021-03-24T21:28:29Z The goal of the to Biophysical working group is to compare and contrast the status of Alaska salmon and their habitats across regions. A historical GIS project to create and freely disseminate a database incorporating all available aggregate census information for the United States between 1790 and 2010. Beginning in 2016, nine SASAP working groups formed – each composed of between 12 and 24 knowledge experts from a range of disciplines, backgrounds, and regions. Each participant brought his or her data and experiences for synthesis and analysis, while NCEAS provided logistical and technical support to facilitate each group’s innovative work. Each of the nine groups focused on specific issues related to salmon and people in Alaska: Four SASAP groups were tasked with integrating knowledge across multiple disciplines to understand the fundamental state of knowledge of Alaska’s salmon systems. The work of each group is presented for each of the major watersheds in Alaska in the Region section ( An additional five working groups were selected to focus on specific research questions that provide insight into the pressures on salmon and salmon communities, as well as options for response to those pressures. Their work is presented in the Special Topics section ( An institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects, and provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. KBNERR Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve The KBNERR website is accessbile at: 2021-03-29T22:57:11Z UAA University of Alaska Anchorage The UAA website is accessible at: 2021-03-29T23:00:51Z KRITFC Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission KRITFC's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T21:07:27Z FAAS School of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences The FAAS webpage is accessible at: 2021-04-20T19:38:05Z William Voinot-Baron 2021-04-20T17:10:53Z Mike Malick 2021-04-20T16:36:53Z Sue Mauger 2021-04-20T16:22:44Z The thirteen SASAP regions were determined based on their geography, and in many cases represent large watersheds where all precipitation melts and flows into the same part of the ocean. Regions tend to also be grouped by Indigenous cultures and languages, evidence of the deep-time ties between Alaska’s salmon and people. Some regions align with current Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) statistical areas; some do not. The bounding coordinates and shapefiles for each region are accessible at: This URI does not appear to dereference to the term. Including this URL,, to ensure findability. A community-based ecological monitoring program initiated by the Stika Conservation Society and the Sitka Sound Science Center, and with close coordination with the USFS Tongass National Forest, and whose purpose is to engage community members in credible ecological monitoring and adaptive management that supports both the health of the environment of Southeast Alaska and the communities living there. This program implements ecological monitoring projects that provide substantive opportunities for community members, especially students, to practice natural resource stewardship, supports management needs, and informs decision-making. Coastal Cultures Research **Unsure how to classify this** The Coastal Cultures Research website is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:59:44Z A peninsula extending about 800 km to the southwest from the mainland of Alaska and ending in the Aleutian Islands. The peninsula separates the Pacific Ocean from Bristol Bay, an arm of the Bering Sea. Alaska Peninsula/Aleutian Islands Although relatively small in landmass (4th smallest region) the total expanse of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Island region is enormous, spanning over 1600 km (1000 miles) and 10 degrees of longitude. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 57.2997 degrees South: 51.1568 degrees East: -153.6282 degrees West: 179.8567 degrees 2021-03-24T21:27:29Z Yukon Larger than the state of Texas and home to the third longest river in the United States, the Yukon region is a governance mosaic of state and federal fisheries management. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 69.0792 degrees South: 58.8686 degrees East: -129.1775 degrees West: -166.281 degrees 2021-03-24T21:29:06Z An organization whose primary objective is to support some issue or matter of private interest or public concern for non-commercial purposes. Nonprofits generally do not operate to generate profit, and this characteristic is popularly considered to be the defining characterisitic of such organizations. However, a non-profit organization may accept, hold and disburse money and other things of value. It may also legally and ethically trade at a profit. The extent to which it can generate income may be constrained, or the use of those profits may be restricted. Nonprofit Non-profit Nonprofit organization NPO Nonprofit group Non-profit organization Not for profit organization Nonprofit organization 2021-03-25T18:01:44Z The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) is a department within the govenrment of Alaska which handles most of the state's labor and workforce issues, primarily at the administrative level. Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development 2021-03-25T18:04:28Z Alex Whiting 2021-04-20T00:00:12Z Museum 2021-04-21T17:30:14Z hasAdvisor 2021-04-19T23:40:58Z A member of an Organization or a ProgramMembership. Organizations can be members of organizations; ProgramMembership is typically for individuals. member USACE US Army Corps of Engineers United States Army Corps of Engineers UCACE's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T23:28:01Z The Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium's website is accessible at: Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium (Kelt’aeni) is a tribal consortium of two federally recognized Tribal Councils of Chistochina and Mentasta Lake. The consortium was established on June 26, 1992 under a joint effort by Chistochina Village and Mentasta Village to advance and protect common interests of the descendants of the Upper Ahtna indigenous people. Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium 2021-04-20T22:26:16Z WSG Sea Grant Washington Washington Sea Grant WSG's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T20:14:57Z In the United States, an American Indian tribe, Native American tribe, Alaska Native village, tribal nation, or similar concept is any extant or historical clan, tribe, band, nation, or other group or community of Native Americans in the United States. American Indian tribe Native American tribe Alaska Native village Native village Tribal nation 2021-04-20T17:59:45Z Bristol Bay is sockeye salmon country. The region is a land of great inland lakes, ideally suited to the juvenile life of sockeye salmon. The habitats here are virtually pristine and intact with a notable absence of mining and offshore oil and gas exploration in the region. The long proposed Pebble Mine, situated at the intersection between the Nushagak River and Kvichak River watersheds, would unquestionably and permanently change this salmon landscape. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 60.9278 degrees South: 56.8716 degrees East: -152.7319 degrees West: -162.2713 degrees The Mark Lab ( tracks Alaska's salmon populations by deciphering thermal marks induced in fish otoliths. The Tag Lab ( is the centralized state resoruce for tracking salmon using microsopic coded wire tags. The Age Determination Lab ( is a statewide age reading service which produces data for fish and invertebrates sampled during commercial, population survey, and research harvests. A principle agency of the U.S. Federal Satistical System, whose responsibility and mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. A river in south-central Alaska in the United States. It drains a large region of the Wrangell Mountains and Chugach Mountains into the Gulf of Alaska. The Copper River rises out of the Copper Glacier, which lies on the northeast side of Mount Wrangell, in the Wrangell Mountains, within Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park. It begins by flowing almost due north in a valley that lies on the east side of Mount Sanford, and then turns west, forming the northwest edge of the Wrangell Mountains and separating them from the Mentasta Mountains to the northeast. It continues to turn southeast, through a wide marshy plain to Chitina, where it is joined from the southeast by the Chitina River. Downstream from its confluence with the Chitina it flows southwest, passing through a narrow glacier-lined gap in the Chugach Mountains east of Cordova Peak. There is an extensive area of sand dunes between the Copper and Bremner Rivers. Both Miles Glacier and Child's Glacier calve directly into the river. Prince William Sound Science Center The Prince William Sound Center website is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:59:33Z SASAP Region Populates the SASAP Data Portal ( faceted search field, 'SASAP Region' The thirteen SASAP regions were determined based on their geography, and in many cases represent large watersheds where all precipitation melts and flows into the same part of the ocean. Regions tend to also be grouped by Indigenous cultures and languages, evidence of the deep-time ties between Alaska’s salmon and people. Some regions align with current Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) statistical areas; some do not. The bounding coordinates and shapefiles for each region are accessible at: 2021-03-24T21:24:20Z A collaborative project which seeks to provide a holistic, statewide overview of the status and characteristics of Alaska's coupled human-salmon system. SASAP SASAP Project The State of Alaska's Salmon