# Note: Some values in this file will be overwritten during the package # installation process. To pre-configure them, see each configuration file # per environment (e.g. d1-dev-environment.conf) cn.nodeId=NODEIDENTIFIER # This is the nodeId of the CN that is the current 'active' node in the single master CN configuration. Only one # node can be 'active', with other nodes automatically assuming the role of 'passive'. cn.nodeId.active=NODEIDENTIFIER cn.hostname=SERVER_NAME cn.checksumAlgorithmList=SHA-1;MD5 cn.administrators=CN=Robert P Waltz A904,O=Google,C=US,DC=cilogon,DC=org;CN=Benjamin Leinfelder A515,O=University of Chicago,C=US,DC=cilogon,DC=org D1Client.certificate.directory=/etc/dataone/client/private D1Client.certificate.filename=CLIENTCERTFILENAME cn.solrAdministrator.token=SOLRTOKEN cn.nodeId.validation=^urn\\:node\\:\\w{2,16}$ cn.nodeId.validation.errorText=The NodeId must comply to the following pattern: a string starting with 'urn:node:' followed by at least 2 and at most 16 characters inclusive of all alphanumeric characters and the '_' character cn.context.label=DEV cn.iplist= cn.nodeIds= cn.router.nodeId= cn.router.hostname= # setting the following to true filters all http requests to return d1 ServiceFailure exception cn.service.disable=false cn.query.engines=solr;logsolr cn.server.publiccert.filename= environment.hosts=CN_ENV_HOSTNAME_LIST cn.rsyncuser=rsync_user