and People Project The SASAP project is a deep assessment of the state of knowledge of the biological, sociocultural, economic and governance dimensions of Alaska's salmon and the people who depend upon them. The SASAP project shares this knowledge with Alaska salmon users through comprehensive watershed-level summaries (Regions), focused research on specific salmon issues (Topics), and suppported links to SASAP's free, open-source datasets, accessible through the SASAP Data Portal ( 2021-03-30T20:31:38Z The southeastern portion of the coast of the State of Alaska, which lies just west of the northern half of the Canadian province of British Columbia. The majority of the panhandle's area is part of the Tongass National Forest, the United States's largest national forest. In many places, the international border runs along the crest of the Boundary Ranges of the Coast Mountains. Southeast Alaska Alaska Panhandle Alaskan Panhandle Southeast Approximately the size of the state of Kansas, the Southeast region is categorized by thousands of small coastal watersheds that provide ideal spawning habitat for pink salmon and chum salmon in particular. All five species are caught and return to this region. In terms of total abundance of salmon, Southeast Alaska dominates the state. Managing and conserving salmon populations that move beyond international borders is a key challenge here as many of the Chinook salmon caught in Southeast were hatched outside Alaska. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 61.6887 degrees South: 54.2508 degrees East: -126.7735 degrees West: -143.8874 degrees 2021-03-24T21:29:03Z A permanent or semi-permanent federal govenrment organization which is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions. Federal government department, division, or agency 2021-03-25T18:01:18Z The Mark Lab ( tracks Alaska's salmon populations by deciphering thermal marks induced in fish otoliths. The Tag Lab ( is the centralized state resoruce for tracking salmon using microsopic coded wire tags. The Age Determination Lab ( is a statewide age reading service which produces data for fish and invertebrates sampled during commercial, population survey, and research harvests. MTA MTA Lab Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Mark, Tag and Age Laboratory A department within the government of Alaska, which aims to provide fisheries managers and researchers with timely, current, and historical biological data to help them manage, preserve, protect, and perpetuate Alaska's fishery resources. The MTA lab refines and develops diverse methods and means for providing critical data, develops new applications to address management issues and fosters a broad information exchange. 2021-03-25T18:04:24Z An international inter-governmental organization established by the Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean whose primary objective is to promote the conservation of anadromous stocks in the Convention Area. The Convention Area is the international waters of the North Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas north of 33° North beyond the 200-mile zones (exclusive economic zones) of the coastal States. NPAFC North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission The North Pacific Anadrmous Fish Commission's website is accessbile at: 2021-03-25T18:06:17Z Janessa Esquible 2021-04-20T15:46:03Z TCC Tanana Chiefs Conference The Tanana Chiefs Conference website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T17:25:34Z Ben Stevens 2021-04-19T23:59:58Z SVT's website is accessible at: SVT Seldovia Village Tribe 2021-04-20T23:26:20Z hasSupportingResearcher 2021-04-19T21:20:01Z Georgetown Tribe Native Village of Georgetown Find more information about the Native Village of Georgetown at: 2021-04-20T21:34:02Z Federal/state partnerships and programs 2021-04-20T20:14:46Z YRITFC Yukon River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 2021-04-20T17:50:28Z The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) is a department within the govenrment of Alaska which handles most of the state's labor and workforce issues, primarily at the administrative level. A department within the government of Alaska which manages commercial, subsistence, and personal use fisheries within the jurisdiction of the State of Alaska. The goals of the Economic working group are to (1) identify important trends in the historical relationships between salmon and salmon users which may have been overlooked, (2) inform and support evidence-based policy aimed at sustainable and equitable decision making, and (3) compile, archive, and share relevant historical socioeconomic data about Alaska's salmon systems. A department within the government of Alaska which helps to conserve and maintain the economic health of Alaska’s commercial fisheries by limiting the number of participating fishers. The Commission issues permits and vessel licenses to qualified individuals in both limited and unlimited fisheries, and provides due process hearings and appeal processes for disputes related to limitations on fishery participation. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission CFEC 2021-03-25T18:03:30Z The CFEC website is accessible at: A collaborative project which seeks to provide a holistic, statewide overview of the status and characteristics of Alaska's coupled human-salmon system. A collection of datasets. Data corpus 2021-03-29T17:33:25Z College of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences The UAF College of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:59:55Z The eastern-most arm of the Bering Sea. It is located between the southwest part of the Alaska mainland to its north, and the Alaska Peninsula to its south and east. Bristol Bay is 400 km long and 290 km wide at its mouth. A number of rivers flow into the bay, including the Cinder, Igushik, Kvichak, Meshik, Nushagak, Naknek, Togiak, and Ugashik. Bristol Bay Bristol Bay is sockeye salmon country. The region is a land of great inland lakes, ideally suited to the juvenile life of sockeye salmon. The habitats here are virtually pristine and intact with a notable absence of mining and offshore oil and gas exploration in the region. The long proposed Pebble Mine, situated at the intersection between the Nushagak River and Kvichak River watersheds, would unquestionably and permanently change this salmon landscape. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 60.9278 degrees South: 56.8716 degrees East: -152.7319 degrees West: -162.2713 degrees 2021-03-24T21:27:48Z A department within the government of Alaska which manages approximately 750 active fisheries, 26 game management units, and 32 special areas, with a mission, "To protect, maintain, and improve the fish, game, and aquatic plant resources of the state, and manage their use and development in the best interest of the economy and the well-being of the people of the state, consistent with the sustained yield principle." Alaska Department of Fish and Game 2021-03-25T18:03:25Z Jesse Coleman 2021-04-19T23:46:33Z Alaska Fisheries Science Center The Alaska Fisheries Science Center's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T16:03:29Z The Alaska Native Policy Center (Policy Center) is a project of the First Alaskans Institute created to support the Native voice and perspective in the public policy-making process. The Policy Center connects people and ideas producing knowledge that can be used to understand and improve the lives of Alaska Natives and all Alaskans. The Policy Center uses a proactive and forward- thinking approach, a focus that is statewide, and a relationship with the Native community that helps Alaska Native leaders and other policy makers access information they can use to help achieve healthy, thriving communities. Alaska Native Policy Center The Alaska Native Policy Center at the First Alaskans Institute's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T22:31:05Z SFU Simon Fraser University SFU's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T20:29:55Z The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) is a tribal government representing over 32,000 Tlingit and Haida Indians worldwide. The are a sovereign entity and have a government to government relationship with the United States. Tlingit & Haida's headquarters are in Juneau, Alaska but their commitment to serving the Tlingit and Haida people extends throughout the United States. Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska website is accessbile at: 2021-04-20T18:49:58Z Jonathan Samuelson 2021-04-20T17:07:36Z The Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group (KRSMWG) was formed in 1988 by the Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) in response to requests from stakeholders in the Kuskokwim Area who sought a more active role in the management of salmon fishery resources. The Working Group is made up of 14 member seats representing elders, subsistence fishermen, processors, commercial fishermen, sport fishermen, Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, member at large, federal subsistence regional advisory committees, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Non-agency members participate on a voluntary basis and receive no compensation. Participation in the Working Group process requires a great deal of time from its members and agency staff. The relationship among Working Group members, research planners, project leaders, and policy makers is fostered, and these interactions are critical to the aim of the Working Group. This relationship ensures that participants remain up-to-date on new information and maintain their direct involvement in management of Kuskokwim River salmon fisheries. The Subsistence Section provides the following core services: (a) Compile and analyze existing data; conduct research to gather information on the role of hunting and fishing by Alaskans for customary and traditional uses, (b) Disseminate current subsistence use information to the public; appropriate agencies and organizations; and fisheries and wildlife management divisions, (c) Assist the Board of Fisheries, the Board of Game, and the Joint Board of Fisheries and Game to evaluate customary and traditional uses of Alaska's fish and wildlife resources and amounts reasonably necessary for subsistence uses (ANS) of those resources, and (d) Assist fisheries and wildlife managers in preparing management plans to ensure information on customary and traditional uses and fish and wildlife harvests is incorporated. A research center of the University of California, Santa Barbara which fosters collaborative synthesis research by assembling interdisciplinary teams to distill existing data, ideas, theories, or methods drawn from many sources, across multiple fields of inquiry, in order to accelerate the generation of new knowledge on a broad scale. National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis NCEAS National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis The NCEAS website is accessible at: 2021-03-27T00:18:57Z Approximately the size of the state of Kansas, the Southeast region is categorized by thousands of small coastal watersheds that provide ideal spawning habitat for pink salmon and chum salmon in particular. All five species are caught and return to this region. In terms of total abundance of salmon, Southeast Alaska dominates the state. Managing and conserving salmon populations that move beyond international borders is a key challenge here as many of the Chinook salmon caught in Southeast were hatched outside Alaska. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 61.6887 degrees South: 54.2508 degrees East: -126.7735 degrees West: -143.8874 degrees DANSRD Department of Alaska Native Studies and Rural Development The UAF Alaska Native Studies and Rural Development webpage is accessible at: 2021-03-29T22:59:49Z Arctic Alaska or Far North Alaska is a region of the U.S. state of Alaska generally referring to the northern areas on or close to the Arctic Ocean. Far North Alaska Arctic In the Arctic region of Alaska, connections between salmon and people are in their infancy. Salmon are just one harbinger of change in this region. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 71.4396 degrees South: 67.7408 degrees East: -136.684 degrees West: -166.311 degrees 2021-03-24T21:27:43Z A department within the government of Alaska whose mission is to "Promote a healthy economy, strong communities, and protect consumers in Alaska." Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 2021-03-25T18:03:19Z A division within the government of Alaska's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) which maintains the department's land records repository and oversees DNR's computer systems and networks services. It provides for the department's data processing functions including development, training, operations, and maintenance. The Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) systems include the Land Administration System (LAS), the Geographic Information System, the Revenue and Billing System, and others. The section also produces and maintains the state's land status maps. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, IRM Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Support Services Division, Information Resource Management 2021-03-25T18:04:32Z Sam Truesdell 2021-04-20T15:27:23Z isAdvisorTo In addition to a lead researcher, some SASAP working groups have an additional advisor(s) to assist in the research efforts. The 'isAdvisorTo' object property connects advisors to their respective working groups. 2021-04-19T23:41:09Z Kenai Peninsula Borough (Russian: Кенай боро, Kenay boro) is a borough of the U.S. state of Alaska. KPB Kenai Peninsula Borough The Kenai Peninsula Borough's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T23:33:12Z Chistochina Enterprises is a wholly owned Section 17 Corporation authorized by the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act, formed under a Federal charter to represent the business interests of Cheesh'na and as a means of investing in the future of the Tribe. Chistochina Enterprises is governed by a five member Board of Director initially appointed by Cheesh'na Tribal Council. The main office is located in Chistochina, Alaska, and the enterprise is licensed to conduct business in the State of Alaska and nationally as outlined in its Federal charter. Christochina Enterprises Christochina Enterprises' website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T22:28:28Z UC Davis University of California, Davis UC Davis's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T20:18:20Z Native Village of Kotzebue More information about the Native Village of Kotzebue can be found at: 2021-04-20T18:02:31Z Wilson Justin 2021-04-20T17:06:54Z Kuskokwim The Kuskokwim region is the 4th largest of Alaska, and at 154,168 km² is comparable in size to the state of Georgia. The region drains the Kuskokwim – one of the great rivers of the world. The salmon-producing habitat of the Kuskokwim region is diverse and productive. Drier than the neighboring Bristol Bay region, the Kuskokwim region has a larger amount of burn area from forest fires than all other regions but the Yukon. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 64.4166 degrees South: 58.6262 degrees East: -151.5105 degrees West: -173.2164 degrees 2021-03-24T21:28:48Z A department within the government of Alaska which (a) has the specific statutory responsibility of protecting freshwater habitat for anadromous fish and providing free passage for all fish in freshwater bodies, (b) develops management plans and oversees activities (excluding trapping, hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing) in legislatively designated refuges, critical habitat areas, and sanctuaries known collectively as Special Areas, (c) works with the Division of Sport Fish to update the “Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing, or Migration of Anadromous Fishes,” (d) coordinates the ADF&G review of large and complex projects important to the State, and (e) works closely with the ADNR Division of Forestry to survey State and private forestry operations and evaluate implementation of Alaska’s Forest Resources and Practices Act (FRPA). Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Habitat 2021-03-25T18:04:11Z 2021-03-25T18:05:35Z United States Geologic Survey A bureau of the United Sates Departement of the Interior, which provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods, the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on, the health of our ecosystems and environment, and the impacts of climate and land-use change. The USGS website is accessible at: USGS Governance working group Governance and subsistence working group Learn more about the Governance and Subsistence Working Group here: 2021-03-25T18:47:12Z A financial institution principally engaged in investing in securites (i.e. a tradable financial asset). Investing firm 2021-04-05T20:05:34Z Bert A. Lewis 2021-04-20T15:51:45Z Daniel Schindler 2021-04-20T15:43:57Z Academic degree program 2021-04-21T18:08:49Z Liza Mack 2021-04-19T23:55:55Z USF University of South Florida USF's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T16:44:47Z Auke Bay Laboratories Auke Bay Laboratories' website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T23:09:04Z The SASAP project is a deep assessment of the state of knowledge of the biological, sociocultural, economic and governance dimensions of Alaska's salmon and the people who depend upon them. The SASAP project shares this knowledge with Alaska salmon users through comprehensive watershed-level summaries (Regions), focused research on specific salmon issues (Topics), and suppported links to SASAP's free, open-source datasets, accessible through the SASAP Data Portal ( A department within the government of Washington which is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the state's fish, wildlife, and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities. NRC Natural Resources Consultants, Inc. NRC's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T23:05:50Z The Southeast Alaska/Yakutat Region (Region I) consists of Alaska waters between Cape Suckling on the north and Dixon Entrance on the south. Salmon are commercially harvested in Southeast Alaska with purse seines and drift gillnets; in Yakutat with set gillnets; and in both areas with hand and power troll gear. Herring are harvested in winter bait, sac roe, spawn-on-kelp, and bait pound fisheries. Miscellaneous shellfish (sea cucumber, sea urchins, and geoduck clams) are harvested in dive fisheries in the region. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has management jurisdiction over all groundfish resources within state waters in Region I. In addition, the State has management authority for Demersal Shelf Rockfish, ling cod, and black and blue rock fish in both state and federal waters. There are several commercially important shellfish species in Southeast Alaska. They include golden and red king crab, Dungeness crab, Tanner crab, and pandalid shrimp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Southeast Region 2021-03-25T18:04:07Z Region I A department within the government of Alaska and a sub-division of the Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife, Division of Commercial Fisheries which manages the Southeast Region. ESPM ESPM UC Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management ESPM's webpage is accessible at: 2021-04-20T21:12:55Z 2021-03-25T18:05:30Z A bureau of the United States Department of the Interior whose mission is to work with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service Economic working group Socioeconomic working group Learn more about the Socioeconomic Working Group here: The goals of the Economic working group are to (1) identify important trends in the historical relationships between salmon and salmon users which may have been overlooked, (2) inform and support evidence-based policy aimed at sustainable and equitable decision making, and (3) compile, archive, and share relevant historical socioeconomic data about Alaska's salmon systems. 2021-03-25T18:47:08Z hasAffiliate 2021-03-25T19:11:36Z A department within the government of Alaska which (a) has the specific statutory responsibility of protecting freshwater habitat for anadromous fish and providing free passage for all fish in freshwater bodies, (b) develops management plans and oversees activities (excluding trapping, hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing) in legislatively designated refuges, critical habitat areas, and sanctuaries known collectively as Special Areas, (c) works with the Division of Sport Fish to update the “Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing, or Migration of Anadromous Fishes,” (d) coordinates the ADF&G review of large and complex projects important to the State, and (e) works closely with the ADNR Division of Forestry to survey State and private forestry operations and evaluate implementation of Alaska’s Forest Resources and Practices Act (FRPA). The Calista Elders Council was established in 1991 as a non-profit organization representing 1,300 Yup'ik traditional bearers of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in Southwest Alaska. The Calista Elders Council was formed to help protect and preserve the Yup’ik, Cup’ik and Athabascan cultures. In 2014, after a 20 year history of interacting and working together, the Calista Elders Council, Inc. merged with the former Calista Heritage Foundation to form what is now Calista Education and Culture, Inc. A research institute which is not part of a university, government, hospital or corporation. An independent research institute may have a close relationship with a larger institution such as a university, but is not part of the larger insitution and operates under its own authority. Independent research institute 2021-04-05T19:57:33Z Curry Cunningham 2021-04-20T16:11:48Z Laura Loucks 2021-04-20T15:50:50Z Joe Spaeder 2021-04-20T15:40:25Z UW EarthLab University of Washington EarthLab Center for Creative Conservation C3 EarthLab Since its establishment, the Center has been a member of UW EarthLab—a new environmental institute housing other groups such as the Climate Impacts Group, the Center for Health and the Global Environment, and the Washington Ocean Acidification Center. EarthLab’s inaugural Executive Director, Ben Packard, has been working over the past year to clarify the vision, priorities and strategic outcomes for EarthLab. As this vision has taken shape, it has become clear that the activities of the Center are a key element of EarthLab. Rather than duplicating the efforts of C3 at the EarthLab level, we have decided to integrate the Center for Creative Conservation into EarthLab. 2021-04-21T17:48:10Z Jim Fall 2021-04-19T23:54:56Z Auburn Auburn University Auburn's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T16:43:47Z Fewer than 2500 people live permanently in the Copper River region, an area comparable in size to the state of West Virginia. Sockeye salmon are dominant here, given the multiple large lakes available for rearing juvenile salmon. Though less abundant than sockeye, king salmon are deeply important to all salmon-connected people. Kings have declined in number since 2007. The bounding coordinates for this SASAP region are: North: 63.3227 degrees South: 59.7112 degrees East: -139.6942 degrees West: -147.8251 degrees An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim. Project 2021-03-30T20:31:09Z An inlet of the Bering Sea on the western coast of the State of Alaska, south of the Seward Peninsula. It is about 240 km long and 200 km wide. The Yukon River delta forms a portion of the south shore and water from the Yukon influences this body of water. Norton Sound An average of two million pink salmon and 250,000 chum salmon return to the sub-Arctic region of Norton Sound, an area approximately twice the size of Massachusetts. The bounding coordinates of this SASAP region are: North: 65.8544 degrees South: 62.8268 degrees East: -159.1906 degrees West: -171.9762 degrees 2021-03-24T21:28:59Z A permanent or semi-permanent state govenrment organization which is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions. State government department, division, or agency 2021-03-25T18:01:09Z A department within the government of Alaska with a mission to scientifically gather, quantify, evaluate, and report information about customary and traditional uses of Alaska's fish and wildlife resources. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence The Subsistence Section provides the following core services: (a) Compile and analyze existing data; conduct research to gather information on the role of hunting and fishing by Alaskans for customary and traditional uses, (b) Disseminate current subsistence use information to the public; appropriate agencies and organizations; and fisheries and wildlife management divisions, (c) Assist the Board of Fisheries, the Board of Game, and the Joint Board of Fisheries and Game to evaluate customary and traditional uses of Alaska's fish and wildlife resources and amounts reasonably necessary for subsistence uses (ANS) of those resources, and (d) Assist fisheries and wildlife managers in preparing management plans to ensure information on customary and traditional uses and fish and wildlife harvests is incorporated. 2021-03-25T18:04:20Z An entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest. Intergovernmental organization 2021-03-25T18:06:04Z Bill Bechtol 2021-04-20T15:45:26Z Indigenous Studies Program 2021-04-21T18:09:34Z Rob Sanderson Jr. 2021-04-19T23:58:18Z CBT Clayoquot Biosphere Trust CBT's website is accessible at: 2021-04-21T17:21:37Z isSupportingResearcherOf In addition to a lead researcher, some SASAP working groups have an additional affiliated researcher(s) to assist in the research efforts. The 'isSupportingResearcherOf' object property connects supporting researchers to their respective working groups. 2021-04-19T21:19:32Z Mountains to Sea Kenai Mountains to Sea Kenai Mountains to Sea's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T23:24:55Z Akiak Native Community The Akiak Native Community's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T21:31:20Z NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T20:10:56Z UW University of Wisconsin-Madison UW's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T20:08:29Z A sound of the Gulf of Alaska on the south coast of the State of Alaska. It is located on the east side of the Kenai Peninsula. PWS Prince William Sound Prince William Sound is a region of rain, icefields, and glaciers. Only two (Whittier and Valdez) of Prince William Sound’s largest human communities are connected via road. The terminus of the Alaska oil pipeline ends in this region and results in a fairly high footprint of human activity in a relatively small region. Pink salmon, chum salmon, and sockeye salmon fisheries are current mainstays of local communities with hatchery enhancement of these species (particularly pink salmon) a fundamental dynamic in the region. The bounding coordinates of this SASAP region are: North: 61.5189 degrees South: 59.357 degrees East: -145.1013 degrees West: -149.1761 degrees 2021-03-24T21:28:55Z A department within the government of Alaska with a mission to protect and improve the state's sport fishery resources. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish The Division of Sport Fisheries provides the following core services: (a) fisheries management, (b) fisheries research, (c) fisheries enhancement, (d) protection and restoration of fish habitats for the ebefit of fish and sport anglers, (e) communication and outreach, and (f) providing leadership and administrative support for the Division's core functions. 2021-03-25T18:04:16Z A department within the government of Washington which is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the state's fish, wildlife, and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities. WDFW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 2021-03-25T18:05:41Z Salmon size working group 2021-03-25T18:47:18Z A large estuary stretching 180 miles from the Gulf of Alaska to Anchorage in south-central Alaska. It separates the Kenai Peninsula from mainland Alaska and branches into the Knik Arm and Turnagain Arm at its northern end, almost surrounding Anchorage. The watershed covers about 100,000 km2 of southern Alaska, east of the Aleutian Range and south of the Alaska Range, receiving water from its tributaries the Knik River, the Little Susitna River, and the Susitna and Matanuska rivers. The watershed includes the drainage areas of Mount McKinley. Within the watershed there are several national parks and four historically active volcanoes. Marissa L. Baskett 2021-04-20T15:53:13Z Milo Adkison 2021-04-20T15:44:32Z Graduate degree program 2021-04-21T18:09:16Z Julie Raymond-Yakoubian 2021-04-19T23:57:10Z Charity 2021-04-21T17:14:16Z Federal/non-federal partnerships and programs 2021-04-20T23:24:11Z Old Harbor Native Corporation (OHNC) was established in 1971 under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). OHNC’s mission is to preserve and protect the culture, values and traditions of its community, shareholders and descendants; and to work together to create economic and educational opportunities while promoting self-determination and pride. Old Harbor Native Corporation OHNC's website is accessible at: 2021-04-20T21:29:40Z